Page 3 of Having It All

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Brianna was shaking in his arms and he knew it wasn’t just from the fearful memories, but from her anger. It had the desired effect of capturing his full attention. “Bri, sweetheart. You don’t understand. I wasn’t a very good husband or Dom to her and when I could see you were so afraid, it was almost a relief for me to be able to just turn my back on the D/s lifestyle. It’s like I got a do-over. I didn’t have to keep going back to the club and hear the whispers behind my back as I’d walk by. I didn’t have to keep having my failures thrown up in my face. I got a fresh start and I’ve been truly happy. I want you to know that. I’ve never once regretted walking away. Well, not until I realized I’d failed you too by not picking up on your submissive needs.”

Brianna’s face was softening. Her brief bout of anger was subsiding. “Honey, that’s my fault. I should have been more direct and talked to you about it. But I was embarrassed. I didn’t think you would understand after all I’d told you about my relationship with Jake. I mean, you’ve been so gentle and loving with me and most of the time, that’s exactly what I needed, even what I wanted. Without knowing you’d been a Dom and had lived the lifestyle before, how could I think for a minute you might understand my need to be dominated by you sometimes? Spanked and punished by you when I do something wrong? Tied down and taken hard when I least expect it just to show me I belong to you?”

Markus’s heart was racing at her words. The mere thought of being able to spank Brianna’s beautiful ass had his blood rushing to his cock. “You’re right, sweetheart. I wish I’d told you while we were in Miami that weekend. At least then you’d have known you could have talked to me about your feelings if you ever felt the need to explore your submissiveness again. Still, after all the time we spend talking, it blows my mind you could hide your submissive feelings from me.”

It was Brianna’s turn to look guilty. “I know I should’ve found a way to talk to you. And you have to believe me—I truly didn’t plan to cheat on you. Jake has always been good at figuring out my weaknesses and then going in for the kill. Yesterday, when he showed up, I had no intention of leaving with him, but he started by blackmailing me with things from my past and then…well, he just knows how to get under my skin. Then Tiffany got angry with me for not calling the police and we had a terrible fight over it and well… I just got mad and left with him. I knew as soon as I was in the car I was just running away because my best friend had made me feel so guilty. If I could go back and never leave with him, you have to believe me, I would. I’m so very sorry.”

Markus had heard her apology a dozen times before and he’d already forgiven her. But that forgiveness hadn’t completely cleansed him of the anger and hurt of knowing Brianna had given herself to another man.

“The fact you cheated on me—that you actually let someone else stick his dick in you—it cuts me to the core, Bri,” he said. “It would have been bad enough if it had been some stranger. But the fact that it was the asshole who hurt you so bad—who laughed at your pain and humiliated you—I don’t even know how to process this. I truly don’t. You’re so smart…. so strong… and then you do something so fucking stupid and dangerous!”

He paused, giving Brianna time for the impact of his words to sink in. “He could have killed you, Bri. I heard it in his voice. He’s obsessed with you. He wants you back and he’s just the kind of sick bastard who could decide if he can’t have you then no one can. Did you ever once think about that?”

He felt his wife shaking in his arms. He hated that he’d scared her, but he knew he needed to say the words and she needed to hear them. If they were ever going to put her infidelity behind them, they had to acknowledge the unpleasant truths.

“You’re right, Markus.” Brianna wiped away a tear. “I spent most of last night in that cage lying awake thinking about it and I don’t have any good reason other than temporary insanity. I don’t know how you’re ever going to forgive me, but I promise you, I’ll do anything to earn your trust again.”

Markus looked at his wife’s beautiful tear-streaked face and decided it was time to fully embrace what they both needed. It was time to completely welcome back his Dom persona. He took a moment to let the feeling of dominance and power slide over him, like a favorite T-shirt that still fit just right.

“Never fear, my dear. Before the night is over, we will have put the whole ugly event behind us and you’ll be forgiven. When we go home tomorrow, it’ll be with a fresh start. We’ll still have a lot of talking to do and we’ll do that every night before bedtime. If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned one of the most important parts of a D/s relationship is to communicate our own feelings openly. We need to understand each other’s limits, our turn-ons and turn-offs. I’ll tell you one thing right now though, and I pray to God you agree to this or we’re going to have some serious problems.”

“Anything, Markus. I’ll do anything.”

“Damn it, Brianna. You haven’t been listening at all, have you? I don’t want you to just agree with my ideas—mylimits. I need to know whatyouwant, what youneed. If you aren’t going be honest with me, then we’ll find ourselves right back here again a few years from now. Do you hear me?” He realized too late he’d risen his voice.

The look of adoration shining in his wife’s eyes as she smiled shyly back at him made his heart skip a beat. “You’re right, Markus.”

“If I’m right, why do you have that look on your face?”

Brianna broke into a huge grin. “Because you just totally sounded like a Dom and well, it made me all gooey inside.”

His laugh filled the room. “Gooey, you say. Well, we have a few things to take care of before I can inspect your gooey spots.” He hugged her close as she threw her arms around his neck, snuggling in to start kissing behind his ear before sucking on his earlobe. She knew how much that drove him crazy and it took all his willpower to separate them again. He loved how his sexy wife was breathing heavy, her desire for him shining clearly from her chocolate-brown eyes.

“Now, as I was saying. There’s one thing we need to talk about first and foremost. I hope to hell you aren’t looking for me to be your Dom 24/7, Brianna. As much as I am going to love being your Dom in our bedroom and under some other circumstances, I actually love sharing my life with you as my partner. I relish our long conversations about nothing and everything. I love that you share your opinions with me and tell me when you think I’m being an ass. I don’t ever want to dominate you to a point where you feel like you have to change who you are, because Ilovewho you are. Do you hear me?”

Brianna threw her arms around him again, but this time she was talking against his neck while kissing him. “Oh Markus, that’s the most wonderful, romantic thing you’ve ever said to me. That’s exactly what I want, too, honey. I adore our life together. I don’t want everything to change either. I just … well … in the bedroom, and when I’m naughty… I need…” Her words trailed off as she was once again unable to verbalize what she needed.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I may have been a little slow on the uptake, but now that you have my attention, I’m going to guide you. We’ll figure out together what it is that you want—what you need.”

The feel of her in his arms had stirred his cock to full attention and he was so tempted to roll her over and bury himself inside her again, but he knew that wasn’t what either of them required most right now. He’d spent hours that afternoon, after Lukus had left, reading the domestic discipline websites Brianna had bookmarked as favorites. He knew his wife wanted him to lead her, to protect and discipline her when she deserved it. And without a doubt, he knew what he had to do before anything else. He peeled Brianna loose from his neck so he could look into her eyes. He felt tangible relief seeing her passion for him shining.

I pray to God I’m reading her right and when I’m done, I’ll see that same love shining back at me.

“Not yet, Bri. I feel it, too, but if you remember, I told you by the end of tonight, all will be forgiven, and we’ll be able to have a fresh start. There’s only one way to do that, sweetheart. I know you’ve been here at the club being punished for the last twenty-four hours by Lukus, and that I participated tonight, but if we’re gonna put your infidelity behind us, then I need to punish you myself for putting our marriage in danger. I have to punish you for lying to me and, most importantly, for putting your own life in danger. You’re the most important thing to me and you need to learn that I won’t put up with you taking risks with your life.”

The look in his wife’s eyes was priceless. He wasn’t sure how she pulled it off, but she had a strange mix of fear, excitement, and pride. He couldn’t help but notice her breath was becoming labored as he watched her preparing mentally for what was to come. He half expected her to try to talk her way out of more punishment, so he was blown away when she quietly whispered, “Yes, Sir. Whatever you think is best, Sir.”

Her submissive answer almost unmanned him. “Oh fuck, that’s amazing hearing you say that, Brianna.”

His long pushed-down dominance reared up as he weaved both of his hands through her thick, messed, brunette hair and roughly yanked her to him to capture her lips in a powerful kiss. He felt his resolve slipping as her tongue invaded his mouth to tangle with his own and allowed them a few glorious minutes of making out like teenagers, before pulling away with a groan. Bri kept her eyes closed as she tried to catch her breath. It was hard for him to guess if she was more affected by the kiss or the impending punishment.

“Open your eyes, Brianna.”

When she finally complied, he recognized it was the punishment weighing on her.

“Tonight, is going to be a more intimate punishment. You’re going to be naked, over my lap and I’m going to spank you until I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson. I’m warning you now, this isn’t going to be pleasant for you. I saw with my own eyes tonight how pain can affect you, and I can’t wait to explore your limits with you, sweetheart. I can’t wait to bring you so many amazing orgasms, but those won’t be tonight. I know Lukus has already taught you that when you are being punished, you’re not to come. It’s supposed to hurt so you learn your lesson. If you come before I finish disciplining you, I’ll have to start all over again. Do you understand me?”

Her lower lip trembled as she answered him quietly. “Yes, Sir. Can I ask a question before we start?”
