Page 14 of Having It All

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I don’t know what the hell just happened, but whatever it is, I hope it happens again, and again, and again.

Chapter Four


Tiffany was still savoring the afterglow of an orgasm courtesy of what she suspects was the hottest man on the planet. If she had thought she was in danger of getting in over her head earlier in the day, she knew without a doubt now she was already waist deep and sinking fast into the pit of Lukus Mitchell quicksand. She was not sure what scared her more—the fact that he could read her so easily or the fact that she’d loved every minute of their time together.

If this is what being swallowed by quicksand feels like, I’m all in. At least I’ll die happy.

But as amazing as that last orgasm had been, Tiff was still not sated, not by a long shot. Lukus’s promise for more had her anxiously awaiting his return and feeling almost uneasy about being apart from him. That alone was a big red warning sign for the usually independent Tiffany, who now worked to rebuild her emotional walls of protection.

Earlier in his bathroom, her anxiety had been squarely focused on her fear of the D/s lifestyle and uncertainty over how Lukus may choose to dominate her. Now, just a short time later, that fear had taken a backseat to a much deeper worry; she couldn’t shake the undercurrent of a dangerous attraction to him that would surely threaten to undo her when he tossed her aside for his next conquest.

Men like Lukus don’t do relationships. Don’t let yourself fall too far, Tiff. You’re gonna get your heart crushed like a bug on a windshield.

Tiffany didn’t have nearly enough time to obsess on that thought before Lukus confidently strode back into the room, carrying a tray with several glasses of ice water and a plate of snacks. He seemed completely comfortable with his nudity, and his powerful, semi-hard erection jutted out from his toned, muscular body. Too late, Tiff wished she’d thought to cover her own nakedness. His hungry gaze on her body did nothing to calm her nerves.

“So, we didn’t get to snack on the popcorn I made earlier, but I brought some cheese and crackers along with some grapes just in case you’re hungry.”

Tiff muttered a quiet “thanks” as she managed to scoot up and sit at the head of the bed, resting her back uncomfortably against the slatted headboard. She hoped she didn’t look too obvious as she grabbed Lukus’s pillow and casually pulled it into her lap, allowing it to cover as much of her secret wares as she felt she could get away with without looking like a total prude.

It took Lukus about two seconds flat to call her on it.

“Oh no you don’t,” he quipped, snatching the pillow away. “No getting shy on me now. I haven’t even come close to inspecting every inch of your body like I intend to. Now, stretch your legs out for me.”

Lukus negotiated the tray across her upper thighs and then moved the pillow to the headboard. “Lean up. That’s it.”

Tiff had to admit, the pillow cushion behind her felt nice and at least the tray was covering a small portion of her body as Lukus plopped down on the bed next to her. He stretched out on his side just inches away, his head propped up in his left hand. He wasted no time in reaching out with his right to help himself to the snacks and Tiffany was surprised when he diverted his first grape towards her mouth instead of his own.

“Open up for me. Good girl.”

Tiff had obediently popped her mouth open before recognizing his statement for what it was—a gentle command. Before she could give it too much thought, his “good girl”acknowledgement of her immediate compliance caused a rush of pleasure over her newly awakened submissive senses. She was still off balance when Lukus held the glass of water up to her lips and said his next request.

“Drink for me, now. That’s it.”

It wasn’t until Tiff reached out to help herself to a cracker that she realized the real rules of the game. Without a word, Lukus gently took the cracker from her hand and diverted it to her lips. Their eyes met at the moment she opened her mouth to take it from his hand, and the pleasure and approval she saw shining back from his deep green eyes was enough to make her breath catch with her own surprised pleasure.

They spent the next few minutes in an easy companionship listening to Nora Jones, as Lukus fed Tiffany from his hand in between his own bites. Her brain tried to shout to her that she should take offense, to tell him she was a big girl and could feed herself, but for some reason her heart just wouldn’t go there. Finally, she refused to ponder the implications too deeply since on some level, it just felt right.

If she still had any doubts, Lukus silently squelched them as he allowed his fingers to follow the last grape into her mouth. Never before had eating been so sensual for Tiff, and his eyes were locked on hers as he slowly began to pull his fingers almost out of her mouth before sliding them back in, a blatant suggestion of what he hoped was soon to come. Tiff couldn’t stop the involuntary moan of pleasure from escaping. She was rewarded with Lukus’s smile.

I’m in so much trouble here.

Her face must have broadcasted her sudden panic because Lukus quickly sat up and disposed of the food tray on the floor near the door before returning to stand beside the bed, looking down as Tiff waited expectantly for what was to come next. For the first time, Tiff detected what felt like uncertainty rolling off Lukus. Their easy, quiet companionship was quickly charging with renewed sexual tension.

Lukus finally broke their silence. “Now, I believe I made you a promise and it’s time I kept it. Up on your knees, baby.”

He reached out to pull her forward to kneel in the middle of the bed and pinned her with a predatory glare. “Don’t move.” There was no ambiguity in his tone. She recognized it for what it was—an order.

Tiff was momentarily confused until she watched him stand and move back to the entertainment center. She was thrilled she had an unfettered view of his naked, athletic body as he moved across the room. Within a minute, the soft sounds of the Commodores’sEasywas replaced by the hard, sexy beat of AC/DC’sYou Shook Me All Night Long. Surprised by his choice, their eyes met as he walked back towards her. The smile on his face was mischievous.

“It’s perfect. This whole playlist is filled with songs just like it. I’m gonna love fucking you hard to the heavy beat, baby.”

Tiff’s heart did a funny flip-flop. His shameless words were more than invitation. They were a promise, and her body immediately reacted with wild anticipation. Her heart was thumping loudly in her chest. Her breath was becoming labored. She could feel her pussy clenching involuntarily. A desperate longing to feel him inside her washed over Tiff.

As he returned to stand next to the bed, Lukus didn’t even pretend to focus on anything other than taking in every nuance of her body. Tiff remained on display on her knees as Lukus feasted on the sight of her, his gaze growing visibly hungrier by the minute. Just when Tiff was about to lose the battle and cover herself, Lukus knelt on the bed, inches away from her now trembling body.

He was close enough for Tiff to not only feel his protruding erection brushing against her tummy, but to also catch a whiff of his masculine Lukus scent mixed with the faint trace of their earlier tryst. She was already close to self-combustion from the memory of Lukus’s earlier whispered promise, so the added incentives had the effect of driving her straight into his arms. Like a woman possessed, she threw herself forward, allowing him to capture her mouth and every other damn body part he wanted.
