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They get together for brunch practically every Sunday, and we were almost always invited. He was supportive of her moving into the art field and never pressured her to try something “more practical” like a lot of her friends in the Branson arts program.

Meanwhile, I hadn’t spoken to my father in four years and that last time was not pleasant. I’m not proud that I basically had to blackmail my own father in order for him to pay for college. The man has barely given anything to my mother or myself over the years and he runs, from what I can gather, a very successful business. I ambushed him at his offices and merely asked him if he wanted all his fancy friends and business associates to know that he had a daughter out there that he basically abandoned.

Apparently, that’s the way to get the man to open his wallet. Threaten his reputation. If I had any other way to pay for college, I would have done it. Since he is listed on my birth certificate, it looked like I had way too much money to receive any financial assistance. I absolutely hated asking that man for a single thing. That moment four years ago was the last time I’d spoken with him. However, his checks arrived at the Bursar’s office every semester like clockwork. That’s all that really mattered. Now I was out completely on my own and was relieved to not have to rely on him any longer.

As they both settled into their seats, Mr. Moreno turns his grin to me and asks, “How did the interview go, Hollie?”

“It was amazing. Thank you so much for getting me the interview.”

He gives me a smile and peruses the menu in front of him. “That’s great to hear,” he says.

“I wasn’t expecting to meet with Mr. Clarke himself. That was a bit of a surprise. But I got a job as his personal assistant, so I’m pretty ecstatic. I never would have gotten it without your help.”

The corners of his mouth turn down, and he sets the menu aside. “You’re working directly for Archer?” I nod in confirmation. “Shit, I thought he would have something for you on his marketing team. I’m really sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize. I’m honestly thrilled. The job starts tomorrow, so this is a great send off into the working world.” I put on my biggest smile so he knows that I’m truly happy about this, even if it wasn’t the job I was expecting.

“Just don’t take anything he says too personally, Hollie,” he says with a reassuring tone in his voice.

“What do you mean?”

“Archer Clarke isn’t exactly known for his… graciousness. He’s a bit of a hard ass. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever spoken to the same assistant twice when I’ve called his office.”

My eyes grow large and I’m suddenly about ten times more anxious about tomorrow than I was a few moments ago. Does Archer Clarke really go through assistants like tissue paper? I mean, I met the man and I could tell that he was going to be tough to work for, but I had also expected him to give me half a chance.

Seeing my worry, he reaches across the table and gives my hand a fatherly tap of reassurance. “Don’t worry Hollie, I’m sure you’ll do great. Like I said, don’t let him get to you.”

I nod my head and turn back to my menu while the conversation at the table turns to the new collection that’s going to be displayed at Bianca’s gallery and Violet’s classes.

What have I gotten myself into?



It’s Monday morning and I’m walking into the office at my normal time of eight thirty. To my surprise, Hollie is already sitting at her desk with Greg from HR next to her, filling in paperwork. I told her she didn’t have to show up until nine. Perhaps this is a sign of good things to come.

Does Greg need to be sitting with her while she fills out all the required employment forms? And does he have to be sitting that close? Shaking my head at myself, I continue to make my way down the long hallway. I spent most of the weekend pointedlynotthinking about Hollie Simmons. I didn’t think about her at my business lunch, or while working out with my trainer, or while I laid awake staring at the ceiling at night. And I certainly didn’t think of her in the shower this morning.Twice. This was not going well.

Young, naive girls like Hollie were looking for a relationship. That’s not something I had to give, even if she wasn’t an employee. Relationships aren’t for me. I am married to this company and any woman that I may briefly encounter is merely a side piece. My preferred companions understood that and were looking for the same thing themselves. We both get pleasure out of the time we spend together and then are on our way.

Sure, sometimes I saw the same woman more than once, but the second I thought she might expect anything more from me, I was quick to cut her loose. There is no way I could do that with someone who was working for me. That and the potential sexual harassment lawsuits were keeping me far away from her.

“Good morning, Miss. Simmons. Greg,” I greet them both coldly, masking my attraction to her while also hoping that Greg will make his way back to Human Resources where he belongs.

He jumps up from his chair, practically knocking it over. “Good morning, Mr. Clarke. I trust you had a good weekend.” I simply give him a small nod and focus my attention on Hollie. She’s wearing a pencil skirt again and a white blouse, this time sans blazer. Her shirt isn’t quite buttoned up to her throat today. The very top button is undone.

Is that for me or for Greg?

I almost laugh at myself for that thought. If a woman is trying to attract a man, she certainly doesn’t leave her top button undone to entice him. That is apparently just my kink.

“Miss. Simmons, when you’re done with your paperwork, please come into my office and see me. Also, I’d like a coffee. One cream, one sugar.”

“Yes, Mr. Clarke,” she chirps at me and gives me a smile that I don’t return.

I quickly stride past them both, entering my office and closing the solid door behind me. I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and take a seat at my desk, determined to concentrate on all that needs to be done today. The San Diego hotel is having staffing issues because of some immigration regulations. It must be bad if it’s made its way up to me. I’ll need to talk to the manager ASAP.

I bring up my email and note the staggering number that has accumulated between when I left the house and now. There are too many. I’m glad I’m not going through another day without an assistant.
