Page 11 of Having It All

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“Easy for you to say. This is your house. This is just another day for you.” She took a short break. He could see she was debating if she really wanted to continue on with her thought. He patiently waited her out until she finally continued. “I don’t think you have a clue just how close I came to putting my dress back on and sneaking out to my car.”

Even in the dim lighting, it was easy for Lukus to see her uncertainty was back. He stood and walked around the end of the bar until he was directly behind her barstool. Tiff made no attempt to turn herself around to face him, so Lukus took the opportunity to reach out and smooth down a few escaped wisps of her silky hair. He finally swiveled her barstool around so that she was facing him.

He leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of her on the backrest, effectively trapping her. Lukus leaned his body forward against her, happy when she subconsciously opened her legs to draw him in as he pressed close. When their faces were just a few inches apart, Tiffany quickly closed her eyes, apparently deciding his stare was too intense.

“Open your eyes, Tiffany.” When she didn’t comply, Lukus reached up to cup her cheek with his hand, stroking her gently with his thumb. When he detected her leaning slightly into his hand, seeking out his intimacy, he repeated his request. “Open your eyes, baby… please.” His voice was soft, careful not to spook her.

When Tiffany finally opened her eyes, he could see the glossy sheen of her tears. He continued to speak gently. “First, thank you for being honest with me about wanting to leave. This will never work if you hide your feelings from me. Now, if you feel uncomfortable at my place, that’s okay. I can fix that. I can take you home to your place or to a neutral downtown hotel with lots of wonderful amenities to spoil you. Just tell me where you’ll feel comfortable and I’ll make it happen. But walking away is not an option, Tiffany. I won’t allow that to happen. I’m not letting you out of my sight until we can get a handle on whatever the hell it is that’s happening between us.”

When she remained silent, he continued. “And for the record, you couldn’t be more wrong. The fact you think this is just a normal day for me just proves you don’t know me as well as you seem to think you do. Maybe—just maybe—you should give me the benefit of the doubt until I prove I don’t deserve it. You think you can do that?”

He could see the hope flicker in her eyes. He detected her slight nod as her only reply.

“So, where’s all that sass now, Miss O’Sullivan?” he asked, grinning. “You’ve got me hooked on your beautiful, sassy mouth. Don’t tell me you’re all out of jibes for me.”

He knew he’d succeeded at breaking through her defenses when Tiff’s shy smile returned.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll never run out of sass. Maybe I’m just being careful to use it more wisely. After all, I’m not entirely sure I understand all the rules of the game we’re playing.”

Lukus was suddenly serious again. “Oh baby, that’s your whole problem. This isn’t a game, at least not for me. Nothing has felt this real to me in a very long time.”

Tiff sucked in a sharp breath, surprised by his admission. “Why me, Lukus? Seriously…”

Lukus moved his fingers to her lips, effectively shushing her. “Stop. Enough analyzing. We have plenty of time for that later. Tonight, let it be enough to know it’s because you look amazing in my favorite shirt.”

Tiff’s mischievous smile told him she was pleased. “This is really your favorite shirt?”

Lukus’s smile turned predatory. “It is now,” he said, and watched surprise flicker in her eyes. As their gaze remained locked, Lukus expertly sought out the few buttons holding hisfavoriteshirt closed. He felt lower, unbuttoning each button slowly until none remained.

He loved watching the emotions parade through her expressive eyes as he slowly opened the dress shirt wide, exposing her luscious body to him. Without breaking their passion-fueled visual connection, he moved his hands lower slowly, grasping her bare ass and not so gently pulled her body forward to the edge of the stool, bringing her now naked core hard against his straining erection, the fabric of his jeans the only thing separating them.

Tiff took a deep breath, her penetrating stare turned to liquid heat as he reached up to gently cup her heavy breasts in his two hands, flicking his thumbs lightly over each peak. A wave of power surged through Lukus as he witnessed the effect he was having on her—the feel of her nipples hardening at his touch, the rise and fall of her chest as her breath became labored with sexual excitement, the sweep of her tongue subconsciously wetting her lips to prepare for the kiss she hoped was coming.

When he felt his control being tested, Lukus finally broke their visual showdown by sweeping his gaze lower to take in his first glimpse of her curvy, naked body.

Christ. Her body is even more perfect than I’d imagined. I was right. Sheismade for sin.

Her breasts were magnificent. They were big enough to spill over his large hands as he cupped each one, yet firm enough for her tits to stand taut at perfect attention. With an audible groan, Lukus could wait no more. He dove down to latch onto her left nipple with his warm mouth. He attacked her nip with gusto, drawing a matching groan from Tiff. He took his time, sucking and licking her intimately while enjoying the feel of her hands running through his thick, dark hair as she pulled him closer to her chest. He loved that he could hear the fast heartbeat that confirmed his impact on her.

As he moved his mouth to her other nipple, tracing quick kisses across the sensitive valley between her peaks, he noticed she’d begun rocking her body against his in a rhythmic beat, subconsciously broadcasting her desire for him to fill her. He dragged a gasp from her as he allowed his teeth to graze the sensitive tip of her protruding nipple, introducing just the tiniest bit of pain to the pleasure he was delivering.

He was so intoxicated by her that he almost missed her whisper. “Oh yes… that feels so good, Lukus.”

With her encouragement, Lukus squeezed her firm breasts tightly in his palms while nipping her harder with his teeth, drawing an almost convulsive shiver.

Only the scent of her liquid heat wafting up between them could drag his attention away from her breasts. It was like an expensive perfume overloading his senses. As nice as her nipples tasted, he knew he wanted more. Heneededmore. A powerful urge to plunge his tongue deep inside her and taste her sweet juice swept through him, and it took all of his well-trained control to maintain the slow, careful pace he’d set. She was like a wild kitten, and he’d need to take his time if he was going to tame her.

Lukus pulled back just enough to study Tiffany’s expression. As a Dom, he prided himself in reading subtle cues from a submissive. Still, with all of his experience, he was amazed at just how vulnerable Tiffany made herself in front of him. He could see a storm brewing in her baby blues. It was all on display—her excitement, her lust for him, her vulnerability, and fear of what was coming next. But he could also sense she was up for a challenge; she was ready to let him have it if he went too far.

As he watched, a foreign surge of what he recognized immediately as jealousy flowed through him. Just the thought of anyone else getting close enough to this woman to experience or—God forbid—exploit her precious vulnerability brought out a purely protective instinct he wasn’t even sure he’d possessed until that very minute.

He knew how rare the gift of genuine vulnerability was. Lukus was suddenly consumed with the need to claim her as his in the most primal way. Lunging forward, he captured her mouth in a searing, open-mouth kiss. His trademark, disciplined control was eroding as he felt her tongue dueling with his own. He could taste her minty toothpaste as he felt her warm hands sliding up under his T-shirt to stroke his bare, muscular back, pulling him tightly against her own quivering body. He in turn wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him, and mashing her full breasts into his clothed chest.

In complete harmony, Tiffany lifted his T-shirt as he pulled out of their kiss just long enough to slip it over his head and toss it aside before their bodies snapped back together. The full-frontal, skin-on-skin contact almost unmanned him. As if her aroused nipples weren’t enough, Tiff had wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her warm core against his rock-hard cock as his tongue did to her mouth what his dick was straining to do to her pussy. They spent a long minute passionately groping and kissing before Lukus managed to get a small measure of control back. They might have stopped their kiss, but they remained pressed against each other, foreheads touching, as they each struggled to catch their breath.

Lukus found his voice first, declaring a promise. “You. Me. This is really gonna happen.”

Apparently, Tiff was still too affected to form real words. “Uh-huh,” was all she could muster.
