Page 65 of Raising Riker

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And done a lot worse.

But nothing plagued his conscience or gnawed at his soul until the day that Glory walked into his life.

Or, more exactly, until the day that Glory walked out of it.

And now she is coming back to where it all began.

Back to Crownsmount.

Back to the lake house.

But not back to him.

Not back to him.

And he has absolutely no idea what to do with that.

“It’s crowded places that I find difficult. And places where there’s too much noise or too much quiet. I’m afraid of the dark, too. Oh, and really, really bright light. So basically, it's everything. I’m afraid of everything.”

Hells Saint soldier, Hallelujah Thomas, would never forget those words or the woman who said them. Brave, Beautiful and Bad-ass—the mob boss’s daughter was everything Hal expected her to be and many things he hadn’t.

Valentina Abruzzi.

"I’m afraid of everything"— as soon as those words were out of Valentina’s mouth she knew she shouldn’t have said them, but she just couldn’t seem to think straight when Hal was around. So, of course, Valentina didn’t let that bad decision stop her from making another one. If she had not been driven by a strong desire to see Hal again—if she had allowed herself to take just one moment for clarity of thought— Valentina would not have chosen a wild biker party to test the waters of her still fragile mind.


The bitch of it is—that it always comes too late.

Amidst a backdrop of violence, death, and destruction, Hallelujah Thomas and Valentina Abruzzi struggle to find redemption for themselves— and for each other.

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