Page 24 of Balancing it All

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“Very nice to meet you, too, Tiffany. I guess I’ll forgive you for canceling Tuesday night’s poker game, Mitchell. If I had this tasty treat waiting for me, I’d skip poker too,” he said.

From the floor below, Tiff heard the clearing of a throat and a quiet, “I heard that, you know.”

Master Grey had the decency to look guilty, and the men around him resumed their hearty laughter, this time at his expense. “Get up here, woman,” he growled. His sub scrambled to her feet, and to Tiffany’s surprise, the girl had a twinkle in her eye and a broad smile on her face.

She may have been naked, but within the space of a few seconds the attractive plus-sized woman standing before them transformed from unseen submissive to confident equal. As if it were rehearsed, Master Grey leaned down to grab a skimpy robe thrown over the back of their couch and placed it around her shoulders.

Once covered, the woman reached her hand out to Tiffany. “It’s so great to meet you, Tiffany. When Grey told me why the poker game was canceled, I almost didn’t believe him. My name is Violet, by the way. I’m Grey’s ball and chain, as he likes to call me.”

Despite the dim club lighting, Tiff could tell her eyes were the most beautiful shade of lavender she’d ever seen. “It’s so nice to meet you too, Violet. I see you come by your name naturally.”

“Well, my mother actually named me Harriet, can you believe that? Somewhere around the fourth grade I got sick of being called ‘Harry’ at school and wouldn’t answer to anything other than Violet. It eventually stuck.”

Grey was pulling his wife close as he shared with the group. “It’s still one of my most effective punishments for her. Naughty girls get called ‘Harriet’ in our house.”

“That’s why I’m such an angel,” Violet retorted.

Tiff could see the humor in her eyes, and she felt a growing kindred spirit with her new friend.

Master Grey let out a snort. “Really? That’s why you’re only one count away from the heavy paddle? Take a look around you, sugar. You know the rules. You’d better watch that tone while we’re here at the club.”

Violet seemed to be blossoming rather than wilting under her Dom’s power assertion. “Yes, Sir.”

Tiffany was fascinated to watch the couple’s power dynamics at play. While all the other subs remained at their Master’s feet, this couple stood out. There was something familiar about them. Glancing sideways at Lukus, she saw he was watching her carefully. He leaned in to whisper against her ear. “Not all of the subs here are 24/7, baby.”

That was when it hit her. He’d arranged this. As he went on to introduce her to the other Doms in their small cluster of the audience pit, she realized these were not just members. These were men he spent time with outside of the club, playing poker, golfing, and playing basketball. This was Lukus’s circle of friends.

Holy shit. He’s introducing me to his friends. Introducing me as his girlfriend, not just his sub.

Tiffany’s heart soared.

The house lights flickered, indicating the show was about to begin. Violet quickly leaned close to whisper into Tiffany’s ear. “I think it’s awesome you are ‘rocking Lukus’s world’ as Grey calls it. I’ve known Master Lukus for a couple years now, and I’ve gone through the transition you are going through. Give me a call if you want to have coffee sometime. I’d be happy to help you through it if you find you have questions you don’t want to take to Lukus.”

“Wow, you’d do that?”

“Hell, yes. There aren’t very many of us here at The Pit. We need to stick together and help each other,” Violet said.


“Yeah. You know. Strong subs. Professional women who are leaders or managers all day long, but who want to turn over control when we get home.”

“How do you know that fits me?” Tiff asked her.

“Oh honey, only a strong woman could take Lukus on the way you have. I heard about your first visit to the club tonight. The fact that you’re still alive, standing here dressed, wearing his collar, and aren’t cowering from him speaks volumes.”

Grey’s impatient voice pulled Violet to step back. “Come here, Harriet Jean. Time for the robe to come off.”

Violet’s eyes sparkled with mischief before she slid the robe off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. “Yes, Master.” Soon, the mischief was erased with a lustful hunger as she sunk to her knees next to her Dom.

Lukus led Tiff to a nearby odd-looking chair. On the surface it was a plush, cushioned chair like any you might have in your living room. Only the U-shaped armrests indicated its unique attributes. He sunk into the chair first, pulling Tiffany to his lap, facing forward. He whispered in her ear. “Do you trust me, baby?”

She hesitated a brief second before answering. “Yes, sir. I trust you.”

“That’s good. Let me take care of you tonight, okay?”

“Take care of me how?”

“That’s the great thing. You don’t need to worry about that. Just feel. Experience. I’ll take care of the details.”
