Page 70 of Love Me Like You Do

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“Umm, you just said we.”

“Yeah, I did. Dad kinda caught Kane and I the other night.”

“No fucking way,” Fern hisses and jumps onto the bed and crosses her legs, getting comfy for a chat. “Guess that explains the shiner there, now, Cal. Tell. Me. Everything.”

“Calliope will tell you everything later,” I tell her. “You think that maybe you can leave so we can get dressed and greet our guests?”

“Ohh yeah, sure.” She hops off the bed and walks to the door. With her hand on the knob, she looks over her shoulder. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you two aren’t going to be hiding it anymore. I can tell you two are head over heels for one another. A love like that shouldn’t be hidden but, Kane, you fuck my girl over and I don’t give a flying fuck that you’re my boss, I will fucking de-nut you.”

Before I can reply, she steps into the hall leaving Calliope and me alone. Calliope turns to me. “We can finish that …” She points to my somehow still hard cock, “… later. For now, we need to meet the ‘rents.”

“I’ve met your parents,” I emphasize the word parents, “plenty of times before.”

“Yes, but this is kind of the first official meet the ‘rents as my boyfriend and not dad’s BFF.”


“And you don’t want to do that with a boner, so how about you think about Dad naked and deflate that beautiful cock of yours, and later, I’ll finish what I started.”

“That sounds wonderful but, Calliope, please never mention my dick and your father naked in the same sentence ever again.”

“Deal.” She places a quick kiss on my lips. Jumping out of bed, she quickly dresses and heads out to greet her parents.

Falling back to the mattress, I stare up at the ceiling and laugh. The past week has been crazy but I wouldn’t change a thing, well, maybe I’d change the getting punched part. My nose still hurts like a bitch but finally admitting how I really feel about Calliope was a weight lifted and at the same time, it made me whole again.

This may have started in secret but now that it’s out, I’m going to shout it from the clifftop because being in love with someone like Calliope Fischer is the best feeling in the world.


“So, do we like call you Mom now?” Finley asks me after Kane and I inform my sister and his kids that we’re dating. We are all sitting in Kane’s backyard, the brisket is brisketting away, the guys all have beer, and us girls are all drinking wine. This is the first get-together with Kane and I officially as a couple and I have to say, it’s been smooth sailing. Everyone has taken the news of us well. I love being able to be openly affectionate with Kane and I have to say, I’m a fan of PDA when it’s coming from Kane. A butt squeeze here, a peck on the cheek there. Here a kiss, there a kiss, everywhere a kiss kiss.

“No, Cali will be just fine. I’m still me … I’m just with your dad.”

Looking to Konrad and Michael, they’re both quiet. “Boys?” Kane asks them, obviously sensing what I’m sensing. “Are you both okay with this?”

Michael slaps Konrad on the back. “That’ll be fifty bucks, brother, told ya he was dating a younger woman.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” Kane growls at them, clearly missing the smile on both their faces.

“Dad,” Michael says, slapping him on the shoulder. “I’m fifty bucks richer and you’re happy. Can’t get any better than that.”

Nodding, he looks to Konrad. “Fine by me,” Konrad nonchalantly replies with a shrug. “I just want you to be happy, Dad. She seems to make you happy, so I’m happy, plus Cal is a cool chick.”

“Thanks, Konrad. You’re pretty cool too.”

“What about me?” Michael cries.

“Meh,” I tease with a shrug. “But seriously, I’m happy to know that you guys are accepting of us. I was worried your dad and I being an us would somehow ruin things. Make everything awkward.”

“Takes more than a feisty chick to scare me off,” Konrad says. “Just know,” he adds, pointing his beer bottle at me, “I’m not calling you Mom when you two get hitched.”

“Hold up,” my dad shouts, “time out,” once again making the timeout hand motion. “They just started dating, let’s hold off on the wedding and babies talk.”

“Hold up.” Kane repeats Dad’s sentiment and hand motions. “Who said anything about babies?”

All heads turn toward me and they all have that ‘is she knocked up’ look in their eyes. “I’m not pregnant,” I murmur and to reiterate that fact, I lift my wine and drink what’s left. “Who needs a refill?” I ask, but I don’t wait for anyone to answer. I stand up and head inside to refill my glass and process the conversation that just transpired.

With the refrigerator open, I stare into it. I hadn’t thought about marriage or having kids with Kane in a while, but now it’s all I can think about. Will he even want to have more kids? His are all grown up, does he want to do that all over again? Do I want kids? When I was little my dream wasn’t to marry a prince and have babies, I was going to be a kick-ass marketing executive with a doting husband … I guess kids were in the picture but do I still want that? Can I have that being with Kane? The wine bottle is right there but I don’t grab it, I just stare at it and think about marriage, babies, and Kane.
