Page 50 of Thirst

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“You had your little fun when you raped her thirteen years ago in the shipping container,” Derick laughs.

Iggy flinches and looks at me.

“And now you want to play house, and raise the son you thought you couldn’t have? You’re a killer, Jonathan, ditch the kid and the girl. Do what you were born to do and come work for me, no hard feelings right?”

“What?” Iggy husks out. “Mom he’s…” he trails off.

“Baby,” I plead, grabbing his hand I motion for him to stay quiet. I search my leather jacket for my phone but come up empty. I scan the area and squint when I see a reflection on the top of five containers a hundred yards from us. Is that the barrel of a sniper rifle? My brother was a sniper in Afghanistan. Fuck, Sal, what have you got planned?

“Yes, he is my son, and he’s going to inherit what we built one day.”

“You wish, Jonathan,” Derick replies. “It’s mine, like she is. Goodbye, Salvatore.” Then he aims and fires his gun.

I scream Sal’s name, and without thinking I run toward him, leaving Iggy behind the barrels. Sal’s on the ground, blood pooling his white shirt. “No,” I cry, holding him in my arms, kissing his forehead over and over. “Don’t leave me. I love you,” I sob, kissing his lips. “Don’t leave me again, amore, please. I love you,” I sob, rocking him against my chest.

Derick laughs while I kiss the man I’ve fallen in love with. The father of my beautiful son, and he’s gone. My tears fall freely while I press my lips to his. After a beat I feel him devouring me, his tongue pushing against mine. Claiming my mouth, his right hand travels into my hair, while he groans my name. I pull back with a gasp, watching while he opens his eyes giving me a smug satisfied grin.

It falls when we both hear Derick say, “If I can’t have her, you never will.” He aims the gun at me and pulls the trigger. Sal turns me onto my side and shields me from the bullet. His body shakes, the impact slamming me to the concrete. With a roar Sal aims his gun at Derick’s head and fires, but instead of one, two shots vibrate through the air. One strikes Derick in the chest, the other between his eyes while more follow from the other guys. Two hard shots ring out shattering the windows of the car, and Derick’s guys raise their arms in surrender.

We both look back and watch as Iggy raises his gun in Sal’s direction. “Get away from my mom,” he yells, while Sal stands, clutching his side. He probably broke a couple of ribs. The fucker was wearing a bulletproof vest. He places his own gun on the ground holding up his hands. “Easy there, cowboy.”

Sal’s guys stand back and secure their weapons before Mick and Nathan arrest Derick’s two men who are still alive. Vasily says something, holding his hand to the piece in his ear. I can make out my brother’s name, and the Russian smiles, turning to the direction of where I spotted the reflection on top of the containers, and salutes.

“Son,” Sal says, taking a step toward him.

They keep staring at each other, the men I love, while I wipe at my tear-streaked face.

“It’s okay, son,” Sal repeats, pride shining through his deep voice.

“I’m not your son,” Iggy growls, still aiming the gun at Sal’s blood-soaked chest. It was all a ruse, the fake blood, the betrayal, everything. Sal did it all to protect us.

“And nice shot, kid,” Sal chuckles, looking at Derick’s lifeless form.

Iggy’s eyes turn ice cold, and the corner of his mouth hikes up like he’s proud. Fuck.

“But you can never do it again,” Sal warns, lowering his hands.

“Iggy,” I begin but Sal shakes his head.

“This is between us,” he warns, his voice low.

“Don’t talk to Mom like that,” Iggy bites out.

“Your mother told me she loves me, so I think I’m good,” he laughs, and the smile which follows is naughty and loving at the same time. He winks at me and swipes his thumb over his bottom lip. Fuck, the asshole looks even better with blood on his shirt. But I still want to slap him for not making me part of the plan.

“What did I miss?” I hear my brother Billy ask while he jogs up to us, the military sniper rifle strapped to his back. Vasily flashes him a grin and they lock eyes for a beat.

“Let’s take a walk, kid,” Sal says, motioning to the dock.

Iggy’s shoulders slump, and he nods, not letting go of the gun.

“Sal,” I begin, looking at my son with tears in my eyes. Iggy turns his face away and the pain I see in his eyes tears me in two. This was what I was afraid of.

“We’ll be fine,” Sal promises. He looks over his shoulder at Derick’s lifeless form. “Mick, Alex, Nathan, you guys clean up.”

“On it, boss,” Alex says, and with the help of the others they start hauling him away.

I watch the loves of my life walking along the dock, a couple feet between them and I hug myself for protection. Billy stands next to me. “They’ll be all right, sis,” he says, kissing my temple, before following Vasily to help with the cleanup.
