Page 55 of Balancing it All

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“Please, you already know. Don’t make me say it in front of everyone. We should be playing this game alone.”

“Baby, I’ve tried to do this many times with you, and you always avoid it. Now we do it my way. Your answer,” Lukus said gently.

“When can we start?”

“Good girl. Again, I’d have known you were fibbing if you gave me any other answer.”

Brianna was whining. “Why does she keep getting all of the good cards and I keep getting the crap cards?”

Her husband answered her. “I don’t know. Maybe I should take you down to the pillory, where we can use a few of the implements from Lukus’s list until you stop whining. I think we all know where Bri and I both fall on this list.”

Markus reached out for the next card. “‘Edge play: Electricity, wax, fire.’ We’ve never talked about these, but I would like to try electricity and wax play with you, Bri. I have no experience with fire though, and that seems pretty dangerous.”

Lukus confirmed. “It is. If you guys want to try it, let me know. We host classes occasionally for some of the more advanced edge play. You can come and learn more then.” Turning to look at Tiff, he waited for her answer. While he had participated in all of these activities, none were favorites, so he could go either way. “How about you, Tiff? Any of them sound like something you might want to try?”

“Whatever you think is best, sir. I’m not really sure.”

“Fair enough. We’ll leave them on our ‘maybe’ list.” Lukus looked at his watch and determined that they were running out of time, but there were still some controversial cards left to pull from the basket. He reached out and pulled the one he was most interested in Tiffany’s answer on. “Suspension and Shibari: Full body bondage, horizontal and vertical rope, and/or chain suspension.’ Tiff, I’ve studied Shibari with several masters and I can’t wait to try this with you—that is, if you’re game.”

She looked embarrassed. “I’m not one hundred percent sure I know what it is, but if it’s the binding with ropes and then suspending me, I think I’d like to try it.”

“It is one of the more dangerous things we could try, but I promise you, knowing you like to be restrained in small ways, I think you’re really going to love it, baby.”

Brianna was looking at her husband. “Can we try this too, Markus?”

“Hell, yes. I’m not nearly as advanced as Lukus, but I’m pretty good, and I’ll keep you safe. I can’t wait until I can spank you, then fuck you while you’re hanging from a hook in the ceiling.”

Both couples spent a minute making out, as if it were an intermission. Bri’s excitement for the game pulled her out of her husband’s embrace to pull the next card. “Oh, for crying out loud. Not again! ‘Water sports: Enemas, golden showers, toilet play.’ No, no, and hell no, again.”

Markus retorted, “Well, you may not like them, but be warned: I plan on using punishment enemas when you’ve been very, very naughty. Considering you like to be spanked or paddled, I need to find some punishments you are actually not going to like. Thanks for confirming that enemas are on that short list of discipline sessions in your future.”

Brianna’s groan lightened the mood, but the look on Tiffany’s face was not jovial. “All of those are hell no for me, Lukus. Don’t even think about it.”

“Okay, fair enough. I’ll put them on the no list for now, but I reserve the right to bring punishment enemas back onto the table in the future.”

“I thought the purpose of the game was for me to have a say in what we do and don’t do together?” Tiff asked.

“It is, and you do. I accept your answer as your wishes. I also know things change over time. We’ll revisit later, okay?”

“Maybe, but don’t ever try to piss on me. I’ll deck you so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

Lukus grinned. “Fair enough. Your turn.”

Tiffany pulled out one of the last cards and once again, she looked at it pensively. When she looked up, he saw absolute confusion in her eyes. “Do you know what your card is about?” he asked her. Her slight nod wasn’t convincing. “You need me to explain something?” She shook her head. “Read it, baby.”

She didn’t make eye contact with anyone as she read her card quietly. “‘Fetish: Age Play, diapers, bottles, pacifiers, naughty girl punishments.’”

A lengthy silence fell over the group while each waited for someone to say something. Lukus had to push her. “Tiffany. We’re waiting for your answer.”

She lingered, looking at the card in her lap. Finally, Brianna spoke up to support her friend. “It’s okay, Tiff. Tell him.”

Tiffany threw a glare at her best friend, but Bri’s urging did prod her to answer. “Fine. I’ve read a few age-play books. There were a few that were non-consensual and heavy on humiliation. I hated those. But there were a few—where the little girl was treated like a princess—that I honestly liked a lot. I’m not really sure I’d like to try it myself, but I will at least admit that I have read some of the books and liked them.”

“You do know that Derek and Rachel age play often, right? I don’t want you to be surprised when Rach shows up in a diaper and a little girl outfit, sucking on a binkie one day,” Lukus told her.

Tiffany looked surprised. “Wait, I saw her dressed like a teenager. You mean they go younger?”

“Yep. I used to think it was Rachel driving it, but it’s actually Derek. He just loves to take care of her, and sometimes, he loves to have her rely on him completely, to provide everything she needs.”
