Page 10 of Infamous Love

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He reached out to hand a large tip to the driver before piling out of the door the doorman held open for them.

The walk through the lobby was surreal. She'd stayed in a couple of upscale hotels while traveling with Bianca, but the opulence surrounding them as they moved through the lobby was intimidating. The bellman carried all of their bags, leaving the men's hands free to capture each of hers and hold on tight. The linked threesome drew attention from the curious guests.

As they approached the elevator, two stunningly beautiful women who had to be models exited. They were nearly as tall as the men and thin as boards. They were dressed casually in low riding yoga pants and revealing camisoles with their tiny tits barely peeking through the translucent fabric. It was their boney hip and collarbones that reminded Emma how different she was from the women the men hung out with while modeling.

She didn't miss their surprise at seeing the men holding hands with Emma. She watched their brows narrow as they drew closer. The tallest brunette spoke first.

"It's about time you guys got back. We've been holding off starting the party until you got here. I'm glad you ditched those skanks you left with, but I see you…well look busy."

Emma was relieved the guys seemed anxious to get away from the models.

“We’re busy. We’ll see you on the set.” Jaxson moved them closer to the elevator as the women gave Emma a look that could kill a lesser person.

“I can’t believe they’d rather spend time with a mercy case like that than us. She must give good head.” Their look hadn’t hurt, but their hateful words whispered none-too-softly as they skulked away brought tears to Emma’s eyes.

The men moved quickly. Jax released Emma's hand as Chase moved to embrace her in his arms as if to protect her from the hurtful words. Jax stepped up to go eye to eye with the stick, surprised anger radiating off him.

"Watch yourself, Mona. I don't take kindly to you dissing things important to me."

Emma saw the jealously flashing on both of the women's faces. "You can't be serious. She's fat!"

Jaxson's laughter was menacing. "You've lost all touch with reality. She's real. She's beautiful and sensual and intelligent. I'm so fucking sick of hanging out with fake bitches who treat everyone else as if they're gum on the bottom of their designer shoes."

"Fake? You didn't seem to think I was too fake when you were fucking me."

As if they hadn't already drawn enough attention to themselves, her shouting obscenities had every single person staring at the altercation. Emma fought back tears, trying to not let it show how wounded she was by their hurtful words and the implications Jax had slept with the stick.

Then it hit her. Of course he had. He could sleep with anyone and everyone he wanted to, including men apparently. He exuded dominance and this yummy sexiness that went farther than his breathtakingly handsome looks.

They froze in a stand off for a few long seconds before Jax moved closer to Mona, while making sure not to touch her. He spoke quietly, but with passion.

"Both of you together aren't equal to one of her. Yeah... I fucked you, but that's all it was. A fast, physical release with a ready hole. Now, if you'll excuse Chase and me, we have a beautiful woman to go make love to."

Jax reached out with his hand and Chase shuffled them forward. Emma self-consciously reached to take the outstretched hand and Jax moved around the model standing stock still, her mouth gaping open in shock, to pull the three of them into the open small elevator. They pressed seven for their floor and let the doors close behind them before the men pinned Emma against the back wall.

Jax apologized. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Are you okay?"

Emma didn't trust her voice so she nodded.

Chase jumped in next. "They're just jealous. They've been chasing us for the two weeks we've been in town working together."

Emma found her voice. "Well, I don't want to mess up your plans if you want to..."

Jaxson's mouth closed in for an open mouth kiss to shut her up. By the time the doors of the elevator opened on their floor, he had convinced her he wasn't interested in changing their planned tryst.

"Let's go."

Their room was at the end of the long hallway. She had expected a bedroom, so she was surprised to walk into a living room space with a floor-to-ceiling bowed window with a direct view of theArc de Triomphe de l'Étoileonly a few blocks away. There was a seating area with comfortable-looking furniture facing a media center. On the opposite wall there was a small bar area with a mini-fridge. The round wooden table looked like it would seat six for a meal. A desk area was tucked into the corner.

"It's beautiful, but where do you sleep?"

Chase chuckled. “Technically, we each have our own rooms on either side of this parlor, but I have a feeling we'll all be in Jax's king bed for the next twenty-four hours."

Chase released her hand to open the door to the bellman delivering their bags. Once they were alone again, they stood quietly for a moment as if they were waiting for what came next.

Jaxson took charge. "I'll order up some food and drinks. You two go ahead and get started trying out the awesome shower in my room. I'll be in to join you in a few minutes."

Chase led her through the small bedroom with the large bed she knew they would be spending time in later and into a small, but luxurious bathroom. Jax had told them to shower, but when she saw the raised whirlpool tub, she stopped in her tracks. Her expression must have betrayed how much she wanted to sink her tired and sore body into the tub.
