Page 71 of Leverage

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But Denis was determined, and he'd come prepared. As if in slow motion, I watched his finger dip into the waistband of his pants and pull out a knife.

“Yuri, look out,” I called just as Denis swung and sunk the blade into his gut. Yuri grunted and Denis used the opportunity to kick out from underneath him, scrambling in the direction of his gun.

“Dad,” I clamored and pulled my way over to his chair. “Do you have a gun in the house?” My words flowed quickly, and I was out of breath from watching the struggle.

His eyes were glazed over and he just shook his head. “You've killed us, Darya. You brought him to my doorstep and now we're both dead.”

“Dad, I…” his eyes met mine. His cold stare sent a ripple of nausea through me. He looked at me as if he didn't even know me. As if there had never been an attachment between us– as if he'd never been my father.

Another shot rang, yanking my attention back to the men. This time it was Yuri’s gun, but he was unsteady. His unarmed hand pressed firm into the bloody wound of his stomach as his lip curled in pain. He sagged but recovered while Denis’ eyes wandered to the gun that sat between us.

I had to do something

I threw my body forward to grapple for Denis's gun at the same time that he launched for it from the other direction. We were two heat-seeking missiles focused on our target, knowing whoever came in second would be the first to die. I was inches away from grabbing the piece, but instead of reaching for the gun, Denis reared back and slammed his fist against my cheek. He took me off guard and pain flashed just below my eye, sending me off balance.

“Hey!” Yuri yelled and I watched as he lifted the gun, but before he could pull the trigger, Denis grabbed me and held my body in front of his like a human shield.

His meaty arm held me at the waist with the barrel of the gun at my temple.

Yuri snarled, “let her go. This is between you and me Denis.”

“You're right. It is.” He mused. “Caesar was right to kill my father all those years ago, because his disloyalty would have affected the entire organization.”

Confusion pulled at my brows but Yuri didn’t flinch. He must have known exactly what Denis was referring to and I felt like an outsider looking in on deep family history.

“We were teenagers when Matteo killed him. I didn't find out till later what had really happened.” His arm tightened around me as I squirmed and groped at his arm, but he wasn’t budging. “At first, I was mad, but now I get it. Beth was his weakness. And Darya is yours.”

Yuri’s jaw clenched and his arm holding the gun trained on Denis straightened.

“I'm sick of sitting at the table and having you at the head of it.” His arm snaked up to the curve of my breast. “And for that, I'm going to kill both of you.”

In a swift flick of his wrist, Denis pointed the gun toward Yuri and it fired so close to my ear that I screamed and felt an agonizing pop. When I looked up, Yuri had blood splattered all over his shoulder and up the curve of his neck.

His mouth gaped open like he didn't expect the shot to ring true and he sank until his body gave out, falling to the floor.

All I could hear was the ringing from the gun going off and I watched my father squirm in his chair.

You’re strong. Yuri’s words echoed in my head. The only way we were going to get out of this mess was if I killed Denis myself.

His wandering hand moved up until it covered my breasts and his thumb flicked across my nipple. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he slathered kisses just behind my ear. I was sure he was saying something, but my sense of hearing had vanished. I steeled myself, deciding the only shot I had would be to give in to his advances for a split second, and hope that I could get the jump on him before he realized what was happening.

My eyes never left Yuri who was laboring to breathe, a steady pool of blood growing from where he lay. I leaned into Denis’ chest, pretending as though my body was giving out. Instead, I looped my hand around my waist and put my hand between his legs. I squeezed and crushed his cock and balls until my body flung forward hard onto the ground.

I didn't turn. I didn't look to see where he was.

I just crawled to the gun at Yuri’s side. I grabbed it and slid against him, shielding him with my own body and I turned back to face my enemy. In the silence of my head, I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled the trigger three times, holding my breath and praying that my bullet hit before he could fire back.

Yuri’s fingers squeezed on my shoulder, pulling my eyes open and Denis was hanging in midair in a state of suspended disbelief– as if his pain receptors weren't telling him that he'd been shot three times. I sucked in a breath and sat up, keeping the gun trained on him just in case he had the energy to fight back.

It wasn't until he collapsed to the ground, and the gun clattered across the room that I dropped the one in my hands and threw myself onto Yuri.

He coughed and sputtered beneath me, but there was a glimmer in his eyes like I’d never seen before. “You did so good.”

I patted at his legs to find the phone in his pant pocket and hit the second speed dial, Gerardo’s gruff voice picking up on the other end. “I need you,” I said before reciting the address.

“Don’t worry about me,” Yuri croaked.

“How could I not?” I whimpered, feeling my heart shattering as I wiped some of the blood away from his mouth. There was so much of it, the deep red staining nearly everything in sight.
