Page 7 of Her Alaskan Men

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“You have to eat up. You're too thin. You have to be strong or we could break you when wefuckyou.”

If she had taken a sip of coffee, it would have been spluttered all over her pretty food-laden plate. Instead she gave a drychokedgasp.

Okay, first up, thank you for the too thin compliment. That should make her beamfordays.


“Excuse me?” shestuttered.

“You need to be strong for when we fuck you.” Jacob repeatedpatiently.

“As in all of you?” Why was she entertaining thisconversation?

“Yes, all of us. We will all of us fuck you at once. You will be ours, Ethan’s, Zack’s, and mine. Mamasaidso.”

Immediately her brain was yet again flooded with John, Mike's and Jeff's dicks but a quick glimpse around the table said these men, each one of them would be packing at least, well, a lot of inches between them.Uhoh.

She shook her head and groaned. She was thinking the wrong thoughts. She needed to focus on her nipples swelling, her pussy filling with wet heat, her whole body burning into a delirious fever at the thought of taking them all at once. No. Erase, erase,erase.

We will all of us fuck youatonce.

“It's how you will know you're supposed to be our wife, our Angel.” Jacob puffed out his already enormous chest. “And have our babies and we'll be a big happy family. Just likeMamasaid.”


Summer laughed out aloud.This was so funny and now it made absolutely perfect sense. She was experiencing some kind of post-traumatic stress. She had just witnessed a major event in her life. Her boyfriend thought she was a prude and really the truth he might not even like her set in hard and rattled her. Especially after finding him in medias res:mid-orgy.

She was going through a lot. It was expected. Anyone would resort to what she had. In order to get back at Jeff, she had invented Ethan, Zach and Jacob, three of the hottest guys Hollywood or the fashion industry would never see. Because they existed only in herimagination.

She made them tall and muscular and strong and too gorgeous for words and if she decided to see her post-traumatic hallucination through, they would indeed be endowed andthensome.

Jeff had hurt her, he made her feel unwanted and had thrown a wet blanket over her and called her boring, and that explains why she had resorted to the whole mama thing being thrown in. These men were waiting for her, she was there as foretold by some psychic mama. You can't mess with destiny. They wanted her for whoshewas.

She had protected herself and made herself feel wanted and cool and totally fuckable to erase the pain Jeff caused her. And they wanted to fatten her up with great wholesome food. Okay, that was something she fantasized about all the time, so it made sense she would throw food intothemix.

She glanced around the table and smiled broadly. Wow, she had invented them, all in her imagination. Of course, no man could be that perfect in real life. It was all adream.

Frowning, she relived her bizarre morning to see where exactly her hallucinations had begun. She had definitely seen Jeff with John, Mike and London getting it on, rather boringly but still. That was very real. And then she had run into the forest and then…Ah. She had fallen into the cage and then the top of it had banged her head and knockedherout.


She was still unconscious in the cage. She was having a dream within adream.

Okay. Wake up, Summer, you'll freeze to death, she said to herself silently. Maybe what she needed to do was get up and walk out of this dream/hallucination so she could wake herself up in the cage. HowInceptionofher.

She almost rose then decided, what the heck, this wasn't real. She forked the end of the sausage into her mouth and chomped on it until there was nothing left. She stuffed eggs into her mouth, and bread, oh bread. Was that roast potatoes? Jacob, of course was herdreamchef.

The men around her stared at her gobbling up food as if she were starved, which she was, but hey they weren't real and all that food she ate, emptycaloriesbaby.

After gulping down some coffee, she rose and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, who needed manners in theirdreams.

“I wish I hadn't woken up before this dream really got going,” she nodded and winked, or tried to wink. Winking was not her strongest suit. “But it's time I left. You guys are awesome.” She blew themkisses.

“You can't leave. Not yet. You have to stay here for two weeks, we hadadeal.”

“Oh, Jacob, thank you for making me feel so wanted. But look, this is a dream and I'm going to wake up now.” She closed her eyes and counted under her breath to ten then opened her eyes again. “Right now.” But she found she hadn't woken up in the animal cage as she expected she would. Notatall.

“Sit back down,” Ethan commanded. The only words he said to her and they were an order. Maybe she had made Ethan a little too bossy for her liking. She was in control here, not him. It was her crazy dream, and he should be morepliable.
