Page 40 of Leverage

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Chapter 12


After a surprisingly restful sleep, I woke up to find she hadn’t moved an inch. Her leg swung over mine; her hair draped across my shoulder— the scent of her was all around me. I laid there for a moment, allowing the closeness for a bit longer before I knew I would have to drag myself from the bed.

And ultimately, out of the fucked up situation I had sprinted headfirst into.

Her deep breaths were even and slow, tickling across my chest hair with every exhale. My hard cock pressed against her leg, and I gritted my teeth not to roll her over and wake her up by sinking inside. Her body was fucking delectable, and I was like an insatiable animal, unwilling to let my prey go.

But now, as I peeled her off me and slipped out of bed, the guilt of what I had done started to sink in. I tucked her back in under the blanket and made sure she was still asleep before heading to the bathroom to shower. I had to get her scent off me, and wipe her away from my body and my thoughts.

It was sick. I was her captor. I was the man who put her life in danger. And then, as if I wasn’t happy enough with the damage I’d done, I took her fuckingvirginity.

I’d hurt her, and then splayed her out and feasted on her innocent little body like she was already mine for the taking. I tried to slow myself down, but she felt too good. Her pussy was like heaven, and I was as close as a monster like me was going to get to it.

The cold water splashed against my skin and jolted any lingering tiredness out of my body. I scrubbed myself down, avoiding jacking off as much as my body so desperately wanted to with the image of her so fresh in my mind, and then shut off the shower. After drying and dressing in my usual suit, I snuck out of the bathroom and let out a relieved breath when I saw she was still asleep. I knew it was wrong to sneak out the morning after popping your captive’s cherry, but I couldn’t stay and wait to see her soft smile when she saw me. I couldn’t look into her big doe eyes and then put her back down in that cell. I had to choose which Yuri I was— the one who did whatever was necessary for the family, the one I had always been or the one who was selfish and gave in to the nagging attachments he felt to a stranger.

Locking my bedroom door behind me, I made that decision.

The house reeked of stinging liquor, sweat, and metal. The closer I got to the kitchen, the stronger the cloying scent. Denis was passed out on the sofa in the living room, his pants dirty, and his shirt completely unbuttoned. His arm hung down leading to an empty bottle of patron at his feet. He was slung across the thing in what looked like the most uncomfortable position, and I leaned closer to see a bruise on his cheek from when I’d decked him for throwing Darya to the ground. Anger swelled in me again, but I tamped it down and left the asshole to sleep off whatever alcohol-induced coma he’d put himself in.

Around the corner, Luka was still on the table. Doc’s orders were strict and no one in the house wanted to risk popping any of his stitches trying to move him. But he looked surprisingly peaceful resting on the pillow and blanket without the bloody gauze and bandages across his chest. I knew he was nowhere near healed but he was heading in the right direction, and I sagged a little bit in relief.

“¿Cómo estás?” I asked, setting my hand on his forehead. “¿Cómo te sientes?” When he stirred, I reached down and grabbed his hand to steady him. He grumbled and tried to lift his head but I pressed him back down against the table. “Don’t move.”

His eyes were slits and his mouth opened like he wanted to speak. When he finally found a semblance of a voice, it was barely a croak. “Am I dead?”

I chuckled. “You’re still alive. Shot twice.”

“Damn,” he closed his eyes and relaxed against the pillow. “So much for Matteo’s birthday dinner.”

I squeezed his hand. “Yeah, when were you going to remind me about that? I fucking forgot all about it.”

“And the best boss award goes to…” Luka chuckled and then winced.

“Yeah, I know. Look what he got you into.”

He shook his head and let out another ragged breath, swallowing the pain for my sake. “Don’t make this about yourself tough guy. I’m not done milking this.”

My lips twitched and I couldn’t stop the laugh that rumbled through me. He joined me until his eyes squeezed from the pain again.

“Stop it, my insides are going to pop out!” He howled.

I threw my hands up in defeat and stepped away. “Rest up.”

He’d made it through the night, or day rather, which was a good sign. But instead of being out here with him all night, tending to him, I’d sought escape in pussy– a vice I so despised in my own father. Whirling around, I headed toward the only person I could take out my anger and kicked at Denis’ boot. “Wake up.”

He flinched and rubbed his eyes. “Luka?”

“He’s fine, get out.”

Pulling himself off the couch he said, “I thought I could stick around in case he needed anything.”

“We’ve got it covered. Leave.”

After grumbling and dragging his feet, the front door finally closed behind him, and I went to find my next target. It was time to get down to business. We didn’t have the luxury of waiting around until Luka was healed— by then, the Desalmados would be ready to strike again, and I wasn’t sure we could take another hit like this one. It was personal.

I couldn’t afford to let anyone else close to me get hurt.
