Page 9 of X My Heart

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Iwake up early, pack my suitcase and am on the road, biting my nails the whole ride to Jay’s house. I’ve been nauseous and dizzy since waking up. I stop to get a coffee, and swallow down a couple pills.

Following the last exit leading up to his training facility, I try to get my nerves under control. I don’t know what I’m hoping to find once I get to Jay’s house. The last time I was here it was only his trailer he lived in, and nothing but barren ground.

Entering the driveway I spot a sign, with Jay Alexander BMX Training Center in big black letters on it.

“This is it,” I mutter.

Nothing could have prepared me for this. The grounds are huge—even bigger than I remember. Grabbing the steering wheel more firmly, because my hands are sweating like crazy, I swear under my breath. “Damn, Jay.”

Driving onto the tree-lined road leading to his house, I can’t believe what I’m looking at. It’s like an oasis. Luscious green plants, trees, and the bright colors of sunflowers surrounding the property are not what I expected to find.

I stop the car in front of a garage, next to a couple large pickup trucks.

“Jeez, this is big,” I mumble. I step out of the rental, even this early the sun is blasting down in full force. Taking in the land, I sigh, blinking back my tears. I lean against the side of the car staring up at the house. What the hell am I going to say to him? Hi Jay, long time no see. Can I crash here until…

“Fuck,” I whisper. My hands are clammy and I feel dizzy all of a sudden. Maybe I shouldn’t have come, he hasn’t been a father to me the last couple of years, what the hell is going to change now? Do I really believe he’s going to welcome me with open arms? Taking a deep breath, I shake my head, and what about his riders? Drew seems like a nice guy, judging from the pictures on his website, but how’s the blue-eyed bad boy who’s also been living with Jay going to react with me invading their space?

I straighten my spine. “Whatever, you can do this,” I whisper, taking in the beautiful white ranch-style California home. There is a small condo with two doors and another huge garage not too far from the main house. I leave my suitcase in the trunk, and head to the front door. My fingers hover above the doorknob.

“Get it together,” I tell myself, and knock.

No response.

My heart is racing so fast, that my hands begin to shake. I knock a few more times. Great, I had this whole speech planned for when he opened the door, the only thing I can remember is ‘Hi Jay.’ Pushing back my anger I knock again, still, no one answers the door. I take my seat on the steps of the house and wait. Humming under my breath, I tap my feet restlessly on the wood. I’m nervous as hell.

Maybe I’ll go explore before I chicken out.

I grab the railing of the porch for support, and make my way down. Taking in my surroundings, my anxiety subsides a little bit. Jay’s place is beautiful, the sunflowers next to the house, and the Adirondack chairs overlooking the driveway are not what I expected to find. I imagined some bachelor compound, definitely not this.

I follow a path next to the house, and pass the garages. There are a couple of surfboards hanging on the side of the house like works of art. Mom told me Jay loved to surf when they were younger. The stories she let slip always involved her and Jay going on some road trip. He loved the outdoors and spent most of his free time either on the track, in the water, or on his dirt bike exploring the rough terrain around San Diego.

I spot the training facility in the distance—big is an understatement. He has built a whole BMX track behind the house with a starting gate and all. Probably so his boys can train here without any onlookers. I run up one of the hills, and my breath catches. Damn it.

“Shit.” I grab hold of my knees. I’m done already. I can’t imagine doing this every day.

Straightening my spine, I’m in awe as I take in the beautiful view. Everywhere around me there are mountains, and beyond them must be the ocean. The colors in the sky are a mix of yellow and orange; it takes my breath away.

An engine rumbles from my left. I turn my head to a car coming up the drive. After slowly walking down the hill, I make my way to the front of the house, trying to suppress my nerves with each step.

A bus parks in front of the garage with a pickup truck and big trailer behind it. Shielding my eyes against the sun, I watch a blond guy, and an older man I don’t recognize getting out of the bus. They are both talking and laughing.

“Yo, Drew, I’ll take the bikes into the garage,” the man with a long gray beard says.

“I’ll help you.” Drew smiles. With his blond hair, he could easily pass for a professional surfer. Jay gets out of the driver’s side of the pickup truck, and I take a couple of steps. His hair is long, and he’s wearing a baseball cap. “I guess one of your fans decided to show up,” Jay says, pointing in the direction of my car.

Another guy hops out of the passenger seat. “What the fuck are you talking about old man,” he drawls. Leaning against the truck, he winces holding onto the side of the door for dear life. He has a swollen black eye, and raises his shirt to scratch his inked stomach revealing a white bandage wrapped around his ribs.

“Hunter,” Jay yells, “we need to talk.” He slams the driver’s side door shut.

“Can’t it wait? I’m this close to passing out,” rolling back his shoulders the guy moans. He is covered in tattoos. They stop just below his jawline, and disappear under his shirt. He’s trouble waiting to happen, and searing hot at the same time.

The black shirt hugs his broad shoulders and his biceps—to a mouthwatering effect. One side of his head is buzzed short; the rest of his dark hair reaches below a pierced earlobe. His Vikings-inspired haircut should be ridiculous, but it works for him.

I spot the tattoos covering his arms, even his neck is inked, and my stomach does a back flip. The piercings decorating his handsome face give him an undeniable edge. Damn, the guy is hot.

Hunter flashes Jay a pained grin. “We’ll talk after I make it to my bed, fucking crash for twelve hours, and work on my social skills,” he says, baring his white teeth in a mocking smile.
