Page 108 of A Lie in Church

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I took a deep breath before turning around, showing him my exposed back. I could feel his eyes; they were drilling into my skin. I wanted him to stare at it for as long as he wanted. Boldness shielded my fear. He entered the water, and soon, he was behind me. He touched my shoulders, which made me flinch.

“You didn’t have to,” he whispered, turning me around.

I allowed my hands to fall off from around my chest. I had not just stripped my shame, but my insecurities as well. I looked into his eyes, searching for something—perhaps the truth—but more so, I searched for a place I hoped to belong.

“It doesn’t change anything about you; you’re still you, and I admire the person you are.”

My eyes burned, tears threatening to come out.

“I’m sorry if I made you feel bad about yourself. You’re beautiful, Chloe,” he said, caressing my cheeks softly with his thumbs.

“They say the strongest people are the ones with scars. I don’t want you to feel ashamed about your scar because of what my dumbass said. You’re a survivor, and you should be proud,” he said, lips curling into a sacred smile. “I might not know your story, but just know you’re extraordinary.”

“Didn’t know you had that in you,” I said as he brushed my wet hair back and cupped my cheeks.

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me,” he whispered while I laughed.

His eyes crinkled at the edges as the corners of his lips turned upward. He leaned down and kissed me softly. I pressed my body to his, kissing him back.

“What the hell is that on your back?”

The delicate drumming of my heart morphed into disaster. We pulled away to look at who’d just spoken.

What is she doing here? At this time of the night?



“Sofia?” I mumbled immediately after I saw her.

Bright red lipstick laced her lips. I quickly moved behind Tristan, staying where I could see her, keeping myself covered.

“Hey, Tristy,” she said with a bit of sultriness in her voice. Her black heels had gold chains around the ankles, and her short hair looked glossy from here. Her burgundy dress was too revealing, fitting her careless nature.

“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” Tristan said, putting one arm around my waist and pulling me to his back.

Sofia glanced at me before talking. “Since you dumped me at the altar for a little girl and decided I didn’t exist anymore, I came to say hi.”

I rolled my eyes and stared at her red nails that weirdly stole my attention.

“I can’t believe you almost put my brother in a coma because of her. He had to get a nose job done, you know.”

“Next time he tries to hurt her again, he won’t get so lucky.”

Are they talking about Ralph? What did Tristan do to him?

“I hope she’s worth it, Tristan,” Sofia said, looking at me with thick resentment clouding her eyes.

She smiled and turned to Tristan.

“We were friends before we started dating. I don’t hate you for your stupid decision. I wasn’t planning on getting pregnant anyway. I’m becoming a full-time model next year, and I need this body. Who has time to nurse a crying baby?” She said.

Tristan just stared at her, not saying anything.

“Thanks for caring, but you should’ve called.” Tristan sounded annoyed.

“Sorry for ruining the ‘moment.’” She added air quotes with her long nails to the last word.
