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He gave her a formal bow and then disappeared into the crowd. Simon watched him go with a frown before turning back to Alice.

“What was that about? What have you said to him?” he demanded.

Alice’s patience was thin. “I have said nothing to him but what is appropriate. I have discussed art until I am blue in the face and anything else that he wishes to talk about.”

She could see Harold now, bowing to the woman he had danced with. Rafe was walking towards him. The two men spoke and then looked towards Alice before both headed towards her. Simon remained oblivious. Alice bit back more harsh words. She was concerned with keeping her brother from doing something rash that would precipitate Harold into equally rash action. And he was churlish because Rafe only wished to share one dance with her.

Her heart raced as Rafe and Harold drew nearer, until they were standing directly behind Simon. Rafe cleared his throat.

“Your pardon, Lady Hathway. If you do not have a partner for the next dance and as I, with the deepest regret, cannot remain due to urgent business that calls me away, may I suggest my good friend the Duke of Redwood?”

Simon whirled and Alice groaned inwardly, expecting the reaction. Then she almost laughed, contenting herself with a broad smile. Rafe had contrived things so that he could introduce Harold to Alice as a friend of his. If he could not dance with her then it made sense for a lover to pick one of his trusted friends to take to the floor in his stead. And Simon could not object.

“I do not yet have a partner for the next dance. I believe it is to be a quadrille. Your Grace, I would be honored for you to step into the breach, as it were,” Alice said.

“The honor is all mine,” Harold replied warmly.

“I am sorry to hear that urgent business calls you away, Rafe,” Simon said. “I would have thought this a perfect opportunity to spend time with my sister. You have seemed keen to do so before now.”

“And remain so, my lord. But the matter is one of great urgency. However, I am grateful that my good friend Redwood is so willing to take care of Lady Hathway on my behalf.”

Alice offered her hand which Harold accepted. They moved into a position with three other couples, one of which was Simon and Leslie. Alice and Harold looked at each other across the required space that separated them.

“Did you plan this?” Alice asked, sotto voce.

“This scheme was devised by our mutual Italian friend,” Harold replied. “A devious man, perhaps he is descended from the Borgias.”

“They are clearly keen that we are seen together,” Alice said. “Though I question the wisdom of doing it under my brother’s nose this way.”

Harold took Alice’s hand and then moved closer in preparation for the beginning of the dance. Memories of their recent closeness flashed before Alice’s eyes. The feel of Harold’s body beneath her and then on top of her, the taste of his kisses, and the strength with which he had pinned her to the bed. Her breath caught in her throat, face beginning to heat. Harold raised an eyebrow, seeing her reaction, and she couldn’t help but smile.

Damn Simon for trying to control me. Damn him for his irrational hate and his vendetta. And damn him for the secrets he keeps. I am going to enjoy dancing with this man and there is nothing he can do about it.



Asingle dance seemed to stretch into infinity. Alice danced beneath the huge glittering dome with Harold alone. There was no Simon and no Rafe. No one else shared that floor with the two of them. The entire universe had ceased to exist. Alice’s awareness focused on the feel of Harold’s hand on hers, his other hand on her back. She could feel his strength in the way he held her, carefully controlled.

He did not miss a single step but moved with the grace of an angel. She was a competent dancer at best, but in his arms, felt as though she followed the steps without effort. It was the closest she had ever felt to flying, part of her thinking that she could pick up her feet and float away in Harold’s arms. When the music came to an end, she felt disappointed that it was over. Then she realized that not only were they not alone, but they were the center of attention.

“Magnificent, my dear. I have rarely seen such grace. You are a perfect couple,” said one gray-haired lady who had formed part of the square of four in which Alice and Harold had danced.

“Simply sublime,” said her partner, also gray.

“You must give me the name of your dance master. I would wager he is Italian,” said Simon’s partner, Leslie.

They were applauding and they were not alone. Others who had danced nearby were also showing their appreciation. Alice flushed a deep red. Harold looked dignified. He nodded his thanks to various comments that were called out, still holding Alice’s hand.

“Yes. I have rarely seen you dance so well, sister,” Simon said, pointedly not looking at Harold. “You seemed quite inspired.”

“I assure you it is all down to the skill of my partner. His Grace is an excellent dancer and has made it very easy for me,” Alice protested.

“Nonsense, my dear,” said the gray-haired lady. “A dance is undertaken by two people and those two people determine its success. You must be as accomplished as your partner and in perfect unison. May I ask your name?”

“Lady Alice Hathway. And this is His Grace, the Duke of Redwood,” Alice said.

“The Duke of…” the gray-haired man gaped. “My, but I understood you never partook of ballroom dancing, Your Grace. I have heard that said many times.”
