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“I’m sorry. Are you saying that Simon is lying?” Alice demanded.

“Yes, I bloody am!” Harold roared.

He had turned away but now he swung back to face her, looming over her. In the shadows, his features were more regal and colder than those painted on the sarcophagus. Alice stood her ground, raising her chin, despite her insides feeling as though they were made of ice. Harold stopped, inches from her, breathing hard and staring into her eyes. He visibly got control over himself.

“I am sorry. I should not allow my anger to get the better of me. That has always been…But no matter. Your brother is lying. I do not know for what reason. But he is. Edward and I were not friends, merely acquaintances. When he became Viscount, there was a coolness about him. I think I can now explain why. That must be when he discovered the true extent of my father’s treachery. But, Eloise loved him. And when I saw that, I ceased to pursue her.”

“Then why did she take her own life?” Alice demanded. “If they were set to be happy together, why would she do something so terrible.”

Harold shook his head. “I do not know. I cannot imagine. I know that Edward had become sick. The last few times I saw him, his condition was visibly worsening. But, I will swear to you, Alice. On my name and my life. I did nothing to bring unhappiness or misery to Eloise. I would rather have died.”

Alice looked into his shadowed face for a long time. She saw there, revealed and plain to see, the pain he felt at her raking up his past. Finally, she nodded.

“I think I believe you. I don’t know why Simon would lie but…I do believe you, Harold.”

He smiled then and she marveled at the transformation it wrought in his features. Planes of hard stone softened. Obsidian eyes became windows into his soul. Windows that she felt she could look into for hours. A light came into his face with that smile. Alice felt an almost overwhelming urge to reach up and run her hand across his cheek, trace the line of his jaw.

For one panicked moment, she thought she had actually begun to lift her hand without realizing it. The daydream had been so vivid in her mind.

“I wanted to give you a tour of the exhibit. If you would like. There are many things you should see,” Harold said.

Alice laughed. “Yes, I would love to. I don’t know how long I have until Ruth misses me. Let’s make the most of it.”

He offered his arm and she took it.


Harold walked through the shadowed hallways, Alice close beside him. He talked her through the exhibits, explaining the significance of artifacts as his concentration fought to splinter into different areas. Alice’s proximity was one distraction. Her scent was strong in his nostrils, intensely feminine and clean. It aroused him, made him want to take her in his arms, here where no one would disturb them.

The other thought that he had to keep chasing from his mind was the tale she had told him of her brother and sister. And the lies they had told.

Why tell those lies about me? Their brother is dead. Why lie about the life of a man like that. A fine man.

The thought kept going around in his head, striking sparks from other thoughts. Each spark threatened to become a conflagration of anger. But each time that seething rage seemed about to dominate his thoughts, a waft of Alice’s perfume reached him. Or she turned to him with a question or comment. And he looked her full in the face, full into her remarkable blue eyes.

And the anger died away. Was subdued. They reached a room with a high ceiling and crates of varying ages stacked against the bare stone walls. Narrow windows with colorful stained glass panels spilled colors across the dusty floor. On one of the crates, Harold had set a bucket of ice and a bottle of chilled wine, with two crystal glasses. Besides the wine was a tablecloth, spread over the gnarled and splintered wood, bearing a plate of cheese and biscuits.

“I had thought you might be in need of refreshments when we reached this point. It is a storeroom that will be a centerpiece of the exhibit when it opens. Those windows have not been seen by the public for a number of years.”

Alice clapped her hand in delight and Harold found himself grinning at the endearing gesture.

“I am not used to wine. I should warn you,” Alice said in all innocence.

“Do not tell any other man that,” Harold laughed. “With me you are safe. I give my word.”

“I know. You have sworn it,” Alice said with a pretty smile that dimpled her cheeks and made her eyes gleam.

I have sworn that I am not a seducer and defiler of women. I do not seek to use women and leave them driven to suicide. But apparently, your family thinks I am a seducer.

Alice perched on the edge of the crate and took a delicate nibble from a piece of cheese as Harold poured them both a glass of wine.

“This has been wonderful. Thank you,” Alice said.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet with me after the drama of last night,” Harold said, raising his glass to her in toast.

“I could not believe the things they told me about you. But I do not believe they lie. Not knowingly. My family values honor and honesty above all,” Alice said.

“As do I. My father did not. Not when it did not suit him. But I do. I am not him. So, it is perplexing that this…legend has sprung up concerning me.”
