Page 6 of Roulette Rematch

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Runway West

February 14th, 5:45pm

As Madison smoothed out the thigh-high leather boots she’d purchased for Roulette, she pulled in another deep breath, counting to ten before she let it out slowly.

“Stop worrying. You ace the MC gig every year, babe,” Trevor said, grinning over at her from the chair as his gaze slid down her body. “And you look so damn good doing it.”

“You haven’t been under General Elijah’s thumb for the last month,” she replied, rolling her eyes as she turned in front of the full-length mirror, making sure everything looked perfect before she stepped in front of the massive audience Roulette always brought. “You’d be stressed too if you knew how crazy he’s been.”

“You’ve told me all about it.” Chuckling, Trevor pushed himself out of the chair and moved to stand behind her in the mirror. A moment later his hands were on her shoulders, thumbs digging into the knots of tension that felt like a permanent fixture in her muscles. “I think I have an idea.”

“Oh my God that feels amazing,” Madison groaned, eyes closing as his strong hands worked magic.

“Keep making noises like that and I’m going to make you late for Roulette,” Trevor threatened playfully, his voice a delicious growl against her ear that had her contemplating how quickly she could get out of all the leather she’d put on.

Nope. Elijah will totally kill me.

“Don’t tease me right now, please? Tonight has to go, like… perfect. More than perfect. We have to win, and I can’t get distracted or I’m going to totally screw it up somehow.” Shrugging out of the tempting massage, Madison stepped closer to the mirror to check her make-up one more time. She’d put her blonde hair in another high ponytail, wearing a leather corset that showed off her curves, lifted the girls high on her chest, and it matched the leather skirt she’d found like a dream.

Well, she hadn’t found it. Dominic had.

Then Dominic quit, which was just one of a hundred things that had gone wrong in the last few weeks. Elijah felt like the universe was working against them, and while Madison always tried to keep a positive attitude — even she had to admit it seemed plausible.

But they’d come together, worked hard to fix as much as they could, and even though everything wasn’t perfect… they could still win.

“Earth to Madison,” Trevor said, waving his hand in front of her face, and she jerked back.


“I asked you if you were ready to head downstairs,” he answered, chuckling and looking too damn handsome with that sly grin on his face. “You do realize that stressing about this shit isn’t going to make the night go any better, right?”

“You pestering me isn’t going to make it any better either!” she snapped and immediately wished she hadn’t. Madison only got a brief glimpse of the wicked flash on Trevor’s face before he caught her around the waist and bent her over. The leather skirt was already short, but Trevor flipped it up onto her back anyway just before he landed the first blistering smack of his palm.

“I know you’re stressed, babe,” he began, delivering another hard swat to her other ass cheek. “But I am not responsible for this shit.”

“I know, but—” Another hard spank cracked against her skin, drawing a whine through her clenched teeth as he repeated it again, and again, and again. “Trevor!”

“That’s not what you call me when you’re a naughty girl,” he said through a laugh, delivering another series of fiery swats to her ass that made her struggle against his hold. He just adjusted his grip, shifting her off balance, which forced her to brace her hands on the wall beside the mirror so she didn’t topple in the high-heeled boots. “Come on, babe, you know what to say.”

“This isn’t helping, SIR!” Madison shouted, but his laugh just rolled out again as he landed another quick series of searing smacks. Her ass was on fire, and she fought the urge to chew all of her lipstick off as she tried to bite back the whines as the pain amplified.

“I’m waiting,” he taunted her, slowing down the pace as he evened out the handprints she was sure he was leaving behind. She knew exactly what he wanted to hear, but something inside her just wouldn’t budge.

“And I’m supposed to be downstairs as Mistress Madison, but someone—” She didn’t even get the chance to finish the sentence before he focused an agonizing set of swats directly on her sitspot. Shifting her weight from foot to foot, she tried to wiggle out of his grip, to lessen the burning ache, but Trevor was nothing but hard muscle, and a lot bigger.

“First of all, babe, you’re never going to be Mistress Madison with me. I’m not into getting my ass lit up like this, but you definitely are.” Pushing her thong aside, Trevor plunged two fingers deep, sending her onto her toes with a gasp that ended on a hushed moan. “And whether you think this isn’t helping or not, I’m not letting you go downstairs until I hear what I want to hear… even if that means Elijah himself has to come check on you and find you bent over with a red ass.”

Heat flushed her face at the idea of Elijah walking in on her like this. Sure, there was a BDSM club a few stories under her very stylish boots, and she was about to MC the most intense kink event of the year… but Elijah was still her coworker.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she mumbled, groaning when Trevor pulled his fingers free and spanked her again.

“Want to try that again?”

“I’m sorry, sir!” Madison shouted, whining as she tried to stand upright again and Trevor just leaned into her, keeping her exactly where he wanted her.

“For?” he prompted, and she could hear the damn charming smile in his voice.

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