Page 4 of Veil

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Smiling, I wave back and start toward them, then falter when I notice the man beside my mother.Victor.

I suck in a breath, unable to hide the shock on my face. I wasn’t expecting to see him today. If I’m being honest, I’d hoped I wouldn’t see him ever again. Not after the way he treated me.

But there he stands with his hands shoved in his pockets, looking like the loving boyfriend he’d been when we first started dating. It’s a lie. Everything about Victor Martin is a lie.

I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster over the last few days, and right now I just feel… indifferent. My stomach is in knots, because him being here is just another manipulative tactic to control me right under my parents’ noses. I’m not the type to make a scene in a crowded place. I prefer to fight my battles in private, but I’m done battling with Victor. He knows he’s caught me off guard, and that my mother is—understandably—overprotective, so I’d never say or do anything to cause her more worry.

Keeping my smile locked in place, I put one foot in front of the other until I’m standing in front of Victor. “Well, this is a surprise,” I say sweetly. I leave out the words “nice” or “pleasant” because it’s neither. “I thought you weren’t going to be back in time.”

“I took an earlier flight and came straight here,” he explains, taking my hand. “You didn’t really think I’d miss your graduation, did you, kitten?” He kisses the inside of my wrist, laying it on thick for my parents.

I seriously hate him.

My mother swoons, pressing a hand to her chest. My father rolls his eyes at my mother’s theatrics.

“Congratulations, baby girl.” He opens his arms, and I step into his embrace.

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Victor, I hope you’ll be joining us for lunch,” my mother says.

“Of course, Mrs. Hawkins, but lunch is on me.” He flashes her his charming smile, the one I stupidly fell for, and I want to slap it off his face.

“Oh”—she waves him off —“that’s not necessary.”

Victor pulls his buzzing phone from his pocket and frowns down at the screen. “Excuse me. I need to take this real quick.” He turns on his heel. “Victor Martin,” he barks into the phone as he walks off.

“Makayla,” a female voice calls, and I look over to see Heather, my former classmate, approaching.

“Congratulations,” I say as we embrace each other.

“You too.” She holds out her hand to my mother and introduces herself. “Heather Reed.”

I introduce my parents, and before my mother begins interrogating Heather, I suggest they head to the restaurant. “Victor and I will meet you there.”

Mom holds out my wristlet, and I take it as she kisses my cheek. “See you soon.”

I watch them walk off, then turn my attention to Heather and glance briefly over her shoulder. “Is your family here?”

“Yeah. Somewhere.” She cranes her neck as if searching for someone, and I instinctively do the same.

I spot Victor standing under a tree with his phone pressed to his ear, other hand shoved in his pocket, and annoyance etched on his face. As if he senses me watching, his eyes meet mine, and his lips thin into a straight line. His gaze flicks between Heather and me before he ends his call and stalks back in our direction.

“… so if I could get your number.” Heather’s voice pulls my attention back to her. She’s holding up her phone and looking at me expectantly.

Crap.I didn’t hear anything she just said.

I rattle off my number, and she types it into her phone. “Perfect. I just texted you with my number. Maybe we can meet up for a celebratory drink sometime.”

If my parents weren’t already on their way to the restaurant, I’d suggest we get that drink now. “I’d like that.”

“Great. I’ll text you soon.” She steps around me and hurries off, disappearing into the crowd.

I take the last few steps toward Victor, closing the gap between us.

“Who was that?” he asks, slipping his phone into his pocket.

Ignoring his question, I ask, “Why are you here?”
