Page 41 of Protecting it All

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When the last of the five women had been cropped, Hannah let out a sigh, hoping the worst was over.

It wasn't.

Jake's demonic employee took his time, running his long fingers almost sensually down each woman's flat stomach to stroke their now on-display pussy until the captive would moan, a reluctant physical response to his manipulation of their clit. He roughly stroked each pussy as if to prove to prospective buyers that, despite their debasement, the women could be made to become sexually excited.

One by one, Mohammed brought each woman to near orgasm, only to stop short of delivering any satisfaction. Instead, he moved his juice-covered fingers to each woman's mouth, humiliating each of them by making them suck their own sexual excitement from his digits before he moved down the line.

When he had finished with his last victim, his remote control came back out, forcing the women's bodies into new, embarrassing contortions meant to humiliate and scare them.

It was working.

The next long bar came up slightly in front of the line of strung-up women. Before it was fully locked in place, their arms were pulled forward, bringing them off the supporting rail at their backs and thrusting them forward until their asses were sticking out, courtesy of the bar they were now bent over. The first bar returned to the floor, closing the long gap.

Hannah watched as Mohammed pulled a bag of what looked like clothespins out of his jacket pocket and began roughly clamping the ten nipples protruding from the breasts now hanging down towards the floor, pulled by gravity.

Mohammed started talking as if he were a used car dealer, hawking his wares to the buyers cloaked in anonymity behind two-way mirrors. He shared tidbits on each woman's medical history, pain tolerance, and personal attributes as if they were livestock. Hannah's heart broke at the fear in Mia's frantic eyes as the psycho in the room with her shoved his fingers into her pussy, pulling them out to show the prospective buyers the glistening juice her body was producing. He nicknamed her 'a closet submissive in need of training and discipline'.

Lucy, on the other hand, was still fighting her restraints like a madwoman. In a way, Hannah was proud of her for fighting, but it was clear that Lucy's spirit was going to work against her with the present crowd. Mohammed's phone hummed with an incoming message and he grinned an evil smile.

"Bidder number three would like to see a demonstration, to see how long it may take to get this little filly to settle down. I'd be happy to accommodate your request."

Mohammed moved to a small table at the edge of the room that held the tools of his torture trade. He picked up a heavy wooden paddle with three holes drilled down the middle and wasted no time in bringing it down with full force against Lucy's ass. The blood-curdling scream torn from her chilled Hannah's blood. She returned her hands to her ears to try to block out the sound of Lucy's agony, but it was too loud.

When Hannah shut her eyes, Jake reached down to squeeze the back of her neck, hard.

"Be a good girl. Open your eyes and put your hands at your sides. You'll watch every minute, and remember that the only thing keeping you on this side of the glass is my generosity. Like those women, you have no family to miss you. I could make you disappear in a heartbeat, never to be seen again. So if you want to see Connor again, I suggest you get with the program, Hannah. You've already been bought. You're mine now. I own you, just like tonight's buyers will own those five women on the other side of the glass in a few minutes."

His words began to sink in. The man was insane.

Things went from bad to worse when a second man joined Mohammed, entering through the narrow door into the space. He was tall, with a broad chest and shoulders. He had a fierce scowl on his face. The scar running from his right temple to his lip made him the most menacing man Hannah had ever seen.

Mohammed explained. "One of the buyers has requested a personal inspection of the merchandise prior to bidding, and we've granted his request."

Scar-man pulled a latex glove from his pocket, pulling it onto his right hand and stepping up behind Lucy. It was hard for Hannah to see what he was doing from this angle, but based on the squeal wrenched from Lucy, Hannah suspected he was testing her anal cavity. Her screech increased when his arm began going back and forth, apparently finger fucking her.

Lucy flailed against her restraints as much as the small amount of slack would allow. When she started calling scar-man every foul name she could think of, Mohammed pushed him away from Lucy so he could bring the wooden paddle down across both cheeks of her ass. The assailant delivered ten swats in rapid fire. Hannah watched as Lucy's defiance was beaten out of her, literally. By the time the tenth strong stroke rained on her sore ass, she was sobbing; begging for the pain to stop.

Without delay, the bidder moved to repeat his examination, this time on Mia. The terror in Mia's eyes slowly dimmed as latex fingers slid rapidly in and out of her wet pussy. The sound of his fingers exploring Mia's copious wetness had embarrassment replacing fear in her friend's eyes. The knowledge that Mia was getting turned on shocked Hannah to the core, but then again, her own body had betrayed her when Jake was raping her, too.

Another bidder had entered the small space to test the wares. He was focusing on the fair-skinned redhead, excited by how easily her skin marked, commenting how his favorite slaves were those who showed the marks of their discipline the longest.

Hannah fought the urge to throw up as Jake yanked her closer to his seated location on the couch. Only now did she notice he had his cock out of his pants and was nursing it with gentle strokes meant to prepare his tool for his next rape. As he pulled her mouth to his dick, holding her against his crotch with strong hands, Hannah thought of Dylan and what a terrible judge of character she had been yet again. She could have sworn she'd be able to trust him to save her, yet here she was, about to be raped again by a sadistic bastard.

If I get out of this alive, I'm never trusting another man as long as I live.

She tried to block out the sounds of her friends' piercing screams as the bidders continued to use their bodies for their own pleasure, all in the guise of taking them for a 'test drive'. Jake rode Hannah's throat hard, chasing his own orgasm as he periodically blocked her breathing.

It went on for so long she felt faint, the horrific noises surrounding her sounding as if they were in a tunnel. She barely registered the muffled slamming of doors in the distance, and didn't know what to make of the sudden tensing of Jake's whole body. She pushed with all her strength, but Jake sat frozen, holding her against him, his cock thrust into her throat, completely blocking off her air.

Her eyesight had faded by the time Jake jumped to his feet, thrusting her away from him with such velocity she fell back, slamming her head against the two-way mirror. Feeling nauseous, she slumped to the ground, curling into a small ball and tucking her forehead against her knees in a reflexive protection move. Hannah gasped, trying to fill her burning lungs with air. Her mind raced, trying to understand what was happening, but the crack to her head had been hard. Darkness was claiming her fast.

She was just about to lose consciousness when she heard his voice. Dylan was screaming her name in the distance. She fought to call out to him, but her voice wouldn't cooperate. The last picture she saw before the blackness claimed her was Jake Davenport drawing his gun.

Chapter Twelve


Dylan insisted on staying near the front of the contingent of law enforcement agencies rushing the warehouse, intent upon finding Hannah. The authorities may have been slow to react, but once Lukus had shared the evidence of women being held hostage inside, the district attorney agreed to issue a search warrant.
