Page 2 of The Angel in Her

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I looked at the sky apologetically after the thought slipped through my mind. Being on Earth, with these humans, was making me lax, changing me. I had already sinned too many times, and it was more than I’d have ever thought myself capable of while in the Silver City.

Evie had been in trouble, and I got there too late.

It ate me up inside. Every moment now, it’s all I could think about. I was a Watcher and supposed to be here to protect. It didn’t matter I was watching over someone else at the time because when Evie needed me, I wasn’t there.

Hewas, though.

I had watched as he had mutilated that man in front of her with rage burning through my veins. Sure, he told her to close her eyes, and I saw her huddled up in the corner of the alleyway with her eyes squeezed shut and hands clamped over her ears, whimpering. He took his revenge on the man who had tried to rape her, and I should’ve been angrier than I was at the way he handled it.

But part of me was glad he had found her before me because I couldn’t have taken such violent action, not like that.

But demons didn’t have the same rules we did.

Frank had been on Earth for some time now and had made quite a name for himself as the CEO of an architecture firm. What he was doing at this end of the city, this far from his penthouse apartment and office building, I didn’t think I wanted to know. But he had saved her and even walked her home.

I followed, keeping to the rooftops.

When she had invited him into her home as a thank you, I gritted my teeth against the urge to scream at her not to let him in. She didn’t know what he was, and while I knew he wouldn’t hurt her, I didn’t want him to sleep with her either. She was responding to that inner part of him, those alluring powers of evil that never ceased to amaze me. The darkness seduced a lot of people—it wasn’t her fault.

He turned her down, and I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Although I had hoped she wouldn’t have really done it, maybe she’d have remembered me and stopped herself in time, and his spell over her would’ve been broken.

Maybe I was kidding myself.

Waiting until Frank was down the street and Evie had closed her front door, I flew down and landed in front of him. He wasn’t surprised to see me. He knew I had been watching.

“Careful, Zaqiel, someone might see those pretty gray wings of yours.” Frank smirked as I folded my wings away, and they disappeared against my back. He was right, it was foolish to fly where humans could see my wings. But any human looking out their window wouldn’t have seen anything before I folded them against my back, rendering them invisible. It was too dark outside.

I hoped.

The truth was, I was too angry to think it through, and the realization of my error only served to increase my anger.

“I had her, Frank.”

He smirked again, the look that made my rage boil further. He knew how angry he was making me. “Yeah, I could tell by the way that guy was ripping her stockings off.”

I stuttered. I couldn’t even find the words to retaliate. He didn’t know that Ialmosthad her.

Only days ago, she’d have given herself to me.

And I’m the idiot who let her go.

Frank laughed, loud and booming. An obnoxious laugh from an obnoxious man.

Demon, not man.Demon.

“Don’t worry about it. I took care of it,” he crooned.

“I don’t like how youtook care of it.”I sneered at him, knowing full well the culprit was still lying in that alley in a puddle of his own blood.

He’d live.

I was angry, but I wasn’t stupid. I wasn’t going to help her attacker—he could find his own way to a hospital. Although I can’t imagine how he’d explain to the doctors what had happened, what he had been doing that had led him to be injured like that.

As though reading my thoughts through my sneer, Frank smiled again, an easy, lazy smile that spoke of arrogance. “I took care of it in a way you couldn’t,” he growled. “Permanently.”

He was right, the man was unlikely to rape again. I doubt he’d even go near a woman again after what Frank did to him. It wasn’t a punishment I’d have done, of course, but part of me had to admire Frank’s creativity.

Giving the rapist a choice between his dick and his balls and telling him he can only keep one or the other. Genius.
