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“If Edward came here to be soothed from the horrors of war, I can think of no finer place,” Harold said.

“Or perhaps to find solace after the death of Eloise,” Simon remarked.

Alice felt Harold grow tense beside her. His hands tightened on the walking cane. She put her hand atop his, squeezing.

“Simon, you have been every inch the noble man so far. Please do not spoil it by picking fights,” Alice said.

Simon shrugged but said no more. Presently, Harold relaxed too. Alice had forgiven him for his foolish promise to Simon. She loved her brother for being willing to put the promise aside, and for admitting that he could see the feelings between her and Harold were genuine. It took a lot for him to step aside when he believed Harold’s character to be so flawed.

Now, whatever the solution to this mystery is. Let it be one that brings them both together. Lord, I do not wish to choose. I pray that I will not have to.

Birds were trilling in the trees and a warm sun filtered through the canopy of the oak tree. In the distance the gentle wash of the sea could be heard and the faint, raucous caw of the gulls. Harold had put his head back against the bole of the tree and closed his eyes, breathing in through his nostrils.

“It reminds me of Spain. In the north where the climate was not quite so brutal. There was a landing beside a village where they had never seen a Frenchman. Nor an Englishman for that matter. We were welcomed with hospitality and stayed for a night to bring troops ashore. It was peaceful. I have rarely known true peace since.”

“Nor I,” Simon said.

“Were you in the war?” Harold asked, opening an eye.

“No. But since I became Viscount, there has been no peace. No end to the worry and the endless weight of duty.”

Harold regarded Simon for a moment and then nodded. “I understand.”

Alice took Harold’s hand, then reached across for Simon’s. She held them both, one hand in each of hers, trying to bring them together through her.

This is all I will ever ask for, Lord. Bring these two men together so that I need not sacrifice one for the other. I love my brother and I love Harold.

“Hullo, you two. Fancy seeing you here.”

The voice was familiar. The tone and the words struck a chord in Alice. It was straight out of a childhood memory. From the days when she and Simon would play on the grounds of Lindley Manor and would be discovered in their game by…Edward.

A man had stepped onto the path from the woods beyond. He wore white trousers and shirt. He was barefoot and had long hair that hung to his shoulders. His face was ancient, lined by time and worry. But it was Edward’s face, aged terribly, but without question, the face of her eldest brother. She leaped to her feet.

“Edward! Can it be you?”

He smiled sadly and nodded, shuffling his feet as though unsure of what to do. Alice decided for him. She tore across the space between them and engulfed Edward in a hug. She held on tight, ignoring the grunt from Edward as she squeezed too tightly. Simon was standing, a look of utter bewilderment on his face.

“How can this be? Mama told us…she said that…”

“She said what I instructed her to say,” Edward replied. “And the Director agreed as well. To swear that I was dead and allow me to live out my days here. Anonymous. At peace.”

“You instructed?” Alice said. “For the love of God, Teddy. Why?”

“Because I could not bear to live with the guilt of what I had done. It was retreat into this life or…take my own to end the pain. You see, I was responsible for the destruction of the only thing I had ever cared about. My love, Eloise.”

“You?” Simon gasped. “I had always blamed Redwood.”

Edward frowned, seeming to see Harold for the first time. “Colonel Clauder, what the devil are you doing here?”

“He is my betrothed, Teddy,” Alice said.

“Betrothed? Still, why not. He is a good man. The best of men.”

Harold was getting to his feet. “Not as good as you Edward. Eloise chose well.”

“Why did you believe that Colonel Clauder had caused Eloise’s death?” Edward asked.

“Why would I not? It was known that he was pursuing her. Suddenly he loses interest and she takes her life. It is clear he seduced her and she could not bear the shame,” Simon said accusingly.
