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He quickly changes the topic of this very uncomfortable conversation, almost giving me whiplash. “As I mentioned, we’ll be working late tonight. Order my usual from Emilio’s for dinner and order yourself dinner as well. That will be all for now.”

I’ve apparently been dismissed. I give a small nod and walk towards the door.

“Miss. Simmons?” I stop in my tracks and turn to see what this man could possibly want now. He doesn’t even look up from his computer as he says, “I’m going to need another coffee.”

That’s it. I’m done. His attitude over the past few weeks, plus this entire insane conversation, may have pushed me over the edge. For a second, I completely forget how desperately I need this job.

“Please.” I practically spit out the word at him. He jerks his head up and widens his eyes at me in surprise before narrowing them again.

“Excuse me?”

In for a penny, in for a pound. “You’re excused. I’m going to need another coffee,please.”Giving him the sweetest smile I can muster, I remain planted on the spot. I can practically hear his teeth grinding as a vein I’ve never noticed before jumps out at his temple. I hope I haven’t given him a stroke.

“Please.” He grits out, eyes not leaving mine for even a second.

My smile widens even more as I say, “Of course, Mr. Clarke, I’d be happy to.” Before he can say anything else to me, particularly the words “you’re fired”,I turn and make my way to the break room to fetch his highness’s coffee.



What the fuck was that?

I run my hand over my face repeatedly, trying to wipe away some of my frustration. When I was returning to my office from the main conference room on the other side of the floor and spotted that kid leaning on Hollie’s desk, I immediately felt a bolt of jealousy run through me. With no forethought, my pace quickened until I stopped behind him and could hear their conversation.

He was asking her to go with him to a happy hour? Didn’t he know she’s mine? Well, my assistant anyway.


The thought seemed to warm me from the inside out and before I can stop myself, I was interrupting their conversation and making up some work that simply had to get done tonight. It didn’t matter that I had planned to leave at six and go straight to my home gym to work out the week’s tension on the punching bag. There was plenty to get done around here. I’d find something for her to do.

I sent the boy on his way. Hollie shouldn’t be playing around with boys. She needs a man. My mind wandered back to thinking about her maybe boyfriend again and before I could stop myself, I was calling her into my office.

The question about her boyfriend was pure fishing on my part. I couldn’t stand not knowing any longer and I didn’t understand the sense of relief that swept through my entire being when she said she didn’t have a one. Acting on this outrageous attraction was still out of the question. I just wanted to know if she was leaving me at night and going home to someone who was making her happy. Sue me.

I’m not sure if I covered it up well. Actually, considering how annoyed she got with me, I’m positive I didn’t. And who was that who just left my office? Hollie is normally exceedingly polite and rather subdued, always taking my orders with a “yes, sir” or “of course.” Today she was having none of it. Apparently, underneath that quiet exterior is a spitfire waiting to be unleashed.

The sweet smile on her face as she cut me down for my lack of manners sent a thrill through my body, and I was immediately as hard as steel. Didn’t she understand I kept things short and formal between us so that I wouldn’t bend her over my desk and slide my cock into her warm, tight pussy?

I groan as I adjust my length in my pants for the thousandth time since she’s come to work for me. This woman does things to me that no one ever has before. I need to keep my eye on the ball and off of her curvy ass. I would fire her, but she’s the best assistant that I’ve ever had, anticipating what I need before I ask and executing tasks she’s given with precision and speed. If anything has been proven to me over the past few years, it’s that competent assistants are hard to find.

Hollie comes back into the room, setting the fresh coffee on my desk. Fighting the urge to thank her for bringing the coffee, I pointedly ignore her and pretend to concentrate on my screen.

“Mr. Osman is here for his appointment,” she says in her sweetest voice. She’s probably worried I’m going to fire her. Good.

“Send him in.” Richard barges in and is pacing back and forth in front of my desk before I even have time to greet him. This doesn’t seem like it’s going to go well. Before I can ask him what’s wrong, he collapses into the chair and levels his gaze at me.

“Shaw,” he says without bothering to add anything else.

“What about that prick?” Just his name has me tensing up.

“I hear he’s sniffing around the Santa Cruz property.”

“What?!” I practically shout at him. “How is that fucking possible? I made sure that this deal didn’t leave the walls of this building.”

If I had an arch nemesis, it would be Patrick Shaw. The man is my own personal Dr. Evil. He is the founder and CEO of Shaw Capital, a company that developed land into strip malls and cheap housing. The man has no scruples and even less personality.

We have been fighting over properties for years. When I was younger, I would resoundingly beat him out for top properties in the western United States. I wasn’t very gracious about it either. Not to his face and not to his investors. What can I say? I was a snot-nosed kid that was proud of beating one of the best in the field.
