Page 19 of Made To Be Yours

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She has a fucking date?

There are certain things you can count on when it comes to Violet. She never passes a child without giving them a smile and a wave. She can’t resist kettle corn. And she definitely doesn’t fucking date. Or at least she hasn’t since I’ve been keeping a close eye on her.

Up until that point, I had really been enjoying our time together. I’ve always liked Violet. She’s a beautiful and intelligent woman. I just didn’t know that I could have so much fun with her. The fact that we were doing nothing put picking out some office equipment pretty much floored me. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself so much in the company of a woman. Then she had to tell me about her stupid fucking date.

I don’t know why her mentioning it to me has sent me into such a spiral but it has. Of course she’s going to date. She’s young, beautiful, smart, and caring. Hell, she has everything in the world going for her. I’m surprised that there aren’t guys lining up around the block for just the chance to be with her. But apparently, for all I know, they are.

I go to the kitchen and grab a beer from the refrigerator, quickly popping off the top and downing the beverage in just a few gulps before I grab another and head to the couch.

The fact that I couldn’t get any information out of her about it was almost as bad as hearing about the date itself. Who is it with? Has she been out with him before? Is it getting serious? This is all information that I have absolutely no right to. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want it. If I stopped a moment to analyze my behavior, I’d realize that I was acting like a jealous teen, but frankly, I couldn’t give a fuck. Instead, I make the split-second decision to check in on my daughter, for totally innocent, fatherly reasons. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

“Hey, Dad!” my daughter exclaims when she picks up my call.

“Hey, pumpkin. So, I hear that I’m throwing a party now?”

“How did you—Oh, right. Violet. You don’t mind do you, Daddy?”

“Well, since I told Violet she was going to have to help me now that she’s my employee I guess it should be okay. But you have to help. I don’t want to be stuck doing everything myself.”

“No worries, the girls and I are going to work out all the details tonight. How about you and Violet handle the food?”

“How many people are you expecting at this thing?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” I can tell by the tone of her voice she wants to ignore the question but if she wants me to provide food and drinks, she better come clean.

“Bianca.” I know she can hear the warning tone in my voice.

“Okay, fine. Maybe fifty? I’m not positive yet. I’ll work that out in the next few days.”

I let out a groan. No one has ever accused me of being a skilled cook before so I guess we’re going with catering. That should cost a nice chunk of change.

“Just... try to keep it under control Bianca.”

“C’mon, Dad, you know me.”

“Exactly, I know you.” Before I can think better of it, I blurt, “Violet told me she’s going on a date Friday.” There’s a pause at the other end of the line and I let my head fall forward into my palm.

Smooth Dante, real smooth.

“Oh... she told you about that? I’m surprised,” she says hesitantly.

I hurry to cover up my snafu. “Well, she just mentioned it so she could get some time off. I want to make sure she’ll have time to help with the party. If she’s dating someone, she might not be around.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s just a first date, she’s not even sure she likes the guy. Besides, you know Violet. She always puts her friends first. I just can’t believe she mentioned it to you because she seems kind of nervous about it, but Hollie and I told her she should absolutely go. It’s time for her to get out there, you know?”

“Yeah, sure,” I say begrudgingly. Is it bad that I want to reach through the phone and strangle my daughter for pushing Violet to go out on a date she’s not sure about? You would think since it’s a first date, and that she doesn’t really seem into the guy, it would ease this tension that I’ve been holding in my body since I’ve heard about it, but it doesn’t. “Well, it will be a great party. My daughter only turns twenty-three once.”

“Hell yeah, it will. I’ve got to run, I’m meeting Hollie and Violet soon to party plan. Thanks, Dad! I love you!”

“Love you too, honey.”


I wasn’t expecting to feel this lonely. I’ve only worked in the office with Violet for a day and already the room feels empty without her. The freshly delivered desk and chair are sitting off to the side of mine, and they seem bare without her sitting there, filling the office with her own personal brand of sunshine and light.

Am I being ridiculous? Absolutely. I just don’t know how to stop.
