Page 57 of Made To Be Yours

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After seating us at a small table against the front windows, he makes sure we know tonight’s specials and then leaves us to review the menu.

“This place is so charming. Have you been here before?” I ask.

“Nope. Actually, Jake gave me the recommendation. He said if I was going out for Italian food and didn’t go here that it would be a crime.”

“Jake? He doesn’t seem like the type to frequent a place like this. He strikes me as a burger and beer in front of a big screen playing the latest game type to me.”

Dante lets out a laugh. “You wouldn’t be wrong in that assumption. I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve spent at a sports bar doing just that with him. But he does go on a lot of dates, so I figure he’s probably visited most of the restaurants in the city at one time or another.”

“I can definitely see that. Jake seems like the consummate ladies’ man.”

“He sure seemed eager enough to meet you when you were first hired.” There’s a hint of jealousy in his voice that sends a tiny thrill through me. I love it when Dante gets jealous. He doesn’t turn into a complete asshole, but just the thought that he wants me all to himself does something to warm my heart.

“Well, you can let him know I’m already interested in somebody else,” I tease.

He lifts his brow at me. “Oh really? Anybody I know?”

“Hmmm, maybe.” He reaches across the table, takes my hand and flips it before lacing his fingers through my own. It feels so natural being here with him in this beautiful restaurant holding hands, and I think, not for the first time, that I could do this for the rest of my life. I just wish that was possible.

“What was that?” he asks.

“What was what?”

“You looked sad for a second. Is something wrong?” He looks concerned, and I love him even more for it.Damn it.

I play it off, not wanting him to know the depths of my feelings. “You must be seeing things. I mean, you are getting older. Should I take you to get your eyes checked?”

“Ouch.” He grabs his chest in mock pain. “That hurts, baby.” Then, before I know what’s happening, the teasing goes out of his eyes and they turn into molten chocolate instead. “You better be careful, or I’ll take you home and show you just how much you love my age and experience.”

My heart rate picks up, and I can immediately feel a dampness between my legs. The thought of Dante doing things to my body sends a wave of lust through me. “I think that you probably should. I mean, I could use a reminder.”

“Baby, you have no idea.” He squeezes my hand and starts caressing the inside of my wrist with his thumb, making my body want to combust right here on the spot.

Before our teasing can go any further, our waiter comes over and takes our order, effectively cooling off our heated exchange. Regardless, I can still feel my pussy tingling at the prospect of what Dante is going to do to me when we get home.

We spend dinner chatting pleasantly. We talk a little about work, and I remind him that Jake needs him to visit the site tomorrow and sign off on the completed project, so they can present to the homeowners. I have to be honest that I’m pretty excited about this one being done. Not because it’s been any trouble, but because this is the first real project I’ve been a part of completing since working for Moreno Construction. It’s given me a genuine sense of pride that I wasn’t expecting to feel.

The conversation then drifts to the spy novel we’ve been reading. The author is famous for his plot twists, and we have a good time giving our best guesses on what it will be.

Just as the meal is winding down, I excuse myself to go to the restroom. I follow the long, dimly lit hallway to the back of the dining area, where the waiter indicated the ladies’ room was located. When I’m done, I check reflection in the mirror. My eyes are lit up, and my cheeks have a healthy pink to them that’s not from any blush—mostly because I didn’t have any. I tighten my ponytail and apply another layer of lip balm before leaving.

I’m just exiting and starting to make the trip back down the long hallway when there’s a voice behind me, close to my ear.

“So that’s who you left me for? Do old men get you wet, Violet?”

I let out a little gasp and spin around to find Tyler standing there. I haven’t seen him since our confrontation after class weeks ago, and while he’s still the same guy, he looks different somehow. His clothes are slightly disheveled, and his hair is sticking up like he’s been running his fingers through it. The biggest difference is his eyes. They always had a friendly look to them, but now there’s a gleam of anger and malice I haven’t seen before.

I don’t know what the hell he’s doing here, but I won’t cower away from him.

“I didn’t leave you for anybody, Tyler. We went on two dates. It didn’t work out. It happens. You need to stop texting me. I’m just not interested.”

He takes a step closer to me, getting into my personal space and forcing me to move backward until my back hits the wall. “You wouldn’t even kiss me, but I bet you spread your legs for him like the slut you are. I bet he likes it rough, doesn’t he? I would have been so gentle with you and treated you like the lady that I thought you were.” He spits the words out at me with a level of vitriol I’m surprised at, though I probably shouldn’t be considering the texts he’s been sending.

Before he can say or do anything else, I put my hands on his chest and put all my strength into shoving him away from me. He must not have been expecting the move because it sends him reeling back into the opposite wall and I take that moment to make my escape. I hightail it out of the hallway, and once I’m back in the dining room, I glance behind me and am surprised to see no trace of Tyler.

I take a few moments standing at the back of the restaurant to steady myself and get my breathing back under control. What the hell is he doing here? Did he follow me? No, that can’t be right. We left from Dante’s house and took his truck. He wouldn’t know how to find me. I convince myself that this was all just a big coincidence and won’t happen again. We live in a city with approximately a quarter of a million people, not to mention the Seattle metropolitan area has about four million residents in total. What are the odds that I’ll run into him again, especially if he’s dropped his classes as it seems? No, this was a one time thing. I can handle this. They’re just words, and even though I love literature and know the importance of words, they can’t hurt me.

By the time I get back to the table, Dante’s already paid our tab and is ready to go. “Are you okay, Vi? You were gone awhile and you look a little upset.”
