Page 7 of Thirst

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Thirteen years earlier

The alarm blares from the speakers in the rundown loft, waking me from my daydream of Paxton’s creamy thighs wrapped around my head while I sucked on her clit.

“Fuck that was a good dream,” I laugh while I stare at my brother in arms.

Vasily moans and throws a pillow from the couch in my face swearing in Russian, probably too tired to open his eyes. My shit eating grin splits my face in two as I sprint to the computer and stare at the live feed from outside the building. I run the facial recognition program Vasily set up and get a couple of hits while I put my brown colored contacts in. I scan the names Dalton James, Billy James, and Jesse James, her father. My sweet Paxton brought the whole damn cavalry.

“Did your little fucked up plan work?” my friend asks from the couch.

“Yes, sir, we got company,” I grunt, practicing my accent, and my cock hardens in my pants at the image.

“What kind of company? Is she alone?” he asks, walking over to check out the feed, busy wiping the sleep from his eyes.

“The good kind.” I smile staring at her. My dick twitches as I take in her pretty face and those dark curls. God damn, Miss. Paxxie James is hot as hell, and all mine.

Vasily gets dressed while he scans the info flashing on the computer. “Are you fucking crazy bringing her here with her father and brothers? Couldn’t you have abducted her or fucked her in her room like a normal stalker?” His accent thick.

“This adds more spice,” I tell him, grinning while she pulls a bullet proof vest over her head, those perky breasts straining against her white shirt. I groan and rub a hand over my crotch to get the edge off. Is that a white lace bra I see? Goddamn I need to get laid.

“One day your dick is going to get you shot. The Company taught us better, asshole,” he warns, doing a last walk-through of the room before we bounce.

“Well shit, I’m scared,” I laugh, checking my gun, and shrugging on my black leather jacket.

“Time to go, dude?” he asks, throwing me my grab bag.

“Yes, sir,” I answer, going over the plan in my head.

Doing some shit on the computer I don’t understand, Vasily nods. “I do have to admit this is kind of exciting; give me a sec to wipe us clean.” How the guy does it, I have absolutely no idea, but he’s one of the best hackers in the world and my best friend. Hell, my only friend.

“Meet you at the dock?” he asks, starting the countdown to erase we were ever here. I nod as we check our guns again.

“How will I recognize you?” I joke, feigning a Southern accent, hitting him in the shoulder with mine.

He flips me off. “I hoped we had more time in New Orleans,” he says, smiling when the camera feeds go black and the doors click shut in the loft, leaving the ones open for us to escape. “Sixty minutes and this whole building goes up in flames.” He smiles.

“Meet you after my playdate,” I say, tapping the screen with her picture on it before the last computer shuts down.

He walks toward the only open door to make our rooftop escape. “You’re one creepy ass stalker, you know that, right?”

“I know, isn’t it great,” I rasp, winking at him.

“They taught us not to play with our food, asshole,” he jokes, walking backward to the door.

“The only reason why I’ve been watching her while she slept.” I hold up a finger to correct myself, “And jerking off, and eating her out,” I add, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

He makes a face. “You’re crazy, give me dick anytime of the week,” he chuckles saluting me.

“Maybe one of her brothers will oblige,” I tease.

A heavy beat passes while he stares at his phone. “The Billy guy is kind of cute,” he replies, adjusting his belt, probably already sporting a hard-on. The fucker has an obsession with long haired dudes.

“See, my stalker tendencies are good for something,” I say, giving him another wink.

“Later, suka,” he grumbles, flipping me the bird. “Have fun.” The door slams shut behind him.

“Oh I will.” I open the building plan on my phone and watch as four little dots move up the screen. “I’m going to have so much fun with her.” I’ve still got fifty minutes before the place burns to the ground. I follow the red dot. I planted a bug on her phone while she slept so I could trace her every damn day. Since she bumped into me on Bourbon Street, I was hooked. Paxton apologized with her sweet Southern twang, and as I watched her walk away, her tight ass swaying from left to right, I made it my mission to make her mine. I’ve been stalking her for almost two years now, and fantasized about fucking her ever since I watched her get herself off from the shadow of her closet.
