Page 41 of Balancing it All

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“Fuck. This is gonna to be a long night.” Lukus couldn’t contain the low groan at the end of his sentence.

Markus tried to convince Lukus to change course under his breath. “Let’s just stay here. They look great the way they are. We can play until it’s time to go down at midnight.”

Lukus hissed back, trying not to let the girls hear him. “No way. As hot as that dress is on her, I’m not missing out on Tiff modeling lingerie.”

“Oh, and that’s gonna make this hard-on so much better?” Markus’s sarcasm was thick.

Lukus looked up at his friend with a pained smile. “Just wait. We haven’t spanked them yet for being late.”


While the men debated, the girls had slinked their way across the expansive room like models on a runway. Little did they know they’d be modeling for real in just a bit. They stopped a few feet before the men, literally dripping seduction. Even from several feet away, Lukus was sure he caught a whiff of feminine arousal. Taking in the two submissive women, he suspected they were both as ready for tonight as their men.

Maybe Markus is right. Maybe we should order pizza and stay in.

He rejected the idea immediately. “Ladies. Nice of you to join us.”

As if they had practiced, the girls each launched themselves forward into their man’s arms. The second he enveloped Tiff, Lukus felt the tension he’d been carrying since dragging his ass out of bed at six that morning falling away. He never got tired of feeling how perfectly her womanly curves melded into his body. Even with clothes on, they felt right linked together.

“Hi, honey. Boy did I need this hug,” Tiffany purred.

“Me too, Tiff.”

She pulled back far enough to allow him a full inspection. “Wow, you look absolutely yummy, Lukus. I’ve never seen you in a suit before. I didn’t think it was possible for you to look any hotter, but holy moly, I want to jump your bones.”

Chuckling, he pulled her back into his arms. “All in good time, baby.”

As she grinded her body against him, Tiff’s soft laughter warmed his heart until he realized she was laughing at his predicament protruding into her personal space. Time to set the tone for the night.

Taking control, he used his left hand to grasp her long hair, pulling just hard enough to force her to look up into his eyes. At the same time, his right hand connected with her ass in a single sharp spank before wrapping her tightly in his arms. He watched carefully for the reaction he’d been aching to see. Her eyes were so expressive.

He was comforted to see desire and satisfied submission shining back at him from his woman’s eyes. “Good girl. Tonight is going to be a little bit different for us. I’ve asked you before, but I need to ask again. Do you trust me, Tiff?”

“What are we going to do?”

“You don’t need to know that. It’s a surprise. All you need to know is I’ve planned tonight carefully, and I’m going to be there with you every step. But, I do plan on introducing a few new, shall we say, layers to our relationship tonight. So, before we start, I need to know if you trust me enough to turn yourself over to me.”

She didn’t answer right away, making Lukus uneasy. He watched for signs of fear, relieved when he saw none. “Exactly what does that mean? Turn myself over?”

He was pleased. She understood the rules were about to evolve. “It means that, until we go to sleep tonight, I’d like you to be my submissive in all things. It means getting your head into that space you like to go to in the bedroom, only tonight it will be in public. That means leaving sassy Tiffany at home. You’ll be handing over all decisions to me. You’ll go where I tell you. Eat what I give you. You’ll follow all directions without argument.” Lukus paused, making sure she was listening carefully before finishing his thought. “You’ll be punished harshly for mistakes or rules broken.”

He saw the flash in her eyes at the word punished. He’d watched this struggle in her eyes before. The battle between sassy, strong Tiff, and soft, sexually submissive Tiffany. He detected submissive Tiffany winning. Her breath came in short excited gasps. She was ready.

“I need to hear it,” he growled.

“Yes, sir. I trust you.” It was a whisper, but he’d take it.

“Very good. First request. Tiffany, tell me what your safeword is tonight.”

“Snowball, sir.”

“Excellent.” Only now did Lukus take stock of how the forgotten couple in the room was doing. His best friend was pulling his wife towards the long leather couch, then Markus sat at the far end of the couch, draping Brianna across his lap, her head spilling over the armrest. Her hands didn’t quite reach the floor, but her flowing hair had upended, brushing on the carpet. Sensing Lukus was watching, he looked up to silently relay his plan. Lukus liked it.

“Come on, Tiff. Time to get our night started.” Capturing her hand, he turned and headed towards the loveseat, facing their friends. Seeing Brianna’s precarious position brought Tiffany to a dead stop. Lukus turned to address her sternly. “You didn’t even make it thirty seconds.”


He held two fingers to her lips to shush her. “It’s simple. You trust me, or you don’t.”
