Page 81 of Love Me Like You Do

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“Okay, Calliope,” the doctor says, “I can see the head, one more push and your bundle of joy will be here.”

“I can’t do it,” she cries. “Kane, I …”

“Sunshine, you are amazing and yes, you can do it.”


“Nope,” I interrupt her, “you can do this and you know why I know you can?”

“Why?” she cries.

“Because I love you and our love has given us two miracles, and I promise that as soon as the doctor is free, I’ll get the snip.”

She laughs and all the angst in her body dissipates. “You’re a goofball and I love yo—” She doesn’t get to finish because another contraction hits.

“Push,” the doctor shouts just as Calliope grips tightly to my hand and pushes with everything she has. Then the most amazing sound, a newborn crying, echoes through the air. “Congrats, it’s a boy.”

“We have a Ryder,” my beautiful, amazing wife cries. “Kane, we have a boy.” The doctor places our son on Calliope’s chest and she looks down at our baby boy. “Hi, Ryder. I’m your mom and this sexy silver fox here is your daddy. You may have been a surprise, but as soon as I saw that positive symbol waving its sparkly pregnant jazz hands at me, I knew you were the final piece to the Heatherington puzzle.” She presses a kiss to his forehead. “I love you, buddy.”

Even though I’ve done this four times before, this time is different because I know it’s the last. As I stare down at Calliope holding our son, I realize that Ryder here completes us. Just like she said, he’s the last piece to our puzzle and I could not be happier. Don’t get me wrong, I love my other children dearly, but Ryder here, it feels like he was the addition we didn’t know we needed.

We’ve just arrived back at her room and I sit here, watching my amazing wife hold our son. “You did good, Momma.” I lean down and kiss her forehead.

“He’s perfect, Kane.” She takes my hand and squeezes. Looking up at me, she smiles. That little lip lift fills my heart with so much joy and love. Then she whispers, “I love you.”

“Back at ya, baby.” Leaning down, I press my lips to hers just as the door to the room opens.

“Cut it out, you two … unless you want to give me a third grandbaby,” Garrick teases as he and Jayne walk in. Of course, Vi is snuggled tightly to his chest.

“Hardy har har, old man,” I tease my best friend … and father-in-law. Still blows my mind that technically he’s my FIL, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Calliope was the missing piece of my heart, and our two kids filled my heart to overflowing. “Our baby-making days have come to an end. I’m booked for the snip-snip next month.”

“You’re a brave man. No way is anyone coming near my balls with a knife.”

Jayne smacks him in the stomach as I mumble, “Pussy,” earning myself a similar whack from Calliope. Grunting from my wife's attack, the door flies open and Finley, Cari, and the boys enter the room.

“Where’s my baby brother?” Finley shouts, startling Ryder, but Calliope quickly settles him with a quiet shhh and a kiss on his wee little nose.

“How did you know it was a boy?” I ask as she literally pulls her baby brother from Calliope’s arms.

“I said from the beginning it was a boy. You guys now have the million-dollar family, but please tell me this is the last one?”

“Yes,” Calliope and I both utter at the same time.

Winking at her, I climb onto the bed next to my amazing wife, and pull her into my side. She snuggles into me and I look around the room. Our nearest and dearest are here and the atmosphere is full of love and laughter. The Heatherington family is now complete, and I cannot wait to live out the rest of my days with my wife and my five children by my side. I’m one lucky son of a bitch.

The End!
