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“Don’t be absurd. Conceding a duel might be dishonor in the eyes of those fools in the Ton but it is nothing of the sort to me. You sacrificed your pride in order to see me safe. My own brother would have seen me fall and continued in his vendetta. That is a dishonorable act,” Alice insisted. “Yours was honorable and in the best traditions of chivalry.”

She lifted her head so that she could look him in the eye. He ran a hand down her cheek, stroking the hair from her face.

“That is a very idealistic view of the world,” he said.

“It is the truth as I see it. Who, exactly, will think less of you for this?” Alice demanded.

“Everyone in London who is anyone,” Harold replied.

“The same people whose invitations you used to routinely ignore? The same people whose opinion you never cared for? If they wish to judge my brave Duke for today’s actions, then I say, let them. Every word of gossip and every jaundiced eye, I take to be a badge of honor. I will wear it with pride.”

Harold laughed, his mood seeming to break. He kissed her on the cheek, lips lingering there. Then he gently turned her face to his and kissed her lips. For a long time, Alice was lost in that kiss, her feet dangling over the arm of the chair, toes curling in her shoes.

“I am too dizzy to be this breathless,” she said when their lips finally parted.

Harold immediately looked concerned. “I should have been more considerate. Do you feel unwell still?”

His solicitousness made Alice smile. She returned to her nestled position, cheek against his shoulder, one hand caressing his neck.

“Quite well, provided you do not move.”

Harold chuckled. “I will be glad to remain here for the rest of the day. I fear that events will move against us though. Simon will not simply take his victory and give you his blessings. He will be pushing for charges to be brought against me.”

“Has the magistrate not already dismissed those charges?” Alice asked. “Ruth tried to tell me you had been arrested. Then admitted that the constable had allowed you to leave the Duke of Hasting’s house.”

“The constable took statements and will pass the case to Bow Street. Simon will be demanding what he sees as justice,” Harold said wearily. “God’s blood but I am tired of him and tired of this city. Give me the deep woods of Rothshire and the salmon fishing on the Martle River.”

“Is there a reason why we cannot go there?” Alice asked.

“I would not subject you to that journey until I am sure you are well enough,” Harold said.

“Then let me stay here for a few days to recuperate. Then take me to Redwood,” Alice replied.

“Are you proposing an elopement?” Harold asked, amused.

“I am proposing paying a visit to your house,” Alice replied levelly. “I have visited many friends and family at their houses. Why should it be a subject of scandal? And besides, do you care?”

“For my reputation, no. I care not what people think. For yours though? I care deeply,” Harold replied. “You are here now as an invalid. You are injured and I have offered my house to you as is my duty as a gentleman.”

“So I am here solely because it was your duty?” Alice asked with a playful smile.

Harold shrugged. “Some duties are easier to bear than others.”

Alice laughed. “So I am easier to bear, am I? My, how romantic you are, Your Grace.”

“I am known for it,” Harold replied with a grin.

“Well, I shall continue to lobby for an invitation to Redwood Hall. I will even bring along a chaperone if that is what is required. Ruth may be persuaded. Perhaps.”

“Then you will be welcome and your honor intact,” Harold said.



This letter is to let you know that I am well. His Grace the Duke of Redwood was deeply concerned for my health and, as you know, took me to his house in Chelsea for my care. I have been seen by his own physician, a Doctor Grant of Harley Street, and he has stated that the symptoms of my concussion should have passed by tomorrow. He has also said that he believes I need complete rest and relaxation to facilitate such a recovery and has strongly advised against travel, at least until tomorrow.

I, therefore, have decided to remain here until then. I am well looked after by His Grace’s household staff so you need not worry. As to the unfortunate events that led to my relapse earlier today? I hold both parties equally to blame. It was unnecessary and uncivilized. It is my sincere wish that, now that His Grace has conceded to Simon, there will be no further animosity. I am assured there is none on his part. So, that leaves it to Simon to be equal to the Duke.
