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“What is he talking about, Alice? Get to the point and stop being cryptic,” Simon retorted.

“There is a coffin for Edward. But no body inside,” Alice said.

Simon’s face turned a color that Harold had never seen on a living human. First deathly white and then puce. He rose from the chair and took three steps towards Harold, fists clenched and raised. His face was contorted in anger. Harold did not move.

“We did not open it, of course. What do you take us for?” Harold snapped.

“The Reverend Archer told us. He conducted the funeral service for Edward,” Alice put in, rising, and trying to put herself between Harold and Simon. Harold raised the cane as a barrier, stopping her from getting between them. He looked up at Simon with a steady gaze, remaining seated and vulnerable.

“Archer told us that your brother lost his life in a boating accident off the coast of South Wales. That his body was not recovered and so, at your mother’s behest, Edward’s possessions were interred in the crypt,” Harold said calmly.

“We were never told any of that,” Alice said. “Only that Mama did not want us looking upon Edward’s body, ravaged by illness. Why did she lie? For, lie she did. Either to us or the Reverend. Why?”


Alice tried to push aside the barrier that prevented her from going to Harold’s side. But, the cane was held out firmly, though she could see the effort it cost him in the tautness of his face. She willed Simon to relent, to accept that there was something amiss in what he had been told all those years ago. That perhaps circumstances were not as black and white as he had always believed.

Please Simon, do not make me choose between family and heart. It would almost destroy me to do it but I would go with my heart. Even if that means never setting eyes on Lindley Manor again.

He looked at Alice searchingly.

“Is this true? You swear it?”

“On Mama and Papa’s memory. If that is not enough, then ask the Reverend Archer. He overheard us and told us outright,” Alice said.

Simon stepped back. He put a hand to his forehead, then turned to the fire.

“Why would Mama lie about something like that? Why hide the fact that we do not have a body to bury?”

“That is a question we cannot answer,” Alice said. “But I want it answered. I will not have this mystery hanging over us any longer.”

“The answer may not absolve your lover,” Simon spat.

Harold growled, deep in his throat. The cane was stabbed down into the floor and his hands tightened upon its head, preparing to lift himself to his feet using it. Alice put a hand to his shoulder, pressing down. It took a surprising amount of force to hold him down, but she had the strength. Harold did not have all of his yet and remained seated.

“It may not. I accept that. But you must accept that the opposite might be true. The answer might absolve him completely. Then there will be no further reason for you to hate him.”

“He destroyed the deal I had done with Norfolk,” Simon retorted.

“I advised my godfather against going into business with a man who behaved as you do,” Harold replied.

“You have blackmailed, intruded on private correspondence and…” Alice began.

“And?” Simon said, looking from one to the other.

“Paid Silas Shepherd to waylay Harold,” Alice said, lifting her chin and meeting Simon’s gaze steadily. “We have no proof but I’m sure Captain Gladwell will find it.”

“And be told that no further action is required. I shall exert all the influence I have to cover up your part in it,” Harold said. “I could demand the full weight of the law be brought against you. I will not.”

Warring emotions swept across Simon’s face. Alice recognized outrage, his usual response to accusations. Then what seemed to be relief, followed by a return to anger.

He does not like to think that Harold is protecting him. That his freedom rests in Harold’s hands. But, equally, I must believe that he acted in haste and regrets his rashness. I do believe it.

Simon’s head dropped. He turned his back and then almost collapsed into the nearest chair. His body seemed to fold in on itself. Shoulders slumped and his head fell into his hands. After a moment, he lifted his head and Alice could see the effort required to straighten his back and meet Harold’s gaze. Simon’s eyes were clear, his mouth set, jaw clenched.

“I apologize. I did pay the ruffians to attack you on the road. They were meant to intimidate you, send you back where you came from. They went too far. I am responsible and will offer no excuses,” he said in a flat, resigned tone. “I have disgraced myself and my family.”

Alice did not hesitate to go to her brother. She fell to her knees before him, taking his hands in hers.
