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Stella’s perfectly manicured hand fanned away the heat of Landon's memory, while Katie’s fingers gripped a crystal champagne flute so hard it threatened to crumble. She twirled around to flee, unwilling to torture herself anymore, but didn’t get away in time because she crashed intoCraig the Intern, a hulking kid of about twenty with a round face and linebacker shoulders. While they both fumbled to keep crystal glassesfrom smashing to the floor, Katie was forced to hear what Stella said next.

"Oh Gina, I’m going to ask Landon if you can come see his place. You’d love what the interior designer did with it. You and Frank need to check it out and get ideas for your place in the city."

That was enough to completely slaughter Katie’s will to wait on the red-headed bitch and her posse. She managed to avoid them for the last inning, then limped back to her office to find an extra pile of work from Lori with a sticky note on top.

Have these spreadsheets ready for our next meeting

Which next meeting? The staff meeting the day after tomorrow or the smaller assistants' meeting at the end of the week? More likely an impromptu one-on-one that Lori would spring on her first thing in the morning.

"No rest for the weary," she muttered as she loaded the folders up in a file box.

Ten minutes later, Katie stepped out of the elevator onto the employee level of the parking garage, the cavernous space eerily silent despite a good number of vehicles still parked in the spots. She tucked her empty coffee tumbler under the arm holding the box so she could rummage in the purse slung over her other shoulder. Her fingers found the car key fob and managed to pop the trunk just as the coffee tumbler clattered to the ground. Katie’s foot sprung out in a useless attempt to stop it from rolling away, and the file box fell from her grip, half the contents spilling onto the concrete.

"Great, just great."

She dropped all her other stuff into the open trunk and got on all fours, cursing her stupid tight skirt the entire way down. With butt perched in the air, her arms swept up the coffee mug and the strewn papers before she stumbled to her feet and dumped it all into the trunk. One hand brushed off her knees while the other fished her purse out, then slammed the truck shut. Two frantic rummages through her purse and a useless tug of the trunk lid confirmed that her car key was locked inside.

"Are you kidding me?! Damn it!"

Katie thunked the side of her fist against the car window before checking every pocket in her purse yet again. The keys to her apartment were still in there, along with her cell phone. She dug it out to order an Uber…and couldn’t get any service.

"Come on! Seriously?!"

Katie slumped against the car door and dropped her face into her palm in defeat.

"Rough day?"

Oh no, oh no, oh no. Here? Now? With her skirt askew, blouse untucked, hair a complete disaster? With her day literally falling apart in her hands? That’s when fate chose for her path to cross with Landon’s?

She peeked out from between her fingers. He looked unbelievably sexy, of course, his hair wet and spiky, a duffle bag clutched in one hand.

"What’s going on?" he asked. "Everything ok?"

Katie smoothed her hair, adjusted her skirt, and pushed off the car to stand up in front of him like a professional adult who hadn’t just thrown a tempter tantrum.

"Everything’s fine," she assured him. "Just a long day that’s about to get longer. I locked my keys in the trunk."

"Do you have an extra?"

"Yeah, at my apartment. I’m gonna Uber it as soon as I get out of here and get a cell signal."

"I’ll take you."

Katie was already shaking her head. "You don’t have to do that. You just played a game and you have to play tomorrow. I can handle it."

She took a step back to weaken the magnetic pull he had over her, but it didn’t work. Just like at the coffee shop, just like his phone calls, Landon had come out of nowhere to save her from herself. And she so badly wanted to be rescued right now.

"C’mon Katie, I know you can handle it, but I want to help. I promise I won’t try anything," he said, a teasing ring to his voice. "Besides, what are friends for?"

That twinkle in his eye must have hypnotized her and short circuited her brain because she couldn’t think of one good argument to put up as he guided her toward his truck and opened the passenger door.

His truck was navy blue on the outside, dark gray leather on the inside, and smelled like two of her favorite scents ever: new car and Landon Ryan. Katie slunk low in the passenger’s seat and when Landon rolled down the window for the gate security guard, she turned her face and pretended to be engrossed in her phone.

"Landon! What’s up, man? I’m bringing the kids out to the game tomorrow. They want to see you hit number fifteen, don’t let me down man."

"I’ll see what I can do, Leon…"

Katie tuned out their conversation, but Landon’s voice rang clearly in her head:"Tell me you want me, Katie. Say my name. Tell me you’re going to let me lick your clit and finger your pussy then come with my dick all up inside you."
