Page 17 of Having It All

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“Oh, my God, yes! Oh, Lukus! Don’t stop honey! That’s it! Thank you! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Oh Jesus! I’m coming again! Fuck… yes… more… more! Oh, shit! I’m coming again, honey… ”

At some point, through her orgasmic haze, Tiffany felt Lukus moving from his kneeling position to stretch out and place his face only inches from her own. He’d slowed his pace slightly, taking more time to slowly draw out of her body only to thrust forward again and again.

Stroking her hair gently, he coaxed her. “Baby, open up. I want to see your eyes when you come with me. I’m so close.”

When Tiff opened her eyes, the sight of him knocked the wind out of her. He was beautiful, magnificent really. And right this minute, he was all hers. Vulnerability crashed over her, not because of the hot sex, but because of the power this man had over not only her body, but her heart. She watched as the pleasure they were sharing washed over him and felt privileged to see him melt into a powerful orgasm that had him screaming her name. “Oh Tiffany, baby. Damn, you’re so fucking tight! Yesssss!”

The feel of his powerful contractions pushed Tiffany into her final orgasm. This time, instead of a rant of dirty talk, she found herself fighting back tears— tears of joy, pleasure, and sexual relief. She managed to hold them down to a few stray drops until Lukus lowered himself fully on top of her and began to suck intimately on her neck while remaining buried deep inside of her. Their bodies connected perfectly, like locking puzzle pieces and for some strange reason, this final act of intimacy unleashed a floodgate of tears. Before she knew it, she was sobbing.

That’s it, Tiff. Nothing like ruining one of the best moments of your life. Keep it up. He’s going to think you’ve lost it.

Through her tears she saw his confusion. Thinking he might have hurt her, Lukus quickly extracted his deflating cock from her pussy and rushed to bring her legs down to the bed. He untied her arms, massaging them as he knelt next to her.

“Tiff, talk to me, baby. What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

For some strange reason, the concern in his voice only pushed Tiff to cry that much harder. Even as she was doing it, she knew how irrational her reaction was, but try as she might, she just couldn’t stop crying for several long minutes. It was like Lukus’s powerful claiming of her body had broken a dam she wasn’t even aware she’d constructed. The dam had clearly been holding back emotions she had successfully hidden away, even from herself.

Tiffany felt more exposed than ever as she let her fears, vulnerability, and desire to submit cave in on her. The dam had kept her strong and independent and ready to tackle the world alone. Without it, she felt needy, and needing a man like Lukus Mitchell was dangerous.

Lukus finally lay next to her and pulled her into his arms, letting her snuggle up next to him while he held her through her mini meltdown, quietly trying to calm her as she cried into his bare chest.

When she was finally down to sniffles, Lukus sat up and first removed and disposed of his condom before reaching for a box of tissues. He laid Tiff onto her back and hovered over her, gently wiping away her tears. He held a fresh tissue to her nose.

“Blow for me.”

When he had her cleaned up and calmed down, he lay next to her on his side, reaching out to cup her face in his hand. “Are you ready to talk about it?”

“No,” she mumbled.

Tiff was only now starting to figure out what had been at the real root of her crying jag and she had absolutely no intention of sharing her hypothesis with Lukus. She’d already given him way too much power over her considering they’d only known each other for twelve hours.

“You know I’m not gonna let this drop, right?”

“You need to, Lukus. I’m fine.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Let me be the judge of that.”

Tiff tried valiantly to rebuild a portion of her protective dam. “I think I can judge for myself if I’m fine or not.” Her answer came out sharper than she’d intended.

In a flash, Lukus was straddling her waist and had her lifted into a sitting position, trapping her while bringing her face to within inches of his own.

“Tiffany Lauren O’Sullivan, this behavior will not be tolerated. That was, without a doubt, one of the most amazing sexual experiences of my life, and believe me, that’s saying something. I’ll be damned if I’m about to let you ruin it by sobbing for five minutes as if it was one of theworstexperiences inyourlife and then watch you clam up and refuse to talk about it. Now, what the hell happened? I thought you were there with me. I thought it was special for you too.”

She could hear a fear and vulnerability in his tone that was so unexpected and knew with a certainty he was never going to let it drop. Did she try to make something up or did she follow the rule he had set out not so long ago—a rule to always tell the truth?

“Just spit it out Tiff. I’m a big boy. I can take it.” His words had a sharp edge to them.

He was pulling away from her. She felt it. Maybe not physically, but emotionally. She knew now her silence was causing him to think he had somehow hurt her, or worse, that he hadn’t satisfied her.

I’m right back to the same two choices. I can put on my dress and drive away, never to see him again and always wonder what could have been, or I can dive into the deep end of the pool and hope he’ll catch me.

Looking into his deep green eyes, she knew she only had one choice after all. Leaving was not an option. “It’s just… well…”

The damn waterworks were starting again, but this time Lukus stayed in place, watching her patiently.

“Please Tiff. I really need to know what I did.”

“Oh Lukus, don’t you see? You ruined me!” She blurted.
