Page 42 of Becoming Juliet

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“Really? I have to say it?”

“Oh, that whole deal that just happened out in the yard? Like I said, Jules got the information I asked him to get. And he looked for something in that info that would hurt the club. That’s all he cares about, and that’s all his stake in this was. Trust me, he’s already forgotten.”

“And the rest of your family?”

“No one is gonna know shit unless you tell them. I just explained all that to you.”

“But your dad knows. And he’s going to tell your mother.”

“Oh, yeah. Those two paragons of virtue.” P.J. let out a small chuckle.

“P.J. don’t laugh. I wanted to make a good impression.” Juliet frowned as she finished getting dressed. “Bad enough we’ve obviously been down here having sex in their basement, but the other stuff…you know.”

“Okay.” P.J. looked up from where he was tying his boots. “If it makes you feel better, when my mom was about your age, she killed a guy with a hammer hit to the head. That was just after her sister, my Aunt Raine, speared his balls together with a nail gun. Trust me Juliet, you’re gonna fit right in.”

Juliet spent the rest of the week getting to know P.J.’s tribe. It was something she found thoroughly enjoyable. Claire McCabe accepted her into the family with open arms and seemed to genuinely like Juliet. Juliet thought that it had helped enormously that P.J. had announced his plans to return to the fold and bring Juliet with him. The family was overjoyed and for some reason seemed to give Juliet the credit for what they considered a very wise decision. Even though Juliet knew P.J.’s mother to be in her early fifties, she had a youthful appearance. Claire was petite, fresh faced and had freckles that danced across her nose like little stars. She had a great laugh and kind eyes. Claire McCabe was not at all what Juliet had expected.

Claire’s sister, Raine, however, was exactly what Juliet had expected to find a Hells Saints woman to be. Tall and trim, Raine was easily the most beautiful woman that Juliet had ever seen. Her long dark hair was threaded with silver, and her stunning blue eyes were clear and determined. She wore silver bracelets up and down her wrists and had all of her children’s birthdates tattooed in delicate script on the back of her neck. Out of all the men in the family, Juliet had found Raine’s husband, Diego, to be the most intimidating. However, it soon became evident that Raine could more than handle him. Raine and Diego had six girls and they were a boisterous bunch. All of them seemed happily married, and although Juliet couldn’t keep track, it seemed like most of them had at least a couple of kids. Harmony, who was the youngest and quietest of the brood, seemed to be the exception. When Juliet asked P.J. about her, he told Juliet that Fiddler, Harmony’s husband had died the previous year.

It was the last night before P.J. and Juliet would head back to Maine to settle things and get ready to make their move south. It had been a crazy and busy week and now they both lay exhausted in bed. But with the weight of all they had to do heavy on their minds, sleep had proven impossible. Luckily though, everything seemed to be sliding into place. Throughout the week, Juliet had been in almost daily touch with Layla. Although her friend was sad to hear that Juliet and P.J. would be leaving Port Harbor, she was overjoyed at the fact that they would be leaving together. Reggie had already begun to work on the real estate papers for the sale of the shops and P.J.’s house.

Juliet was happier than she ever thought possible, still there was a question that nagged at her. “You know, P.J., there is still something that I don’t understand.”

“Yeah?” P.J. propped his head on his hand and looked at her. “And what’s that?”

“I’ve been watching you with your family all week and with the guys from the club. It’s obvious that you’re happy here, content even. You never told me what it was that made you leave.”

P.J. scrubbed a hand through his hair. He leaned back into his pillow and pulled Juliet into his arms.

“I want to tell you about a man named Beast…”
