Page 4 of Leverage

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“It’s time,” the driver said, shooting a glance at Yuri. When Yuri rose, I sucked in a quick breath before he crawled back into the back, his too broad shoulders swallowing up the small chamber. He reached for me, the inky tattoos on his fingers drawing my attention as I backed into the corner.

Suddenly, there was nowhere else to go, my shoulder smashed in between the hard walls. “What are you doing?” I asked. When he got so close that his sandalwood scent enveloped me, I threw my hands out and shoved them against his chest. “Don’t touch me!”

He captured my wrists almost immediately, his grip rough. My whole body yanked out of the corner, and I slammed against him, knocking the air from my chest. He moved so quickly; it didn’t even seem real. Before I had caught my breath, he had flipped us, twisting me, and crushing me against him with my arms pinned. I inhaled and let out a blood-curdling scream, kicking against his legs and trying to rip free.

“Darya,” he breathed against me. I froze, fear spreading across my chest until I was paralyzed in his hold. For a moment, only the sound of the semi echoed between us, the start and stop motion of the truck becoming more frequent. We were in line at the border— this was my chance.

“Let go of me!”

I let out another scream— using my entire body knowing that I had to be louder than the growling engine. Someone had to hear me. Someone had to save me.

Yuri’s hand clamped down against my mouth, muffling my scream and yanking my head back until I was struggling to draw breath. His arm around my middle tightened and between ragged inhales, I became too aware of his body. Every inch of us was fused together.

I kept kicking and flailing until the prickle of his facial hair brushed against my neck. His lips were on the shell of my ear when he breathed again. “Darya.”

I shuddered from the sound of my name on his lips. He drew it out, taking his time with it, bathing me in the slightly accented rumble. It was seductive and I was ashamed to whimper when he lifted his hips, pressing them against my ass. Panic shot through me as I realized he was hard, the thick length of his against my jeans.

He was hard? What kind of psychopath could kill two men without blinking and then get turned on by kidnapping someone?

The squeak of the driver’s side window ripped another whimper from my strained throat. I just had to be loud enough to cause suspicion. But at the painful angle, my voice all but refused to make a sound before Yuri growled behind me, tightening his grip until I couldn’t breathe.

“Shh, it’s just you and me cariño.” He whispered in my ear as the driver answered the border patrol agent, the conversation too far away to focus on. The only thing I could focus on was the searing heat from the body beneath me and the dizziness fighting to take over. Everything was a blur— between the awkward torque of my body and the tension blazing in the back of the cab. “There’s no escaping me.”

A silent cry wracked through me, but he held me firm.

“That’s a good girl.”

His cock jerked beneath me, and his lips pressed against my neck, a quick nip before he swirled his tongue on my skin. The sensation lit a fire in my belly, and I arched to pull away but he was right— there was no escaping him. Tears stung my eyes, but I blinked them away, refusing to let one fall and mingle with his fingers on my cheek. If holding me captive and was turning him on like this, I shuddered at how he might react to seeing me cry. The twisted monster would probably enjoy it and I wasn’t about to feed into his sick pleasure.

My whole body ached as the driver’s laugh bellowed through the truck. “Have a nice day,” he called before the window squeaked closed. We jerked forward and Yuri waited until the smooth concrete of the bridge gave way to the bumpy, pothole-riddled highway to loosen his grip on my cheeks. I sucked in a deep breath, filling my lungs fully for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

“Good girl,” he rasped before tossing me off him and moving back to the passenger seat.

I squeezed my eyes shut as reality crept in like a cold draft. My life was nestled in the hands of a killer— what he wanted me for, I had no idea. And the worst part? Of the two people in the whole world who might have given a damn that I was in danger, one wouldn’t be off work for hours and the other I had cut out of my life merely an hour ago. My window of escape was closing and my faith in help from a bystander had gone right out the window with every miserable worker at that warehouse.

The only thing I had left to do was survive… no matter what

Chapter 2


At what point I had dozed off in the back of the truck, I wasn’t sure, but I woke with a start when Yuri brushed a lock of hair out of my face. I flinched away from him, smacking his hand away on instinct. He cocked his head and smirked, those dark eyes locked on me. “Let’s go.”

I crawled out and climbed down the side of the truck, my whole body weak. With the sun just below the horizon, warmth licked across my skin underneath the orange and purple-hued sky as Yuri grabbed my upper arm. We were in the middle of nowhere— apart from the road, there were only overgrown weeds and stubborn shrubbery that had hung around through summer. I could almost imagine the crunch they would make underneath my feet if I tried to run.

On the opposite side of the road was a black SUV. It was idling and Yuri dragged me in the direction toward it, waving to the eighteen-wheeler as it rolled away. As we rounded to the back, I stutter stepped after noticing another man leaning against the side. He was a beast. Dressed in a suit similar to Yuri’s, he sported the same dark, almost black hair. They had the same eyes and were both thick with muscles— easy to see even under the cotton of their jackets. But as threatening as Yuri was, there was a deadly aura surrounding the other man.

“¿Todo bien?” The man said, his deep voice clipped. Yuri nodded and wrenched open the backseat before shoving me inside onto the cool leather. I kept my head down, trembling at the thought of even making eye contact with the man who slid into the passenger seat, the outline of his gun obvious against his chest. Yuri got in the driver’s seat and without another word, we were off— heading toward whatever horrible fate I knew was waiting for me.

Without wasting a second, I lunged for the door handle and tried it, but it didn’t budge.

“Child locks,” Yuri said as my shoulders dropped.

“What happened to the crew?” The other man asked.

Yuri nodded his head, a gesture toward me. He had done it to intimidate me, scare me, make me fear his unpredictability and shake me into obedience.

I saw right through his fucking game.

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