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She had never known such a level of misery before. They would have done anything to own the block on Merring street. Including marrying her.

She was sick to her stomach and alternated between crying and raging.

She demanded to see them, she begged Yuric to help her. She needed to tell them in person how much she hated them. But they were unreachable. Out of town on business. And she refused to leave their home until they returned so she could tell them in person what terrible men they were.

Three days had passed and Ansley thought she was going to die. She didn’t have the heart to tell Marjorie what had happened. It would be too late in a days’ time anyway because it was Valentine’s Day and that was also the day they had said they were going to start the demolition process of the buildings on Merring Street. Eventually, she asked Yuri for his phone and made the call to Marjorie. Ansley sobbed her way through it.

She was lost and alone and her misery became abject.

She hadn’t eaten. Hadn’t spoken to anyone. Hadn’t lived when a nagging realization bombarded her and she understood the reason why, instead of rising up and fighting, she had chosen to lay down and wither.

She had fallen in love with them and she had no idea why, or how she could do such a thing. What was wrong with her? They were nothing but mean to her. And yet when they touched her, she soared. She became the person she was meant to be. When they touched her she felt safe and protected and as if she could own the world.

It was just her luck that she had fallen in love with three men who saw her as a business transaction.

It was Valentine’s Day today. The absolute worst day of her life. Oh coupled with her wedding day.

The instant they returned she flew at them with her words and her fists and her tears

“I hate you. I hate all of you so much, I wish I never see any one of you ever again. What you did, to Marjorie, to me was the worst thing that anyone can do. And I hate you for it.”

She lost her train of thought, then picked up again. She threw things at them which they skillfully avoided from hitting them.

“I think that’s about enough,” Leonid said.

“Get in the car,” Roman ordered.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, ever,” she said, but then Damien caught her, with his hand around her arm and bundled her into the car. It was like déjà vu. Except for this time she had fallen in love with them and they had hurt her irreparably.

She didn’t bother looking outside. There was nothing to see. So she sat with her head down, and her heart broken.

When Roman opened the door for her, she gasped to find herself in front of Cupid’s Toys. It was still standing. And Marjorie, sweet, old Marjorie was there to welcome her.

Cupid’s Toys was still there. It was decorated in Valentine's Day gear, red hearts everywhere. It was buzzing with customers and the whole scene was one of happiness. She stepped out of the car and went up to Marjorie. The three men stayed and leaned their magnificent bodies against the car.

“How?” Ansley asked, bewildered.

“You must know,” Marjorie said with a twinkle in her eye. “You naughty girl you.”

She looked at the three men in their suits, waiting for her, then back at Marjorie. She barely managed to keep her tears at bay but was able to spend a little time with Marjorie, listening to her reminisce about her Mr. Brown and it was the older woman telling her she had someplace else to be.


Ansley licked her lips and swallowed hard. Kneeling in the center of the room, completely naked she awaited her punishment. They were not impressed with her and they made it known by the silence and by their gruff command that she remove her clothes and kneel for them.

But could they blame her for her reaction? She spent every moment since leaving Marjorie building her defense.

She opened her mouth to speak but was immediately told to be quiet again. She lowered her head but at the same time her mouth dried at the glimpse she had taken of the array of sex toys lining a table. From floggers and canes to nipple clamps and handcuffs. But what scared her was the selection of butt plugs.

Her gaze skirted over to the three men, content to just look at her. They were extraordinary. Enthralling. And her husbands. Nothing was going to change that.

She started to tremble when Leonid moved and laid himself down on a long and wide leather upholstered chaise.

Roman picked up a flogger and Damien examined a butt plug. She didn’t know whether she should start crying or not.

“Come over to the bench,kotonek,” Damien said and pointed to the one that Leonid had lain down on.

Rising gingerly from her kneeling position, trembling uncontrollably now, she slowly and with great trepidation made her way to the bench.
