Page 35 of Thirst

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“No, you drove for hours, now it’s my turn,” I tell him, holding out my hand. “You don’t scare me, not anymore, Salvatore.”

He leans down getting in my face, his lips an inch away from mine. I can smell his sweat, his masculine musk, and my stomach swoops. “You should be, babe. When we stop at a motel, you’ll find out how fucking scared you should be,” he husks out, handing me the keys.

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath.

We drive for two days straight, alternating driving between pit stops, and I begin to believe what he said was nothing but an empty threat. When we reach the border, he takes the wheel, and after a short stop at the North Dakota station with his guy sitting in the booth, we’re back in the States.

We don’t fight anymore, instead we talk about normal things. Our favorite food, movies, and music, about Iggy. He has a quick sense of humor, and he even smiles once in a while. We don’t agree on much, but he isn’t mean or snarky. There is an underlying current to him, a storm brewing. I see it in the way he looks at me, his eyes lingering on my lips, in the way he shifts in his seat, and adjusts the front of his jeans when he thinks I’m not paying attention. He asks about Iggy and listens while I tell him stories of our travels, and how proud I am of him. After a while the only sound filling the truck is the soft jazz playing on the car stereo, and my eyes start to droop, the movement of the car lulling me to sleep.

I wake with a start, instinctively putting my hand on my side to reach for my gun that isn’t there when the passenger side door opens.

“I got us a room,” he says, his dark voice waking me instantly while he motions to the small building behind him.

“One room?” I ask, getting out and stretching.

“Yeah,” he rasps, running hungry eyes over my body. “It’s about time you and I settle the score of whatever stands between us,” he growls without hesitating, drawing a shudder from me. “We’re going to fuck it out of each other,” he says with a low groan. His eyes cold and calculating. “One orgasm at a time.”
