Page 68 of Love Me Like You Do

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Dad nods but doesn’t say anything further. “Your mom’s going to kick my ass for throwing a punch, I assured her my brawling days were over.”

“I think she’ll give you a pass this time,” Kane says and I nod in agreement.

“Ummm, she already knows, Dad.”

“What?” he hisses.

“I told her last night and she seemed to be okay with it when I told her you hit Kane, but for the record, please don’t hit him again.”

“I’ll only hit him again if he hurts you.” He looks to Kane. “This is where I give you the ‘you hurt her, I kill you talk’ and I don't give a flying fuck that you’re my best friend. If anything, I will hold you to a higher standard because I know what a true jackass you can be, after all, you are my best friend.” We all laugh at that joke. “But in all honesty, I couldn’t ask for a better man for my Princess.” Then he chuckles. “Now I know why your mother reminded me last night that Grandpa never liked me in the beginning—”

“Because you’re a jackass,” Kane teases.

“Says the jackass,” Dad teases back. “But getting back to my point, as a parent, you only want the best for your child, and it’s hard to see them grow up and fall in love. And I know I cannot dictate who she loves, I can only guide her. Looks like I just so happened to guide her into the arms of my best friend.”

“That you did.” I nod, agreeing with Dad.

“It’s not as hard to say this as I thought it would be, but I’m happy that you’re both happy. Will it take time to get used to the PDA, yes, but if you can keep that to a minimum, I think everything will be okay.”

“Thanks, Dad, Kane and I appreciate that. We didn’t mean for this to happen or for you to find out how you did, but your best friend is kind of awesome.”

“And your daughter is amazing,” Kane adds, kissing my knuckles again.

“That she is,” Dad says with a huge grin on his face. He lifts his glass and finishes off his drink. He slams the empty tumbler down on the table and stands up. “Okay, so, I’m going to go. I’ll let you two get back to work but if I can offer one piece of advice to you, Kane?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“For the love of God, please close the fucking door in the future. The image of you two dry-humping will forever be etched into my mind. No one, especially your mother needs to see that.”

“Please don’t ever mention dry-humping and Calliope in the same sentence again,” Kane tells him.

“And, Dad, we promise to be more locky, locky with the doors.”

“Good, good.” He nods in agreement.

Dad turns to leave but I quickly jump up and slide my arms around his waist, hugging him from the back like I sometimes do. I may be twenty-three but I’m still a daddy’s girl at heart. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I whisper into his back. He stiffens for a moment and it hurts but after a few beats, he relaxes. He pulls my hands away and spins to face me. “We didn’t mean to hurt you,” I whisper, my eyes welling with tears again.

“I’m not hurt, Princess, just shocked.” He swipes under my eye and wipes away a stray tear and pulls me in for a hug. He holds me tight and when he squeezes me in that ‘dad’ way, I know we’ll be okay. “This was the last thing I expected to discover when I came here the other day.”

“We really are sorry, Garrick,” Kane says from behind me. “We didn’t purposely deceive you, or anyone for that matter. We just wanted to see what it was between us before imploding everyone’s world. I still can’t believe it myself to be honest, but it is what it is. As I said before, Garrick, your daughter is fucking amazing, it was hard not to fall for her.”

“Of course she’s amazing, she’s my daughter.” He pauses. “And I’m sorry too.”

Pulling back, I stare up at him. “Why are you sorry?”

“For punching your … boyfriend.” He pauses. “Wow, that was easier to say than I thought it would be.” He looks to Kane. “I really am sorry for punching you, but you hurt my princess and I’ll do more than just punch you in the nose.”

“Duly noted, but I’m not planning on hurting her, Garrick. She’s one of a kind and I’m never letting her go.”

“Love has turned you into a pussy,” he teases. Then looks intently at us both. “I expect both of you for dinner on Friday night.”

“Of course, Daddy, we’ll be there.”

“Good, because you can tell everyone together that you two are an item. No more secrets.”

“Garrick, if you don’t mind, I’d like to tell the kids before everyone gets together. Maybe we can do a cookout at my place instead of going out? Just in case there are fireworks.”

“Will you do your slow-cooked brisket and get Finley to make her famous double chocolate fudge brownies?”

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