Page 51 of Dark Angel

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And because I needed to feel power again, the power she had taken from me. I felt weak around her because she got into my head, into my mind and soul. She was in every inch of me, and after everything that happened, I didn’t like to feel out of control. I made achoiceto kill those men to avenge Emily, and I made the choice knowing they would take my wings. But where Cara was involved, it felt like I needed her approval more than I needed the power to make a choice. Icaredwhat she thought, and Ihatedcaring about things, especially about people.

So, I was taking back my power.

Her thighs pressed together as her hands clenched by her sides, and my snarl turned into a grin. She wanted it so fucking badly, the whore. But something flared inside me, a possessiveness I haven’t felt since… since Emily.Because I knew Cara didn’t want it from just anyone, she wantedme.Only me. She kept coming back tome. She had seen something dangerous in me, looked beyond it, and she simply kept. Coming. Back.

So be it.

Shoving her back and waiting for her to find her footing, she rubbed her cheeks where I had gripped her, frowning at me even as her cheeks flushed and breathing became rapid. Finding the top of the zipper on the side of her dress, she pulled it down, the widening V exposing more of her to me before she slipped it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Cara stared at me defiantly for a beat longer before reaching back and undoing the clasp of her bra, letting it fall over the pile of fabric that was her dress. Her panties followed shortly after, and she stepped out of the tangle and kicked it to the side.

Cara was keeping her arms to her sides, neither crossing them over her body to hide herself nor placing them on her hips with the attitude I knew she possessed. Shrugging out of my hoodie, I let my eyes wander up and down her naked body.

“Take off your shoes,” I barked at her as I pulled my tank over my head and cast it aside.

She bent at the hip to undo the clasp, and I wished I had a view of the other side to see the curves of her ass tempting and teasing me while she finished taking off her heels. Standing again, she simply watched me, her eyes widening when I retrieved my discarded belt, folding it in two and letting the leather slide across my palm.

“Bend over the desk.”


She jumped when I slapped the belt against my thigh, the harsh slap ricocheting around the room. “Are you going to argue, or are you going to bend over and accept your punishment?”

Her eyes flashed with lust as she rubbed her thighs together again, desperate for friction against her aching clit. I would provide it soon enough, but only when I said so.

She’d come only whenIallowed it.

“Don’t make me repeat myself, Cara.”

She shuddered when I said her name, and my lips curled into a satisfied snarl as she bent over the heavy desk, exposing her bare ass to me. Running my hand up her thigh before grasping the cheek, she hummed and moved against my palm.


Cara cried out as I landed a blow over her ass with the belt, her pale skin already turning red where I had struck her. The satisfaction I had gotten from inflicting this punishment on Maddie for her betrayal was nothing to how my senses exploded when I did it to Cara. My cock swelled in my pants, begging to be released and claim her. I struck her again, making her scream as I hit the exact spot I had previously. After three more, I stopped to admire the color her skin was taking on, caressing the sensitive area with my palm.

“Spread your legs.”

She did so without further argument, and I growled my approval, unzipping my pants and freeing my aching cock from its confines. Grinding into her, she moaned at the mixture of sensations between my cock pressed between her ass cheeks and the rough scrape of the fabric against her already abused skin.

Reaching across her, I opened a drawer, sliding out a letter opener. It looked foreboding but was almost harmless. Although I supposed if you stabbed hard enough, you could kill someone with it.

I didn’t know, I hadn’t tried.


The wooden handle was thick and long, and still leaning over her, I slipped my fingers into her mouth, groaning with her when she began sucking on them like the good girl she is for me. Maneuvering the letter opener’s handle between her teeth, I guided her to bite down on it, loving how she obeyed even as she frowned with confusion. When I bit into her neck, she cried out, biting down on the wood. I hoped she dented it, and I was left with the imprint of her teeth marks to remind me of the sweet pleasure and pain she was about to endure.

“You’ll need it,” I mumbled against her skin, kissing away the pain from the bite I had just inflicted. She mouthed something around the wood, it sounded like my name, and I hissed air through my teeth with pleasure, still grinding my cock against her ass. Guiding her hands to grip the desk’s edges, I chuckled as she shuddered. “Don’t let go,” I said against her skin before straightening behind her.

When I fisted my cock, guiding the head against her puckered rear entrance, she whined loudly against the wood between her teeth, looking back at me with those wide eyes.

“Surely, you’ve done this before,” I crooned, rubbing the precum from the head of my cock over the entrance to her delicious ass. She did a small nod and shrug combination and mumbled something around the wood which sounded something likenot in a while. Fine, at least I wasn’t taking her virginity, and she was not innocent, or so she claimed.

Spitting on her hole, I pushed the head of my cock in, watching her knuckles turn white as she gripped the desk, throwing the head back and groaning as her teeth clenched down. Waiting a beat before pushing in a bit further, I used my fingers to rub her pussy. She was dripping wet for me, so I dragged some of those juices up and over her ass, coating my cock before shoving the rest of the way in and pushing past that final resistance until I was fully sheathed within her. Cara’s ass tightened and clenched around me, and her whimpers were so sweet, music to my ears. Staying still, I gave her time to get used to the intrusion, and I hoped she was grateful for small mercies.

After a short while, she started shifting her hips, trying to grind against the desk to get friction on her clit.

But not yet.

With a palm on her lower back, I stilled her movement, shushing her gently. When I leaned forward, she cried out at the change of angle, and I whispered against her ear, “Not yet, pussycat, but don’t you worry.” I shushed her again as she began to whimper and moan when I started slowly thrusting into her ass. “I’ll make you come so hard you won’t be able to stand.”
