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“I will keep this brief as I have no desire to spend more time in your company than is necessary. I am aware that you blame me for Edward’s death. It is an unjust claim based on a lie. If you were the one that began propagating that lie, then you are the true blackguard. Edward and I were in competition for Eloise’s heart. He won. I accepted defeat with grace. I was beaten by the better man. Is that clear, Hathway?”

Simon was stunned. He had not expected this when told that Redwood was requesting an audience.

“That is what I would expect you to say,” Simon said. “Edward’s death followed Eloise’s. One life ruined resulted in another. You admit that you were trying to seduce her…”

“No, I admit that I was trying to woo her!”

“And when you failed, you seduced her, despoiled her, and drove her to take her own life!”

“No!” Harold roared. “Take care, sir. I will not tolerate these lies being spread in public. My father was a ruthless man, capable of anything if it brought him advancement. I am an officer and a gentleman. A man of honor.”

“A man of honor?” Simon laughed. “That is why I find you alone with my sister in a darkened room? Is that an act of honor?”

“She found me! Your tedious gathering drove me to seek isolation and she clearly had much the same idea. Am I to run from a lone female who enters the room that I happen to be occupying.”

Both men were shouting. Simon’s head pulsed with pain. The effort of raising his own face made him feel as though his skull were about to burst.

I cannot concede the truth of what he is saying about Eloise. That would lead to questions about what actually caused her death. Such questions must not be asked or the Hathway name will be destroyed.

“I do not believe you. And I will not keep silent in order to protect your name from infamy. What do I have to fear for speaking the truth?” Simon demanded. “It is my family who has been wronged by the Clauder’s. My father was ruined, my brother was ruined. Now, you seek to do the same to my sister.”

Harold threw up his hands, making a disgusted sound. “There is no reasoning with you. I have said what I wanted to say, I do not know why I thought it would do any good. I am glad now that I had words with my godfather concerning your suitability as a business partner.”

Simon’s retort died in his throat.

Had words with his godfather?

“Who is your godfather?” he found himself asking as the Duke turned and headed for the door. He stopped, one hand on the handle, and looked back at Simon with a slight smile.

“Why, the Duke of Norfolk of course.”


“You will not escape me today, sister dear,” Ruth admonished, as she and Alice prepared to leave the house.

It was the end of their first week in London. Another ball had been arranged, to which the Hathway's were invited, for that very Saturday evening. Ruth had been most distressed at apparently losing Alice in the British Museum, resorting to calling for the curator to organize his staff into a search party. Alice had downplayed the disappearance as the sheer size and complexity of the building, claiming to have lost track of time.

Now, after four days of visiting with various members of the Ton for afternoon tea and luncheon, Alice was desperate to get out of doors for a while. The coming ball did not excite her, in fact, she felt that a day spent in the fresh air would prepare her for an evening spent in a constricting dress, amid a constricting crowd following constricting codes of behavior.

“I have no desire to escape you, Ruth,” Alice promised. “We will take a leisurely ride in Hyde Park, and enjoy the sunshine and open space. If we could get out to Hampton Court, that would be better.”

“I cannot stand a carriage ride that far, let alone a saddle,” Ruth dismissed, “the Park is far enough. Oh, how I wish Gordon were here. Blast the man, he could keep up with you if you decided to hare off unexpectedly.”

“I will not,” Alice promised with a sinking heart.

What she wanted to do most was try her horse for speed. There was a part of Hyde Park used for just such an occupation and she was keen to try it. But, her promise to Ruth would keep her firmly to a slow walk.

But at least it will be a slow walk outside. All of these sitting rooms are beginning to look the same. And all the conversations sound the same. Not to mention the same faces.

An entrance to the park was close to the house, a short walk away. Servants had been sent to procure two horses and arrange for them to be delivered to the park ready for Alice and Ruth’s use. Alice tightened the bow of her bonnet and smoothed her skirts.

“Are we ready, then?” she asked Ruth.

At that moment, Simon came out of the library. He had been spending a good deal of his time in that room, day and night. Alice was disturbed by the aroma of port and brandy that often accompanied him when he ventured out.

What burden is he carrying that drives him to drink? Is our family still mired in financial problems? Simon said that the actions of the previous Duke of Redwood almost bankrupted us.

She felt suddenly guilty for the outing that she had insisted on, regretting the cost that would be entailed. But, neither Simon nor Ruth had objected, which they surely would have done if it were an unnecessary expense.
