Page 56 of Defending it All

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Dominance coursed through his body as he watched Tiffany struggling to obey. Her tentative movements resulted in her beautiful ass being lewdly displayed; her hands stretched forward as she kneeled, willingly presenting herself for her punishment.

Lukus secured her to the heavy furniture with thick leather restraints meant to immobilize even the strongest of submissives. When he buckled the wide leather strap across her back, pressing her waist tight against the bench and locking her ass into that vulnerable position, Tiffany let loose her first sob.

The sound of her crying left him conflicted. Tears from a punished submissive used to leave him feeling powerful, but with Tiff he more often found himself waffling between feelings of protectiveness and a foreign tendency to be lenient, something he had never even considered before meeting Tiffany. There would be no leniency today. His adorable fiancée had earned every single tear.

Lukus massaged her exposed bottom until she calmed, warming her skin for the lashing that was coming. "Tiffany, tell me why you're tied down to the spanking bench, about to be punished long and hard."

Her voice was laced with guilt as she responded. "Because I disobeyed you and went out without telling you where I was going and letting you know I was safe."

"Yes, and you didn't have your cell phone with you like you're supposed to at all times... and you didn't take a bodyguard with you. What the hell made you think you could leave and put yourself in danger like that?"

He couldn't see her face, but he heard the submission in her voice as she responded to his lecture. "I just didn't think you'd like me to go to lunch with Aiden after last weekend. After all, you two threw punches at the lake."

"Tiff, I may not like the bastard, but he's your brother. I'm not going to block you from seeing him, even if I would like to lay him flat for putting you in danger today. But this isn't his fault, is it? I'm sure you lied to him, too, and neglected to tell him you weren't supposed to leave the loft, didn't you?"

She hesitated, "Yes, Sir... but I love him and didn't want him to stay mad at me for choosing you over him."

"Well, let's see if you're still glad you chose me after the lesson I'm about to teach you about listening to your Dom."

Lukus left her alone to think about what he'd said as he stalked to the supply cabinet that lined the wall of the on-stage dungeon. He picked a wide leather paddle and a severe Loopy Johnny to deliver his message.

He settled into the punishment scene like the pro that he was, letting the first crack of the leather paddle fall against her creamy skin. It left a satisfyingly red splotch in its wake and drew a forlorn groan from his submissive fiancée. Lukus knew better than to short-change today's lesson. He'd be damned if Tiffany would leave this stage with any ambiguity on how he felt about her behavior today.

The thick leather fell across her ass again and again until she was crying out, jerking in an attempt to escape her restraints. When he lowered his aim to the bottom of her butt where it met her thighs, Tiffany went wild, begging him to stop through her sobs.

Lukus hadn't had trouble powering through a punishment before falling in love. But in just the few true discipline sessions he'd delivered to Tiff's luscious body, he had learned that punishing someone he'd given his heart to hurt him almost as much as it did her—almost.

When he thought she was close to learning her lesson, he threw the leather paddle to the floor, moving to caress Tiffany's lower back to calm her, although he refused to provide relief to her burning globes… yet.

Despite her obvious pain, he reveled in seeing her pussy glistening wet with sexual excitement. He lightly dragged his fingers through her lower lips, eliciting a long groan of desire as he lubricated his fingers liberally. She squeaked when he lifted higher, pressing two lubed fingers into her puckered rosebud. "Oh God, what are you doing?"

"I'm taking liberties with my naughty sub's bottom and you need to just relax and enjoy it, because this is just an intermission. You have one more implement of punishment coming before we're done here."

"Oh lord, I can't take any more, Sir."

"Baby, I'll decide when you've learned your lesson and we won't stop until then. Let's get this finished.”

Lukus withdrew his fingers reluctantly, leaning down to grab the most painful punishment device he'd used on Tiffany to date. He didn't plan on delivering a lot of strokes, but he would be using the Loopy Johnny only when he had a particularly important lesson for Tiffany to learn.

She couldn't see the small handled device with three long loops of braided leather that were about to light into her already punished ass. Lukus steeled himself for the scream that was about to fill the air and aimed the first lick across the center of her bottom. Her cry was delayed, as if she'd lost her breath from the sudden laceration the wicked device delivered. When her howl came, it almost leveled him.

He recovered enough to continue his lecture. "That's one, Tiffany. You'll receive six today and, after each, you'll promise not to leave the loft without my knowledge until Jake Davenport is in jail. Is that understood, young lady?"

Her answer came through her hiccupped cries. "Oh God, please, Sir, no more. I promise I won't leave the loft ever again if you'll just stop."

"I'll accept that for your first promise, but I'll finish the last five."

His arm felt heavy as he swung the light implement through the air to connect a little lower. Her pained shriek lit into his heart, but he steeled himself to be not only her Dom, but more importantly, her Head of Household. They had agreed to the rules and consequences together, and he was damn well determined to live up to his end of the deal.

It took five long minutes to deliver the remaining lashes. He allowed Tiffany time to calm down enough to speak her anguished apologies after each stroke.

When the punishment ended, he rushed to release the leather restraints, letting her slowly bring movement into her limbs before lifting her into his arms and carrying her lovingly towards the elevator. Her sobs had lessened to whimpers, and he felt relief when she hugged him close, pressing her lips against the crook of his neck to kiss him intimately. It was a little gesture that meant so much.

The elevator doors had just closed on their trip upstairs when he brushed his lips lightly against her ear with a vulnerable whisper. "So, are you still happy you picked living with me over your brother, baby?"

She turned her tear-stained face to look into his eyes. Her guilt was gone and in its place was the most beautiful look of love. "I'll never regret loving you. I may go down there and burn whatever the hell piece of leather that was you just used to light up my ass, but I'll love you regardless."

Lukus broke out in laughter. "Oh Tiff, even after living through a Lukus Mitchell punishment, I just love that you're still full of your signature sass."

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