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I stare back at him incredulously. “She’s a businesswoman like everyone else. I’m sure she’ll find our offer more than generous and be happy to sell to Clarke Hotels.”

“Of course, you’re right Archer, but it couldn’t hurt to smooth talk her a bit. I know how important this property is to you, and I don’t want to see it slip out of your grasp.”

I school the features on my face and give him a hard stare. “Of course, this property is important to me. This marks a new chapter for Clarke Hotels. We’ll be a vacation destination, not just somewhere to stay.”

“You can sell that line to the board all day long, but you and I both know it’s more than that. You can lie to them, but don’t lie to me or yourself. This property means everything to you.”

I won’t even dignify that with an answer.

“Was there anything else that you needed?” I ask him before turning my focus back on my computer screen that’s still displaying Hollie’s resume.

“Actually, yes, I noticed Josh isn’t at his desk, so I assume he’s quit as well? Or did you outright fire this one?”

My brows furrow in confusion. “Who the fuck is Josh?”

Richard lets out a genuine guffaw at that. “Your most recent assistant. You didn’t even know this one’s name?”

“I thought it was Jeremy,” I grumble, not wanting to admit that I absolutely did not remember his name. “He abruptly quit this morning saying something about me being unreasonable and him not being able to sleep at night. As if his sleep is somehow my problem.” Honestly, I didn’t pay much attention to whatJoshwas saying. I was busy preparing for my 9 am conference call with some of our hotels’ general managers.

“I suppose I’ll have to have Greg in HR send you the latest batch of resumes. You can’t go too long without an assistant. It’s a good thing we always keep them on file, considering how often we need them.” He goes to stand from his chair, but I wave my hand at him dismissively.

“There’s no need. I’ve already hired a replacement.” I avert my eyes and begin straightening the paperwork on my desk. Richard can read me better than anyone and I don’t want to hear what he has to say about my impulsive hire of the young Miss. Simmons.

Richard’s eyebrows shoot up, almost reaching his hairline. “How did you manage that already? He quit this morning. Did you just grab someone off the street?” His teasing tone of voice has me getting defensive. That’s okay, getting defensive is better than him finding out I’m attracted to my new beautiful young assistant.

“Actually, she was a referral from Dante Moreno. She came in for a marketing position, but since there is nothing available right now and I need the help, I figured it would be a good match.”

He’s eyeing me incredulously, seeming to think before he asks, “And why would Dante refer someone to work here? He owns a construction company, not a staffing service.”

I narrow my eyes at him. Why he feels the need to tell me things I already know, I don’t have a clue. “Yes, but this was a favor to him. I guess she’s a friend of his daughter’s and is looking to get her foot in the door since she’s a recent graduate.”

“Recent graduate,” he mumbles to himself.

“Yes, is there a parrot in the room I’m not aware of? She graduated from Branson, Summa Cum Laude.” There’s a hint of pride in my voice. Why I would be proud of someone I don’t even know is beyond me, but it is what it is.

“Archer, does she even have any experience as a personal assistant? Let alone as one to a CEO of a Fortune 500 company?”

Here comes that defensive feeling again. “No, she doesn’t have experience in this particular position, but we’ve hired dozens of assistants with stellar credentials over the past year and they have all been sub-par. Maybe somebody fresh will finally be able to hack it.”

Richard leans back in his chair and stretches out his legs in front of him. He’s looking at me with a knowing stare I don’t appreciate one bit. “Is she pretty?”

I scoff at that question and try to sound offended. “I didn’t notice, Richard. When have you ever known me to dally with employees? I mean, she’s not hideous. Villagers wouldn’t come after her with pitchforks, if that’s what you’re asking.” I cross my arms and settle back into my chair.

“Riiiiight,” he says, stretching out the word like he knows my game. He’s just too loyal to say anything. Besides, I don’t play games, and if I did, I would win. No question.

“Good luck with that. Hopefully, this one sticks around for more than a few weeks. Just—” It looks like he’s not sure if he should say what comes out of his mouth next. “Be careful Archer, this is no time to give the board any reason to question you with the Santa Cruz deal so close.”

“You have nothing to worry about, Richard,” I deftly brush off his concerns. He, above all others, should realize that I’d never do anything to jeopardize this deal. This isn’t just business, it’s personal. Hollie Simmons may be the loveliest creature I’ve ever set eyes on, but there’s no way I’ll let her or anyone else interfere with this deal.



Once I’m home, I change into my pajama shorts and tank top before collapsing on the couch. The first thing I’m doing once I get paid—besides sending money to mom and Paige—is buying some better work clothes along with shoes that actually fit. I briefly consider soaking my aching feet before I pick up the remote and surf Netflix, trying to find something to watch that will let my brain veg out for a while. However, my brain doesn’t seem to be on the same page. My thoughts keep drifting back to Archer Clarke and those piercing brown eyes. It’s almost like I can still feel them on me.

I’m being silly. There is no way a man like him would find a girl like me attractive. Don’t get me wrong, I love myself and all my glorious short curviness, but men like Archer Clarke simply don’t date girls like me. In fact, I know he doesn’t. When I was researching for this interview, I saw pictures of him with dozens of women and they were all tall, thin, and perfectly poised. I’m pretty sure some of them were actual models. That’s the type of girl Archer dates. Not a girl with a few too many curves and who is just starting out in life.

Not that I want to date him. He’s my boss. This is strictly professional, even if he makes my body tingle all over with only a handshake. It’s not a problem, I just won’t touch him. Even if I wanted to, my mother’s reminder of being a rich man’s personal plaything was more than enough to put me off the idea. I settle back into the couch and start up a trashy TV show featuring housewives in California and prepare to space out when the front door bursts open.

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