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“It is still quite early in the evening to declare a winner, Malcolm dear,” she said.

“Nonsense. We will not see better. I declare it.”

Alice looked from the Duke of Hastings to Harold in confusion.

“What does he mean?” she whispered to Harold.

He gave the slightest lift of his shoulders to show that he didn’t know any more than she did.

“The pair of you look quite nonplussed. Well, Clauder. If you attended more of my bashes, you would know the strategy I employ. The wife and I choose the most skilled of dancers and then the entire company is treated to watch them dance together at the climax of the evening. So, don’t go away, old chap. Nor you, my dear. We will all take pleasure in watching the two of you dance together at the end of the night.”


Harold drained his glass in one, long swallow, replacing it on the silver tray of a passing servant. Alice was within sight, in the company of her brother and sister, both questioning her intently. She looked across at him and he could not help but think how radiant she looked. Her cheeks were still flushed from the dance and the excitement of Hastings’ pronouncement immediately afterward.

By hell and damnation but I didn’t come here to make a display of myself in front of everyone. Thank the Lord for the dancing lessons I took in Brussels. And that to impress a lady too.

His hand reached for another glass at the thought of Eloise. It had been at a ball held by the Duchess of Richmond that Harold had first laid eyes on her. At the same moment that Edward Hathway also saw her. When the two men both realized they were rivals for her affection, they had been like stags, battling over a doe.

And now I am in that position once again. I swore never to partake in this ridiculous display again. And here I am. But look how happy she seems. Does that not make it all worthwhile?

The reason that Alice’s beauty shone particularly at that moment was her smile. With bright eyes, rosy cheeks, and a warm smile of genuine pleasure, she was the jewel that outshone every woman in the room. Harold could not take his eyes off her.

Eloise was beautiful. A once in a generation beauty. But Alice is once in a lifetime.

After Hastings’ dramatic announcement, Simon and Ruth had practically descended on their sister. Harold had not been able to get her alone to talk to her. Simon kept directing dark, warning glances in his direction which he increasingly cared little for. The man could hardly challenge his right to be with his sister now, when everyone, including their hosts, expected Harold and Alice to dance together at least once more this night.

The room was becoming increasingly stuffy and Harold wondered if Alice was also feeling the warmth. Perhaps a promenade through the garden would be refreshing for them both. If he could get her away from her brother. That was a matter that needed to be resolved.

Eloise took her own life. I have always wondered why. Now, I have even more incentive to find out. If my name is cleared, perhaps Hathway will find his way clear to give his blessing to Alice and I.

“My congratulations, Your Grace. Masterfully played,” said an Italian voice from behind him.

Harold turned to Angelo.

“I have nothing to say to you,” Harold said.

Angelo inclined his head, gravely. “As you wish. Rafe and I are very grateful, however. I did not expect a man like you to be such a talented dancer. Catching the eye of our host was the perfect way to make public the connection between you and Lady Hathway. Bravo. Ah, I believe Rafe is helping your cause further.”

Harold looked as Angelo pointed discreetly. Rafe had approached Simon, guiding him to the side by his arm and talking to him earnestly.

“Rafe is asking what the relationship is between you and Lady Hathway. Merely to help you along,” Angelo gloated.

Harold seethed. He and Alice were being manipulated so that Rafe could free himself of the threat of marriage without being cut off by his father. It did not matter that his own desire to be with Alice coincided with Rafe’s desire not to be. Harold did not like being pushed and prodded.

“Take care the two of you do not go too far. Lest someone start questioning exactly who Rafe would rather be marrying than Alice,” Harold said.

Angelo’s eyes darted to him and the expression of casual joviality that had been on his face fell away. For a moment, he looked surprised and then shrewd.

“That would be unfortunate for all concerned,” Angelo said in a low voice. “Were such rumors to get out, in my country it would be considered grounds for vendetta. You understand?”

Harold glared at the Italian, who glared back. It occurred to Harold that both of them were fiercely defending someone they cared about. Each prepared to do anything to secure their relationship. Lie, fight, or even kill. He almost felt a sense of kinship.

“As long as we both understand the power each holds,” Harold said. “I care not for your motives. Only for the heart of the woman I have chosen.”

Angelo was about to speak when another voice broke in on their conversation.

“Redwood! You old dog! Where did you learn to waltz? Or quadrille for that matter!” Max bellowed as he made his way through the crowd.
