Page 57 of Infamous Love

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He was her Dom. Chase's Dom. He needed to make a decision that would be best not only for the people of the USA, but more importantly for the two people he loved more than anything else in the entire world. They’d pledged their support for whatever decision he made. Could he put them in danger, making them a national target?

One look at Chase's calm face and Jaxson had his answer. He may be their Dom, but he was also their lover. They loved him. They were in this together.

Bonnie and the staffers had already stood and were waiting impatiently for him to join them.

Jaxson pushed to his feet, nodding to Chase before pulling Emma up as well. He wrapped his arm around her protectively as they fell in line behind his parents and the other staffers that were climbing the stairs to the stage where dozens of red, white and blue balloons and flags decorated the space.

Jaxson didn't need to glance backwards to know that Chase was following them onto the stage. They would stand back far enough that his father would hopefully be in the middle of his speech before he realized Chase had joined them.

Bonnie was still too distracted by his father's outburst to be paying any attention. He almost felt sorry for her having to work so closely with his father, yet she did it by choice. She was talented. She could have found a job with any number of other political figures. In fact, he suspected she would need to do just that after tonight.

He forced himself to listen to the condescending and offensive rhetoric spewing from his father's mouth. Never did the man share a positive idea or a kind word about his constituents. His father's entire speech was meant to divide people, pitting poor against rich, white against black, and oppress any demographic that wasn't exactly like his father — rich... white... privileged.

Jaxson felt light headed as his father got to the heart of his platform, spewing hate against immigrants, blacks, gays, lesbians, Muslims, even the poor who took advantage of government aid. That he had to stand on the same stage and even be associated loosely with this man galled him. He couldn't take it anymore.

Jax turned pleading eyes at Chase who smiled, adding a supportive nod.

"And I couldn't have considered taking this historic step if it weren't for the support of my loving family. My wife, Miranda, and son Jaxson along with his girlfriend, Emma Fischer." It was only then his dad glanced behind where Jax stood and saw Chase standing on the other side of Emma.

The time had come. The room was quiet as his father's speech stalled. All eyes were on them as his father shot daggers at his son for allowing Chase to be on the stage with them.

Jaxson turned to Emma then, pulling her into an embrace before capturing her lips in a heated kiss. The second he released her, Chase was there to turn her towards him, hugging her close and planting an even hotter kiss on her open lips. There would be absolutely no misunderstanding by anyone witnessing their passion.

As his lovers broke from their kiss, his father left the podium, stalking towards them in anger. For a second Jaxson thought his father might punch him right then and there. Perhaps that would have turned out better for the senator.

"You sonofabitch, you just couldn't follow-through with your promise. I asked for only one fucking night to get some press from my family." His voice was low, but in his anger it carried far enough that Jaxson could hear the shocked exclamations at the tables close enough to hear the candidate's cussing.

Jaxson stepped closer to his father, their chests almost bumping. "What's the matter, Dad? You asked for me to help you get the national media's attention. Didn't that make a big enough splash for you? If you hated watching Chase and Emma kiss, you're really gonna hate this."

Jaxson stepped back, his knees weak under the stress of the moment. His lover was there to catch him in his arms. They embraced for a few seconds before Chase took control, pulling Jaxson into an open mouth lover's kiss.

Emma snuggled closer, reaching out to hug both men, making it clear she was not with one, but both of them as the three lovers embraced. The room erupted with shouts, boos and even a few rounds of applause just before his father's fist connected with his jaw, ripping Jaxson apart from Chase.

The secret service rushed forward, stepping between the father and son, preventing further punches from being thrown. The room was in pandemonium. It was time for them to leave. His work here was done. Well, almost.

Jaxson pulled apart from his lovers long enough to step closer to his father. He would get the last word. "You asked for my help in getting attention for your national campaign. I just did you a huge favor. I'm certain that my lovers and I just landed you on the front page of every newspaper in the country, hell maybe even the world. You'll be the lead off story for every newscast. Talk shows will be dedicating full episodes to your campaign for days." He went for broke. "Hell, I bet even Juan will see it down in Mexico. No need to thank me, Dad. I'm happy I could help."

Jaxson didn't stay to see the remaining fallout. He didn't need to. He knew he'd just put the final nail into the coffin of his father's burgeoning election campaign. While he was sorry his mother would also be hurt by the fallout as his father's political career disintegrated, he couldn't bring himself to do more than pity her. He'd wait a few days before calling and inviting her to get away from it all in Europe.

They had just hit backstage when a crowd of reporters pressed in, thrusting microphones in their faces, pushing and shoving to get a statement. It was Jaxson they wanted so he released Emma's hand, yelling to Chase to get her safely to the limo and he'd meet them back at the loft.

He watched as his lovers stopped dead in their tracks, turning and fighting to get back to his side. They each held one of his hands and together they started moving again towards the back door where their limo awaited.

"Seriously, you two should go on ahead. I'll catch up."

Emma and Chase grinned up at him and answered in unison, "Where you go, we all go."
