Page 55 of Made To Be Yours

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“I made you fiber cakes.” I point to the little, condensed cakes and give him my sweetest smile. He doesn’t have to know they were supposed to be muffins. “You can take a couple to work with you in the morning since you’re always running late.”

“Thanks, baby,” he says while crossing the room, then bends down to give me a light kiss that quickly turns heated. When he pulls away, I can see the desire in his eyes, and I know it matches my own. “I wouldn’t always be running late if you’d let me out of bed in the morning.”

My cheeks heat. It’s true that there have been a few times he was about out the door and I dragged him back to bed to give me a few more orgasms to start off my day. “Sorry.”

He pinches my chin between his thumb and forefinger, tipping my face up to his. “You never have to be sorry for wanting me. Wanting us. Understand?”

I quickly give him a nod, and before I know it, he’s got me up in his arms and held firmly there with his hands under my ass. I wrap my legs around him, holding on tight.

When I feel his rapidly hardening length press against my cotton-clad pussy, I give a little wiggle and let out a moan. This man makes me go from zero to sixty at a moment’s notice. His sweaty shirt is pressing against my clean one, and I run my fingers through his slick hair. “You’re all sweaty,” I murmur before taking my tongue and running it down the length of his neck, getting the salty taste of him in my mouth.

“Fuck,” he groans and lets his head fall back, giving my mouth better access to him. “Yeah, I was helping Adrian and his guys with some demo work on a couple of the last units.” His hands tighten on my ass and pull me harder against him. It would be wrong to rub up on him like a cat in heat, right?

“Come on,” he says, carrying me up the stairs.

“Where are we going?”

“Right now, I’m going to take a shower. Then we’re going to get dressed up, and I’m taking you out on a proper date.”

“A date?” I squeak out. We’ve spent so much time together the past month, but never on an official date. Now we’re finally going on a real, honest-to-God date. Most of our time is spent at his house, and I’ve truly been okay with it. I’m pretty much a homebody at heart, and really, all I need is to be with him. But a girl can only go so long before she worries that the man she’s seeing might be ashamed of her. However, I also recognize that, though it’s been unspoken, we’ve been trying to lie low. Not just so we don’t run into Bianca, but also so we don’t see anybody that could say something to her and blow our secret.

“Yeah, I want to take my girl out and spoil her, so I’m going to need to get cleaned up.”

“Mmm, would my man like some company while he’s getting cleaned up?” There’s a glint in his eye, and I know that showering won’t be the only thing we do in the bathroom.

Showering takes twice as long as it should. First we get clean, then he fucks me up against the smooth tile wall, so we have to get clean all over again. I don’t mind. I love using my hands to soap up his body and rigid cock with the shower gel that gives him that spicy scent I love.

When we finally make it out, I quickly blow dry my hair while he gets dressed. Once he’s done, he comes back to the bathroom and starts playfully pulling at the towel I have wrapped around me.

“Cut it out, mister. If you don’t stop, we’ll never get out of here.”

He gives me an exaggerated pout. “Maybe we should skip the date and just go to bed,” he teases.

“Oh, no you don’t. You’ve promised me a date, and that’s what we’re doing. Now go to the office and go through the messages I left you, so I can get dressed in peace.”

“Of course, dear,” he says mockingly before bending down, planting a quick kiss on my lips, and heading to the office, leaving me to get ready. Once my hair is dry, I realize I don’t have any product to put in it, so decide to put it up in a sleek high ponytail on top of my head. It’s cute and sophisticated, so it should work for wherever we’re going. Which I probably should have asked about, but I know he likes to surprise me, whether it’s coming home with my favorite Italian takeout or a bouquet of hydrangeas he bought when he saw them and thought of me. To be honest, he’s given me more attention in the past six weeks than my parents have my entire life.

That thought is a little depressing, especially because I keep getting texts from my mother about setting me up with someone from my dad’s office. She doesn’t even say hi or ask how I’ve been. I don’t understand what I’ve ever done to be such a tiny blip on the radar in her life.

Instead of sinking into the morose thoughts that my family brings up, I shake it off and start going through the small collection of clothes that I’ve gathered at Dante’s. It’s been rather cold and rainy out lately, so I decide on a deep blue sweater dress with a scoop neck. Normally, I pair it with a knee-high boots, but since those are back at my house, I dig out a pair of little black ankle booties and put those on. I top the outfit off with my book necklace nestled between my breasts. I almost never take it off, and I’m not going to start now.

I make my best attempt at putting on some light makeup. Just a little concealer, eyeliner, and a tinted lip balm. Even though it’s not fancy, I think it looks pretty good. The liner is making my blue eyes pop, and they really shine out against my dress. I think even Bianca would be proud of the job I did... as long as she didn’t know it was to seduce her dad into bed later. Not that I’ll really have to seduce him. Dante can never keep his hands off me for long.

Just as I’m double-checking everything in the mirror, I notice Dante standing behind me, staring. I nervously shift from one foot to the other when he remains silent, his eyes on me.

“Is this okay?” I ask. “You didn’t say where we’re going, but I figured this outfit would work most anywhere.”

“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he says with genuine conviction in his voice. “How did I end up this lucky? It shouldn’t be possible.”

His words fill me with joy and a deep sense of belonging. He always has the nicest things to say to me, but I’ve never been one for taking compliments well, probably because I’ve never really received any.

“You’re joking, right?” I indicate him in his well-cut black slacks and light blue button-down shirt. “You’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.” I chew on my lip for just a second, quickly weighing the pros and cons of what I’m about to tell him. In the end, I just say fuck it and go for it. “You realize that I’ve wanted you since the very first time I laid eyes on you, right?”

A look of confusion comes over his face. “But that was over four years ago. You were just a kid.”

I can’t help a self-deprecating laugh at that. “Oh, I’m very aware of when it was and how you saw me. You helped me carry all my boxes up from my car to our dorm room because my parents didn’t bother to make the time to drop me off at school. Then you literally called me a kid.”

He takes a step toward me and gives a playful tug to my ponytail. “I wish I had known how you felt. Maybe if I did, it wouldn’t have taken me three whole years to figure out what an amazing woman you are.”
