Page 160 of A Lie in Church

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“What are you doing?” I groaned at Tristan, who was busy doing God knew what on my hair.


“Ouch!” I winced at the sharp pain from his braiding.

“Almost done. Relax,” he said with a soft laugh.

I touched my hair when he was done and glared at him.

“The word is,thanks.”

“For causing me pain?”

He smiled and raised my chin, so he could kiss me. It was slow and laced with passion.

“You look sexy. I feel like a stylist right now,” he said, staring at the hideous hair that made me look like one of those dolls from a horror movie.

I rolled my eyes.

“What time is it?” I looked around the dim room.

“Almost six a.m. I will be leaving for work soon,” he said, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I turned to look at him.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, pausing the movement of his thumb on my cheek.

“No, I missed you.” I beamed, resting my chin on his chest. I placed a kiss on the center of his chest and touched his stubble.

How had this happened? How had I ended up falling for the person I’d once wanted dead for ruining my life?

“I promise to explain everything to you.”

“It’s fine. Take all the time you need.”

He cocked his brows in surprise.

“I will wait, Mr. Sanchester.” I moved closer and kissed his lips.

He grabbed my hand and placed my palm on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat and the warmth from his body. He was quiet and just stared at me with his lips curved upward.

“Do you feel that?” he whispered, and I nodded.

“All for you,” he said, and I cocked my eyebrows in utter bewilderment.

“For a long time, I thought my heart had stopped beating, and it was just my body existing. That night you kissed me, I felt alive for the first time in years, and now, I believe I’m not just existing.” He interlocked his fingers with mine against his toned chest.

The next words that left his mouth left me paralyzed.

“I love you, Chloe.”

I was quiet and just stared at him, not saying the words back.

“It’s fine if you don’t feel the same. I just wanted you to know. I know I have given you reasons to doubt my feelings, but I’m not giving up on winning your heart.”

I couldn’t say it back for some reason. I kissed him again, not liking the silence I’d created. I moved slowly on top of him. He broke the kiss and looked me in the eye as he sat up.

“Promise you won’t leave after knowing everything?” he asked, cupping my cheeks.
