Page 49 of Balancing it All

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Tiffany’s heart pounded, waiting for Lukus’s reaction to her risqué outfit. Never before had she worn anything close to this kind of clothing. She suspected Lukus would like it, but she was blown away by the glow of sheer lust piercing her from his green eyes. Rarely had he looked at her with such hunger.

He stood up, eliciting Mistress Martha’s bark. “Sit down. This is a show-and-tell event. No touching.”

“Like hell.”

“Sit, young man. Not yet.” The matronly Mistress dressed him down.

Tiffany giggled as she watched her big, strong Dom being tamed by the older Mistress. Taking advantage of the moment, Tiff laid it on thick, seductively twirling to show off for her man. Just when she thought he was surely going to spring out of his chair to grab her, Martha clapped her hands, ordering the girls back to the dressing area to change into the next outfit. Tiff flashed Lukus a pouty look before letting herself be dragged down the steps

Mistress Martha was as giddy as Bri and Tiff. “Oh, this is so much fun. I love torturing them like this. Now, get undressed. Here are your next outfits.”

Tiff loosened Brianna’s constricting corset when she saw the outfit next up. The word outfit was generous. More like scraps of fabric.

There is no freaking way I’m wearing that in front of Markus.

Lukus, yes. Markus, no way.

“Um… I’ll sit this one out.”

“Excuse me?” Mistress Martha looked genuinely surprised at Tiffany’s modesty.

“Um, I just…” Brianna, now free from her corset, had turned around, flashing her naked breasts unabashedly. That was when it hit her. Not only would she be seen by Markus, which felt wrong, but Lukus was going to see Brianna practically naked. Her best friend read her like a book.

“Tiff. We talked about this. I thought you were gonna be okay with both men watching us. I mean, we didn’t exactly know we’d be trying on unmentionables tonight, but we agreed we were okay with seeing each other at the club. At least this is private here. I really am okay with Markus admiring you.”

Tiff’s eyes locked with Bri’s. It only took a few seconds for Bri to catch on. “Oh.” Bri’s face flushed a bright pink.

“Would someone like to fill me in, considering I don’t have the ability to communicate telepathically, as you two obviously do?” Martha was standing with her arms crossed, waiting impatiently for a valid reason for their delay.

Brianna answered. “Tiffany isn’t afraid of being scantily-clad in front of Markus. She doesn’t want Lukus to see me naked.”

Tiff dared a glance at Martha and could see her exasperation before she spoke. “Oh, for crying out loud. You aren’t in high school. This is ridiculous.”

Tiff finally spoke. “Is it ridiculous, Bri? He’s already inspected and touched all of you anyway, hasn’t he?” She hated the bitter insecurity she heard.

Martha’s eyes widened and confronted Brianna. “Wait a minute. You’ve played with both Markus with Lukus? I never would have thought these men would be into sharing their toys.”

Bri blushed, flustered. “NO! I didn’t play with Lukus, nothing like that. But Markus did take me to The Punishment Pit to be punished. Let’s just say Lukus, well, he did a very thorough job of punishing me.”

Martha waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, that’s all.” The older woman stepped closer to Tiff, stepping into her personal space until her coming lecture could not be ignored. “Tiffany, you need to come to terms with the fact that your Dom has punished hundreds of women, and even men, over the years. It’s part of his job. Just because he punished them doesn’t mean he fucked them all, or had feelings for them. If you can’t get past that, your relationship with him is doomed.”

“Wow. Don’t hold back. Tell me what you really feel,” Tiff muttered.

“Honey, it has nothing to do with feelings. It’s fact. Lukus is the Master at The Pit. If he punished Brianna, he was doing his job.”

Bri reassured her as well. “Tiff, honestly. Lukus only has eyes for you. Even if he didn’t, he would never in a million years allow himself to be attracted to me. I’m his best friend’s wife. He is way too honorable for that.”

Tiff hated how anxious she’d felt since beginning her relationship with Lukus. She’d never been prone to jealousy or insecurity before, but being with a man like Lukus—a man larger than life—she felt out of her comfort zone every day. She’d never felt more alive… or more on edge. Simple everyday activities, like trying on clothes, took on a new meaning when Master Lukus Mitchell was involved.

I really do need to lighten up.

“You’re right. I’m being a prude.” Tiff silently pledged to do her best to keep her insecurities at bay, at least for the night. Their men had gone to a lot of trouble to arrange their fun evening, and the last thing she wanted to do was put a damper on the festive mood.

Martha helped by trying to get them back on track. “All right ladies, let’s get back to work.”

The girls spent the next hour playing the role of a Victoria’s Secret model. Once she was able to push down her anxiety, she allowed herself to get into the role and soon Tiff was floating on air; she was having so much fun teasing Lukus. He’d tried valiantly to join in the excitement, but Mistress Martha pulled rank, forcing Markus and Lukus to look, but not touch. She was pretty sure he’d reached the end of his patience, and truthfully, Tiffany was as eager to have him inside her as he was. By the time they’d worked their way through the pile of clothes Martha had picked out for them, the aroma of female excitement permeated the cramped changing area. Tiff wasn’t sure who was getting more worked up—the men or the women.
