Page 6 of A Lie in Church

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I shook my head at his lack of empathy and stared at the couple.

“Why?” Sofia asked, already crying. “Why?! What did I do, Tristan?” she screamed.

“Do you think this is all part of the wedding? It could be an act. People always want to go extra these days,” I asked Grey.

“No, I don’t think so. The bridesmaids look shocked, and the dude sounds darn serious,” Grey pointed out.

“You didn’t do anything. I’m sorry … I just can’t.” He stepped back, removing the ring she’d just given him.

The congregation started murmuring again, this time louder.

“Tristan, what are you doing?” the beautiful lady I assumed was his mother shouted from her seat.

The girl beside her, looking sixteen, tried to calm her.

“I’m in love with someone else, and we have been seeing each other for six months now,” the groom admitted.

Another gasp from the congregation.

Sofia crumpled onto the marble floor; Ciara tried to help her up, but she wouldn’t let her.

“While you were dating my daughter?” Sofia’s mom stood up with tears in her eyes. She looked so fragile.

Her husband held her back when she wanted to go to the altar. I wished he’d let her go, so she could slap the devil out of Tristan for ruining her daughter’s life.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t leave her, not when she is carrying my baby.”

The church was in an uproar after the groom’s confession.

Sofia was crying her eyes out, smudging her mascara and eyeliner. She could have taken precautions and used waterproof make-up. I mean, one was bound to cry on their wedding day. I wasn’t implying that something like this always happened, but something always made the bride or groom tear up. I felt so sorry for her.

“Wow,” I mumbled, staring at the asshole, who still looked relaxed, like he hadn’t just caused havoc in front of God. At least he was confessing, right?

“Who is she? What does she have that I don’t?!” Sofia screamed, hitting his long legs with the bouquet in her hand—poor flowers.

Tristan Sanchester, as written on the wedding invitation card, appeared emotionless as he watched her cry—as if he never wanted to get married in the first place.

He looked familiar, but I couldn’t pinpoint where I had seen his face. It was probably on a magazine. With that face, definitely a magazine.

“She is everything I ever wanted; she is here.” The groom smiled immediately after finishing his sentence.

He must really love her.

There was a sudden silence in the building, a silence that could detect the slightest sound. Sofia stopped and looked at the whole congregation. Everyone started looking around, even me. I was curious too. I mean, how could his lover attend the wedding? Had they planned this?

“I’m so glad you invited me to this wedding,” Grey said, amused.

My sister seemed confused and shocked as she stared at her best friend, not sure of how to help her.

“Stand up, you slut! Show your ugly and shameless face!” Sofia yelled. “How dare you show up at my wedding!”

To be honest, Sofia looked crazy, but who wouldn’t lose their sanity after hearing that from the man you were about to tie the knot with?

“Where is she?!” she screamed at his face.

Tristan looked at the congregation, and everyone followed the movement of his eyes. I did too.

Is his lover really here? Who can it be?
