Page 65 of Leverage

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“That little mouth,” he bent and teased me. I lifted to meet him, but he pulled away and then came close again. Each hint of friction between us was electric and he held me strong when his hips pressed against mine, letting me know just how his body was reacting to our closeness. Finally, his lips captured mine and rocked me until I was breathless. Before I knew it, he had turned, and the door shut behind him.

Just like that, I was back in my prison– but I was only half a prisoner.

I paced across that little room until Yuri returned and dragged me upstairs. My eyes darted around every corner, worried that at some point I would see one of his family members or one of thetenientesdressed in black and furious to see me upstairs.

But everyone was gone. Lights were out and shadows danced along the walls as the house was eerily silent. I wondered if we were the only ones here.

Yuri took me straight to his room and nearly slammed the door behind us, pressing me up against it and lowering his head into the crook of my neck. “God, I can barely manage half a day without you.”

My breath hitched.

It was worth the wait.

My body craved his touch and my legs transformed to jelly beneath me. His lips dragged across my neck and my pussy fluttered. I swayed toward him but then caught myself and pushed him away, much to the dismay of my traitorous core– there were more important things that needed to pass between us.

“We need to meet with your brother,” I said.

He shook his head and bent again, like a heat-seeking missile headed straight for my thumping pulse. This time, his lips parted, and the slickness of his tongue left a trail from my ear to my collarbone. I shoved at his chest, but he didn’t move– instead, the move just proved to spur him on stronger and his teeth nipped at my humming skin. I let out a whimper and wrapped my fingers through his mussed dress shirt.

“It's not happening, Darya.” He growled at me.

“I won’t let you destroy your family for me.” This time, he let me shove him away. His eyes lowered and I knew from the tic of his jaw that he understood exactly why this was so important to me. I had seen firsthand how close he was to his family, and how deep those bonds were rooted into the very fiber of his heart. They were everything to him, and he was nothing without them– even if he would never utter those words. Being a capo in the cartel only meant as much as it did because he was providing for his family and carrying on his namesake. If he let the rafters burn down to ash on account of our connection, he would never forgive himself. And he damn sure wouldn’t be able to look at me the same.

I wouldn’t look at myself the same.

“That fire right there,” his finger poked at my chest. “It’s consumed me since the first moment I saw you.”

I sucked in a breath as he leaned close, so close that his nose grazed mine. His nostrils flared and I jumped when his palms slammed against the door behind me, each hand next to my head, caging me in.

“Why?” He shook his head, “I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what it was about you that had me so vexed. But I was, cariño. I was fucking obsessed.”

I swallowed hard and lifted my chin to him.

“You want to know why?”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you're too goddamn stubborn,” he shook his head, his gaze falling to my lips. “It's your best and worst trait.”

I rose on my tiptoes to chase after his lips, but he slid his head to the side. “You’re not going. I’m not risking your safety and you’re not leaving my sight.”

“Let me stand by your side,” I dared. Suddenly, my temper flared, and I found my courage. “You want to keep me? Then keep me. But, up here, in your room. At your right. Don't keep me downstairs.”

He shook his head, his eyes darkening as I pressed on.

“Let me be useful. Don't cut my legs out from under me trying to protect me.”

“You’re not calling the shots here. You’re mine, Darya. And that means that no other man will lay his hands on you.”

I reached forward and dragged my hand over the hard bulge in his pants. His jaw clenched and his gaze turned hungry. “Prove it,” I said.

He liked my stubbornness, and he loved my smart mouth. And I loved the way he punished me for them both. But if he thought he was going to keep me sequestered away like a little fuck doll, only to be played with whenever he was ready to have me, he was very wrong. I needed a voice and one that didn’t always obey him.

He charged me. His hands sank low and curled around my thighs before he hoisted me up against the wall. The impact of my back hitting the hardness emptied my lungs and my hands groped for his shoulders to hold on. His fingers guided my legs to wrap around his waist and I did, using his body to pin myself against the wall.

“You won’t need these anymore,” he grunted as he ripped the sweatpants in half down the middle, letting both sides fall away from my hips until I was exposed to him in a matter of seconds. My shirt was next, the ripping sound echoing through his silent room before his mouth sought me out. I gasped as his teeth clamped hard on my nipple and my sore back ached as I arched for him.

My fingers ripped through his hair, trying to pull him closer and push him away at the same time as his mouth seized me in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
