Page 62 of A Woman of Passion

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The servants gathered inside the front entrance to greet Sir William. To give him an opportunity to speak to them in private, Bess led James Cromp upstairs and showed him where to put William's luggage.

“James, I see no need for formality between us, since you will be privy to all our secrets,” Bess said with her usual candor. “I've ordered plenty of hot water, and there is a huge wooden bathtub in the next bedchamber.”

“Thank you, ma'am.” He started to unpack and hung Cavendish's clothes in the wardrobe beside hers. He glanced at the fireplace. “Would you like a fire lit tonight?”

“Yes, after dinner. It got quite cool last night when the sun went down.” Bess blushed, thinking her bed would not likely be cold tonight.

Cavendish came bounding up the stairs. As he entered the room, she saw his eyes sweep about the spacious chamber she had chosen for them. He nodded his approval.

“I just love the house,” she said breathlessly.

He gathered her in his arms, unmindful of James's presence. “And I just love you.” Bess closed her eyes as he kissed her, not quite believing that at last their time had come.

He kissed her again. “Let me get the stink of London off me.”

Bess and William had dinner alone in the private dining parlor off the hall. Northaw's only footman served them. The beefsteak was cooked perfectly, the vegetables tender, the Yorkshire pudding crisp. Bess was proud of her menu; she had planned it with a man's hearty appetite in mind.

William lifted his wine goblet. “I toast the loveliest lady in England tonight.” Then he quaffed deeply. “This claret is extremely good. I had no idea Northaw had anything in its wine cellars.”

“It doesn't.” Bess laughed softly. “I brought the wine.”

“I always knew you were a very clever girl. What other surprises do you have for me?” he asked with a rakish smile.

“Faith, my lord, 'tis the other way about. What surprises do you have for me?”

His deep laugh rolled across the table. “Sweetheart, don't tell me you're apprehensive?”

“A little,” she admitted breathlessly.

His whole heart went out to her. He came around the table and lifted her into his lap.

“William, the servants,” she protested softly.

“They won't mind a bit. I told them I was raising their wages.”

“But that's almost a bribe.”

“No, love, it is exactly a bribe. The golden spur works every time. Watch, we'll have them eating out of our hands.”

“You're unconscionable.”

“I know.” He brushed the backs of his fingers across her cheek. “What do you want for dessert?”

“Strawberries, of course!”

“I'll feed them to you.” He dipped a red berry in sugar and lifted it to her lips. Her tongue came out to lick off the sugar before she took the strawberry into her mouth. His eyes showed his adoration as his desire mounted. “Luscious,” he murmured, touching his lips to hers. He repeated the ritual of strawberry and kiss until she was laughing helplessly.

“No more,” she said breathlessly.

“No more strawberries or no more kisses?” he teased.

“Come into the garden and I'll show you where they're grown.”

He quirked an eyebrow at her, then realized that perhaps she needed a little more time before they went upstairs.

Outside, dusk had fallen as they strolled hand in hand along the overgrown garden paths. Night-scented flowers filled the cooling air with their intoxicating perfume. Bess was about to tell him all her plans for the garden when he drew her into the deep shadows and took her into his arms. Her breasts heaved quickly, and she began to shiver with the intensity of her feelings. When he kissed her, her response was fierce, telling him that though she might be apprehensive, her desire was fast becoming greater than her trepidation.
