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Before answering Bianca, I down half the glass of wine she poured for me and squeeze in between both of them on the couch. Do I really want to talk about this? I’ve been hiding my attraction to my crazy hot boss for weeks. I’ve never hidden anything from them before. These girls are like my sisters. Besides, I could use another opinion or two on what the hell is happening.

I take a deep breath and then spill my guts. Everything from the instant attraction during my interview right up until the moment where his uncle walked in the door of his office tonight. As I finish my tale, the room is silent.

“Ho—ly. Shit,” Bianca practically squeals. “I knew you were going to land that hot piece of man meat.”

I bury my head in my hands. “Did you hear any of what I just said? I made a fool of myself in front of my boss. How am I supposed to face him on Monday?”

“I don’t know,” Violet interjects. “It sounds like he was just as into it as you. What was that whole thing about basically asking if you have a boyfriend?”

“Right?” Bianca shouts. I can tell she’s getting tipsy because when Bianca gets tipsy, she gets loud. “And telling you there’s a policy against employees dating? He was jealous! That man wants you, girl. You should totally hit that!”

“Oh my god, I can’t hit that! He’s my boss. I can’t lose this job, my family is counting on me. Besides, as I found out, a supervisor can’t have a relationship with a direct report. Even if he is interested, and I’m not saying he is, we would both get fired.”

“He can’t get fired. His name is on the building. Like, it’s on EVERY building that company has,” Bianca protests.

“He certainly can get fired,” Violet answers her for me. “There is a board of directors and while he may own the majority share of the company, that doesn’t mean that they have to keep him in the CEO position.”

“I thought you were a comparative literature major.” Bianca eyes Violet, who simply shrugs as if this is something that everyone knows. Bianca switches gears, making my head spin. “Whatever, let’s have girls’ night and forget about men. We are smart, beautiful, independent women and we don’t need men to complete us.” And now we’re having a girl power moment.

I finish my glass of wine and reach for the bottle, realizing it’s now empty. “Is there any more wine?” Bianca jumps up, rushing into the kitchen. I assume to get more wine. I look over and smile at Violet, who merely rolls her eyes. Bianca always gets like this when she’s overindulged a bit. She re-enters the room with a bottle of wine in her arms, along with pretzels, bread, cheese, and almonds.

“I wish we had something sweet,” she mutters as she plops back down onto the couch, the bag of almonds slipping from her grip and onto the floor.

“Should I make cookies?” Violet asks us.

Bianca and I both freeze in place. Before I can open my mouth, Bianca is already telling her, “We are trying to get her mind off her super hot boss, Vi. Not poison the poor girl.”

Violet sticks out her lower lip in a pout but doesn’t seem truly offended. This isn’t something she hasn’t heard before. “Come on you guys, my baking isn’tthatbad.”

Bianca settles everything she’s hauled in from the kitchen onto the coffee table before turning to Violet. “Honey, we love you, you are amazing. But your baking is atrocious. Now dig in and I’ll buy you a donut for breakfast.”

“It better be pink with sprinkles,” Violet grumbles before popping another grape in her mouth and winking at me.

That’s how the three of us spend the rest of the evening. Drinking, eating, and laughing together while we watch trashy television. While it doesn’t completely take my mind off of the events of this evening, it certainly pushes them to the background as I enjoy the company of my best friends. I’m so lucky to have them both, especially since I don’t have parents I can exactly count on.

Around one a.m. we all head to our separate rooms and I’m once again alone with my thoughts. Laying in bed, I can’t help but replay the ‘moment’ Archer and I had this evening. His lips were so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my face. All I had to do was lift onto my tiptoes and place my lips against his.

I wasn’t even thinking when I placed my hand on his chest. I was a little dizzy and needed to steady myself. Immediately, anything else that was in my head was completely erased. All I could think about was Archer’s solid chest underneath my palm. He mentioned earlier tonight that he had done a triathlon last year. I believe him. That man is pure muscle, and I had wanted to lean into him and press my soft body against his hard one.

I can feel myself getting wet just replaying tonight’s events in my head. I’ve only had sex with my high school boyfriend and it was nothing to write home about. It was always awkward and fast. I certainly never had an orgasm with him. The entire experience was rather disappointing and I haven’t understood the need to meet someone else and repeat it. However, I suspect there wouldbe no room for disappointment after a night with Archer.

I glide my hand down the swell of my stomach, past the trimmed patch of hair to my dripping wet center. While I slowly play with my hardening clit, I bring my other hand under my top to pinch my nipple and let out a quiet groan. I think about what would have happened if I had kissed him tonight and moan as the hand in my panties moves more quickly. I think about Archer bending me over that enormous mahogany desk and roughly shoving my skirt over my hips before sinking into me. My fingers slide inside my drenched opening while I move my hand to my other breast and pinch that nipple as well. I picture him slamming himself into me, grabbing my hair, taking his pleasure from me. The mental images send me over the edge and flood my body with warmth as I come hard against my fingers. I’m panting at this point, unsure if I’ve ever come this hard before.

Readjusting my sleep shorts and tank top, I roll over onto my side and close my eyes. I try not to think about Archer Clarke but fail miserably as I drift off to sleep.

Saturday seems to drag as I’m plagued with thoughts of our late night work session. I’ve almost convinced myself quitting is the right thing to do. Not only am I embarrassed that I basically tripped and almost fell onto my boss’s mouth, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea if I work for a man that I’m so incredibly attracted to.

If I gave into my attraction to him, he would chew my tender heart up and spit it back out. Men like Archer Clarke don’t mess with naive girls like me. They take what they want and move on, and I wouldn’t be able to handle that. I’ve barely touched him and I already know that any kind of flirtation with Archer would ruin me for anyone else.

Besides, do I really want to end up like my mother? She fell for the charms of a rich man once upon a time. He left her with nothing but a baby and a deep-seated bitterness that persists to this day. I can barely help my mom and sister as it is. The thought of trying to do it with a baby is terrifying.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I fold laundry in my bedroom. I would never be so stupid and he would never go for it. But, there’s no denying that this electricity I feel between us is becoming a problem for me. I need to put some distance between us and make sure our relationship remains nothing but completely and undeniably professional.

I’ll speak to Lucas on Monday about going out for that happy hour. I’m not interested in dating him, or anyone else really, but it would be good for me to make some more friends in the office. That way, my daily interactions aren’t limited to my boss.

As I’m putting a pile of panties in my drawer, I hear the musical tinkling of my phone. I grab it off my bed and see my sister’s name and picture across the display. Smiling, I click to accept the call and hold it up to my ear. “Hey Paige! How’s it going?”

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